Diversity in living world NEET MCQs | NEET Question Bank

There can be seen a huge variety of living creatures on this planet. Living organisms show a great biodiversity and are classified into different kingdoms-Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

It is estimated that more than 5 millions species are present on earth. Of these about 1.7 million species are known and described. Every year several new species are described and added to the list. Since study of all organisms  is nearly impossible, they are classified into groups for the convenient study.

International Code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) and
International code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) were evolved to assign scientific names for plants and
animals respectively. The scientific name has two components- Generic name and the specific epithet. This system of  naming is called binomial nomenclature. It was given by Carolus Linnaeus and is used by biologists all over the world.

b) Classification: It is the arrangement of organisms in specific groups or categories based on certain characters.  These categories are called taxa (sing. taxon)

c) Taxonomy: It is the study of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms based on external and  internal structure with cell structure, development process and ecological information.

d) Systematics: It is the study of organisms with reference to identification, nomenclature, classification and
evolutionary relationship.

How many questions asked in NEET on Diversity in living world

  1. Diversity in living world is the Important chapter that you encounter in Biology.
  2. This chapter Should be strong as there will be 3 to 4 questions in NEET exam
  3. YB Study module is much enriched in this chapter, with lots of facts and figures and this and that.
  4. We are suggest you to go with our ybstudy module. Instead that read and just digest NCERT. ’Because 90% of questions from this chapter is bound to come from NCERT. For the rest 10% and AIIMS and JIPMER.
Here are the some important mcqs for NEET on Diversity in living World 

1. The basic unit of classification is ?
(a) genus
(b) Species
(c) order
(d) All of these
Answer : B

2. Group of organisms that closely resemble each other and freely interbreed in nature, constitute a–
(a) species
(b) genus
(c) family
(d) taxon
Answer : A

3. Plant nomenclature means :
(a) to give names to plants without any rules
(b) nomenclature of plants under the international rules
(c) nomenclature of plants in local language
(d) nomenclature of plants in English language
Answer : B

4. Taxonomy refers to
(a) plant classification
(b) plant nomenclature
(c) plant affinity
(d) All of these
Answer : D

5. Which of the following is a correct name ?
(a) Solanum Tuberosum
(b) Solanum Tuberosum
(c) Solanum Tuberosum Linn
(d) All of the above
Answer : C

6. Systematics deals with
(a) classification
(b) nomenclature
(c) plant description
(d) plant exploration
Answer : C

7. In taxonomy the first step is :
(a) identification
(b) nomenclature
(c) classification
(d) affinities
Answer : A

8. For higher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis of classification, because
(a) these show a great variety in colour
(b) they can be preserved easily
(c) reproductive parts are more conservative than vegetative parts
(d) None of these
Answer : C

9. Which of the following statements regarding nomenclature is correct?
(a) Generic name always begins with capital letter whereas specific name with small letter
(b) Scientific name should be printed in italics
(c) Scientific name when typed or handwritten should be underlined
(d) All of the above
Answer : D

10. First life on earth is
(a) Cyanobacteria
(b) Chemoheterotrophs
(c) Autotrophs
(d) Photoautotrophs
Answer : B

11. Biosystematics aims at
(a) identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of their cytological characteristics
(b) the classification of organisms based on
broad morphological characters
(c) delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships
(d) the classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various
parameters from all fields of studies
Answer : D

12. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their
(a) power of adaptability in diverse habitat
(b) property of producing large number of seeds
(c) nature of self – pollination
(d) domestication by man
Answer : A

13. Which of the following is not true for a species?
(a) Members of a species can interbreed.
(b) Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species.
(c) Each species is reproductively isolated fromevery other species.
(d) Variations occur among members of a species.
Answer : B

14. ICBN stands for
(a) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(b) International Congress of Biological Names
(c) Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(d) Indian Congress of Biological Names.
Answer : A

15. Biological organisation starts with
(a) cellular level
(b) organismic level
(c) atomic level
(d) submicroscopic molecular level
Answer : D

16. Which is basis of evolution?
(a) Cell
(b) Individual
(c) Population
(d) Species
Answer : D

17. Fossils are
(a) fovea in the retina of vertebrate eye
(b) remains of organisms present in the rocks
(c) the fossa present in the bones
(d) foramen through which nerves pass
Answer : B

18. A scientist kept 72 generations of Drosophila in darkness. Even after that the first flies had normal eyes. This disapproves the theory of
(a) natural selection
(b) acquired characters
(c) use and disuse
(d) synthetic theory
Answer : B

19. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Life processes are consequences of reactions that in an organism.
(b) Living organisms are made of inorganic and orgnic compounds.
(c) Life comes form pre-existing life.
(d) Genes are not responsible for the stability or change ability of species.
Answer : D

20. Fossils are studied for
(a) tracing evolutionary history of organisms
(b) studying extinct organisms
(c) providing jobs to scientist
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Answer : D

21. An important criterion for modern day classification is
(a) resemblances in morphology
(b) anatomical and physiological traits
(c) breeding habits
(d) presence or absence of notochord
Answer : B

22. Linnaeus is credited with
(a) Binomial Nomenclature
(b) theory of biogenesis
(c) discovery of microscope
(d) discovery of blood circulation
Answer : A

23. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for
(a) interaction with the environment and
progressive evolution
(b) reproduction
(c) growth and movement
(d) responsiveness to touch
Answer : B

24. Biology is concerned with
(a) DNA
(b) biomass
(c) living organisms
(d) life as recorded for fossils
Answer : C

25. Study of form and structure of organisms is
(a) Ecology
(b) Taxonomy
(c) Anatomy
(d) Morphology
Answer : D

26. Which of the following are characteristics of living things?
(a) They reproduce
(b) They acquire energy
(c) They respond to stimuli
(d) All of the above
Answer : D

27. Plants differ from animals in having
(a) definite lifespan
(b) localized growth
(c) indefinite lifespan
(d) localized growth and indefinite lifespan
Answer : B

28. Energy is utilized by cells for
(a) reproduction
(b) growth
(c) biochemical activities
(d) All of these
Answer : D

29. The first organisms to appear on earth were more like plants because
(a) plants are simpler
(b) plants are more
(c) plants do photosynthesis
(d) None of the above
Answer : C

30. Which one of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living things ?
(a) Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro
(b) Increase in mass from inside only
(c) Perception of events happening in the
environment and their memory
(d) Increase in mass by accumulation of material both on surface as well as internally.
Answer : C

31. A Prediction made by a scientist based on his observations is known as
(a) Law
(b) Theory
(c) Principle
(d) Hypothesis
Answer : D

32. Organisms which display properties of both living and non – living are
(a) Viruses
(b) Diatoms
(c) Lichens
(d) Bacteria
Answer : A

33. The highest level of organisation among the following is
(a) ecosystem
(b) landscape
(c) population
(d) community
Answer : B

34. The basis of life is
(a) lipid
(b) protein
(c) nucleic acid
(d) nucleoprotein
Answer : C

35. About how long ago was the earth formed?
(a) 4.6 billion years ago
(b) 10 billion years ago
(c) 3.0 billion years ago
(d) 20 billion years ago
Answer : A

36. Which is responsible for origin of life?
(a) Spontaneous generation
(b) Special creation
(c) Catastrophy
(d) Chemosynthesis
Answer : D

37. What is evolution?
(a) Development of DNA from nucleotides
(b) Development of organism through time
(c) Development of a cell from chemicals
(d) None of these
Answer : B

38. Which is the most important but generally not used criteria for the identification of the species?
(a) Interbreeding
(b) Morphology
(c) Genetic material
(d) None
Answer : A

39. Herbarium is –
(a) a garden where medicinal plants are grown
(b) garden where herbaceous plants are grown
(c) dry garden
(d) chemical to kill plants
Answer : C

40. The biological concept of species is mainly based on
(a) morphological features
(b) morphology and method of reproduction
(c) method of reproduction only
(d) reproductive isolation
Answer : D

41. Which of the following is a species ?
(a) Tamarindus
(b) Indicus
(c) Indica
(d) Tamarindus indicus
Answer : D

42. Practical significance of taxonomy is
(a) classification
(b) to understand diversity
(c) to understand evolution
(d) identification of organisms
Answer : D

43. Sequence of taxonomic categories is
(a) Class – Phylum – Tribe – Order – Family – Genus – Species
(b) Division – Class – Family – Tribe – Order – Genus – Species
(c) Division – Class – Order – Family – Tribe – Genus – Species
(d) Phylum – Order – Class – Tribe – Family – Genus – Species
Answer : C

44. Binomial nomenclature means
(a) one name given by two scientists
(b) one scientific name consisting of a generic and specific epithet
(c) two names, one latinised, other of a person
(d) two names of same plant
Answer : B

45. The most important feature of all living systems is to
(a) utilize oxygen to generate energy
(b) replicate the genetic information
(c) produce gametes
(d) utilize solar energy for metabolic activities
Answer : B

46. The high boiling point of water is advantageous to living organisms because
(a) the environment seldom reaches the boiling point of water
(b) organisms can easily boil off enough water to keep themselves cool
(c) it allows organisms to spread heat evenly throughout their bodies
(d) organisms can absorb a great deal of heat before they reach the boiling point from organisms and population
Answer :B

47. If there was no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere the temperature of earth’s surface would be
(a) higher than the present form environmental issues
(b) less than the present
(c) the same
(d) dependent on the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere from environmental issues
Answer :B

48. The practical purpose of classification of living organisms is to
(a) explain the origin of living organisms
(b) trace the evolution of living organisms
(c) name the living organisms
(d) facilitate identification of unknown organisms
Answer : D

49. As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierarchy, the number of common characteristics
(a) will decrease
(b) will increase
(c) remain same
(d) may increase or decrease
Answer : A

50. Genus represents
(a) an individual plant or animal
(b) a collection of plants or animals
(c) group of closely related species of plants or animals
(d) None of these
Answer : C

51. The taxonomic unit ‘Phylum’ in the classification of animals is equivalent to which hierachial level in classification of plants
(a) Class
(b) Order
(c) Division
(d) Family
Answer : C

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