
Class 11 Biology chapter 10 Animal Tissue Textbook solutions

Maharashtra state Board Class 11 Biology chapter 10 Animal Tissue Textbook solutions

Maharashtra state board Biology Textbook Solutions for Class 11 are very important and crusial that helps the students in understanding the hard topics and helps them in the preparation of class 11 board examination as well as verious compititive entrance examinations also. Studying the answers to the questions in the Biology textbook will check your understanding of a particular topic and helps you determine your strengths and weaknesses.

Class 11 Biology textbook Solutions for Class 11, Biology  Chapter 10 Animal Tissue maharashtra state board are provided here with simple step-by-step  detailed explanations. These solutions for Animal Tissue  are very popular among Class 11 students for biology chapter 10 Animal Tissue Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for compititive exams like NEET, CET abd verious medical entrance examination also. All questions and answers are taken from the class 11 Biology textbook, Bjology Textbook Solutions of Class 11 Biology Chapter 10 are provided here for you for without any charge its free for you. All Biology textbook Solutions for class 11. Solutions for class 11 Biology subject, These biology textbook solutions are prepared by   experts in the field and are 100% accurate for you.

1. Choose correct option
A. The study of structure and arrangement of tissue is called as _____________
a. anatomy
b. histology
c. microbiology
d. morphology

B. ____________ is a gland which is both exocrine and endocrine.
a. Sebaceous
b. Mammary
c. Pancreas
d. Pituitary

C. _____________ cell junction is mediated 
by integrin.
a. Gap
b. Hemidesmosomes
c. Desmosomes
d. Adherens

D. The protein found in cartilage is _______.
a. ossein
b. haemoglobin
c. chondrin
d. renin

E. Find the odd one out
a. Thyroid gland
b. Pituitary gland
c. Adrenal gland
d. Salivary gland

2. Answer the following questions
A. Identify and name the type of tissues in the following:
a. Inner lining of the intestine
Answer : Squamous epithelium Tissue

b. Heart wall
Answer : Cardiac muscle tissue

c. Skin
Answer : Epidermis

d. Nerve cord
Answer : Nervous tissue

e. Inner lining of the buccal cavity
Answer : Stratified squamous epithelium

B. Why do animals in cold regions have a 
layer of fat below their skin?
Answer : A thick layer made of fats is present below the skin of the animals which stays in regions which is very cold. This layer is called Blubber. This layer is present to help the animals to be warm and escape from the extreme coldness. Thus, it performs its duty by insulating the body of the animals.

C. What enables the ear pinna to be folded and twisted while the nose tip can’t be twisted?
Answer :  There is no bone in the tip of the nose and external part of the ear, it can be bent easily.

Elastic cartilage is present in the nose, at the tip and around the nostrils, and in the external ears , for the same reason.

However, the elastic cartilage allows them to return to their original configuration without permanent distortions.

D. Sharad touched a hot plate by mistake and took away his hand quickly. Can you recognize the tissue and its type responsible for it?
Answer : Reflex arc is responsible for the sudden action of the body.

Explanation: Receptors are present in every part of the skin. These receptors send nerve impulses to the spinal cord and brain. The spinal cord and brain send impulses to take away the hand when come in contact with that of the hot plate. Such actions are called reflex actions and reflex arc is responsible for this.

E. Priya got injured in an accident and hurt her long bone and later on she was also diagnosed with anaemia. What could be the probable reason?
Answer : The probable reason could be injury in the “bone marrow”.

Explanation: Priya got injured in an accident and “hurt her long bone” and later on she was also “diagnosed” with “anaemia”. The most probable reason could be injury in the bone marrow of the long bone. Injury or damage to the bone marrow of the long bone may result in abnormality of the “bone marrow”, resulting in “lesser production of blood cells”. This insufficient production may have given rise to anaemia in Priya.

F. Supriya stepped out into the bright street from a cinema theatre. In response, her eye pupil shrunk. Identify the muscle responsible for the same.
Answer : The optic nerves and muscles in the iris and the pupil makes the eyes of Supriya who stepped out into the bright street from a cinema theatre shrink. Explanation: The light enters the eyes through the cornea.

3. Answer the following quetions
A. What is cell junction? Describe different types of cell junctions.
Answer : The epithelial cells are connected to each other laterally as well as to the basement membrane by junctional complexes called cell junctions.

Tight junctions (TJs): These junctions maintain cell polarity, prevent lateral diffusion of proteins and ions.

Hemidesmosomes (HDs) : Allow the cells to strongly adhere to the underlying basement membrane. These maintain tissue  homeostasis by signaling.

Desmosomes (Ds) : These provide mechanical strength to epithelial tissue, cardiac muscles and meninges.

Gap Junctions (GJs) : This intercellular connection allows passage of ions and small molecules between cells as well as exchange of chemical messages between cells.

Adherens Junctions (AJs) : It is involved in various signaling pathways and transcriptional regulations.

B. With help of neat labelled diagram, 
describe the structure of areolar connective tissue.
Answer : Areolar tissue (Areola : air pockets): Matrix of this tissue contains two types of fibres namely white fibres and yellow fibres. White fibres are made up of collagen.

  1. They give tensile strength to the tissue. Yellow fibres are made up of elastin and are elastic in nature. 
  2. The tissue also contains four different types of cells; Fibroblast the large flat cells having branching processe.
  3. They produce fibres as well as polysaccharides that form the ground substance or matrix of the tissue. Mast cells are oval cells that secrete heparin and histamine. 
  4. Macrophages are amoeboid, phagocytic cells. Fat cells, also called adipocytes have eccentric nucleus. These cells store fat. This tissue acts as packing material, helps in healing process and connects different organs or layers of tissues. 
  5. It is found under the skin, between muscles, bones, around organs, blood vessels and peritoneum.

C. Describe the structure of multipolar 
Answer :

Multipolar Neuron : Cyton is star shaped and gives out more than two processes. There is only one axon and remaining are dendrons. Axon initiates from a funnel shaped area called axon-hillock.

A neuron is made up of cyton or cell body. It contains granular cytoplasm called
neuroplasm and centrally placed nucleus.
Neuroplasm contains mitochondria, Golgi
apparatus, RER and granules called Nissl’s
granules. They are made up of RNA. Cell body gives out two types of processes namely dendron and axon.

Dendrons are short, branched, processes. The fine branches of dendron are called dendrites. They carry impulse towards
cyton. An axon is single, elongated, cylindrical process.

Axon is bounded by axolemma. The
protoplasm of the axon is axoplasm. It contains large number of mitochondria and neurofibrils. Axon is enclosed in a fatty sheath called myelin sheath. Outer covering of myelin sheath is neurilemma. Myelin sheath and neurilemma are parts of another cell called Schwann’s cell.
Schwann cell shows nucleus at periphery. The myelin sheath is absent at intervals along the axon and the place is called Node of Ranvier. The terminal arborization of anaxon is called

D. Distinguish between smooth muscles 
and skeletal muscles.
Answer :
Skeletal muscles :

  1. These muscles are found attached to bones. 
  2. Skeletal muscles consists of large number of fasciculi which are wrapped by connective tissue sheath called epimysium or fascia. 
  3. Each individual fasciculus is covered by perimysium. Each fasiculus in turn consists of many muscle fibres called myofibres.

Smooth or Non-striated muscles :

  1. These muscles are present in the form of sheets or layers. 
  2. Each muscle cell is spindle shaped or fusiform. The fibres are unbranched having single nucleus at the centre. 
  3. Sarcoplasm contains myofibrils. Myofibrils are made up of contractile proteins actin and myosin. 
  4. Smooth muscles contain less myosin and more actin as compared to skeletal muscles. Striations are absent. 
  5. These muscles undergo slow and sustained involuntary contractions. They are innervated by autonomous nervous system.

4. Complete the following table

Answer :
1. maintain heart beat

2. skeletal muscles

3.forms cartilage

4.mast cells

5. Match the following
‘A’ Group.          ‘B’ Group
1. Muscle.          a. Perichondrium
2. Bone.              b. Sarcolemma
3. Nerve cell.     c. Periosteum
4. Cartilage.       d. Neurilemma.
Answer :
1. Muscle- Sarcolemma
2. bone- periosteum
3. nerve cell- neurelemma
4. cartilage- perichondrium

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