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MCQ Questions on Thermal Properties of Matter with Answers

Thermal Properties Of Matter Class 11 NEET MCQs Questions

As we know that preparing for NEET or any competitive exams is never an easy task. But you can reduce this difficulty by buying some good books and practice papers. Here we are providing MCQ on Thermal properties of matter class 11 that will help you to understand the basic concepts of thermal properties of matter and even help you get a good score with sufficient practice questions on each topic.

Thermal properties of matter MCQs Questions For NEET

Here, we tried to simplify the complexities of some of the important topics in the form of Thermal properties of matter Class 11 MCQ questions and answers so that preparation becomes easy for you. Nowadays varieties of conceptual questions have been asked in the examinations based on basic concepts of Thermal properties of matter class 11 pdf phenomena are more important for all competitive exams.

MCQs On Thermal properties of matter class 11

 1. The SI unit of temperature is_______

a) Kelvin

b) Degree Celsius

c) Degree Fahrenheit

d) All


2. The commonly used unit of temperature is___________

a) Kelvin

b) Degree Fahrenheit

c) Degree Celsius

d) All

Answer: C

3. Charle’s law is given by________

a) V = constant

b) V/T = constant

c) T = constant

d) None

Answer: B

4. The numerical value of universal gas constant is given by___________

a) 8.31J

b) 8.31J mol-1 k-1

c) 8.31 J mol-1

d) None

Answer: B

5. The energy released or absorbed during a change of state is known as___________

a) fusion

b) kinetic energy

c) thermal heat

d) latent heat

Answer: B

6. During boiling, temperature remains constant at the________

a) melting point

b) freezing point

c) boiling point

d) condensation point

Answer: C

7. The thermal energy required to change 1 kg of substance from liquid to vapor, or vice versa, without any change in temperature is known as____________

a) specific latent heat of fusion

b) latent heat of vaporization

c) latent heat of fusion of a solid

d) specific latent heat of vaporization

Answer: D

8. The difference between boiling and evaporation is that____________

a) evaporation can occur at any temperature

b) boiling can occur at any temperature

c) evaporation can not occur at any temperature

d) none of the above

Answer : A

9. At what temperature does the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit equalise______

a) –40° 

b) 40° 

c) 36.6° 

d) 38°

Answer: A

10. A difference of temperature of 25° C is equivalent to a difference of_______

(a) 45° F 

(b) 72° F 

(c) 32° F 

(d) 25° F

Answer: A

11. Three objects coloured black, gray and white can withstand hostile conditions upto 2800°C. These objects are thrown into a furnace where each of them attains a temperature of 2000°C. Which object will gloss brightest ____________

a) The white object

b) The black object

c) All glow with equal brightness

d) Gray object

Answer: B

12. Two balloons are filled, one with pure He gas and the other by air, respectively. If the pressure and temperature of these balloons are same then the number of molecules per unit volume is _______

a) more in the He filled balloon

b) same in both balloons

c) more in air filled balloon

d) in the ratio of 1 : 4

Answer: B

13. In a closed cylinder there are 60 g Ne and 64 g O2 .If pressure of mixture of gases in cylinder is 30 bar then partial pressure of O2 in this cylinder will be _______

a) 30 bar 

b) 20 bar

c) 15 bar 

d) 12 bar

Answer: D

14. A gas mixture contain one mole He gas and one mole O2​ gas. Find the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume of the gaseous mixture__________

a) 2 

b) 1.5

c) 2.5 

d) 4

Answer: B

15. One mole of oxygen of volume 1 litre at 4 atm pressure to attain 1 atm pressure by result of isothermal expansion. Find work done by the gas.

a) ~155 J 

b) ~206 J

c) ~355 J 

d) ~562 J

Answer: B

16. Which of the following is a state function ?

a) Work done in cyclic process

b) Work done in isothermal process

c) Heat at constant pressure

d) Heat at constant volume

Answer: C

17. A refrigerator transfer 180 joule of energy in one second from temperature –3°C to 27°C. Calculate the average power consumed, assuming no energy losses in the process.

a) 18 W 

b) 54 W

c) 20 W 

d) 120 W

Answer: B

18. 4.0 g of a gas occupies 22.4 litres at NTP. The specific heat capacity of the gas at constant volume is 5.0 JK–1 mol–1 . If the speed of sound in this gas at NTP is 952 ms–1, then the heat capacity at constant pressure is________

(Take gas constant R = 8.3 JK–1 mol–1)

a) 8.5 JK–1 mol–1

b) 8.0 JK–1 mol–1

c) 7.5 JK–1 mol–1 

d) 7.0 JK–1 mol–1

Answer: B

19. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5. If the temperature inside freezer is –20°C, the temperature of the surroundings to which it rejects heat is__________

a) 21°C 

b) 31°C 

c) 41°C 

d) 11°C

Answer: B

20. An ideal gas is compressed to half its initial volume by means of several processes. Which of the process results in the maximum work done on the gas ?

a) Isothermal 

b) Adiabatic

c) Isobaric 

d) Isochoric

Answer: B

21. The value of coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is 5 × 10–4 K–1. The fractional change in the density of glycerin for a rise of 40°C in its temperature, is____________

a) 0.010 

b) 0.015 

c) 0.020 

d) 0.025

Answer: C

22.  A gas is compressed isothermally to half its initial volume. The same gas is compressed separately through an adiabatic process until its volume is again reduced to half. Then ___________

a) Compressing the gas isothermally will require more work to be done.

b) Compressing the gas through adiabatic process will require more work to be done.

C) Compressing the gas isothermally or adiabatically will require the same amount of work.

d) Which of the case (whether compression through isothermal or through adiabatic process) requires more work will depend upon the atomicity of the gas.

Answer: B

23. A piece of ice falls from a height h so that it melts completely. Only one-quarter of the heat produced is absorbed by the ice and all energy of ice gets converted into heat during its fall. The value of h is _______

[Latent heat of ice is 3.4 × 105​J/kg and g = 10 N/kg]

a) 34 km

b) 544 km

c) 136 km

d) 68 km

Answer: C

24. Which of the following properties of a

thermodynamic system are extensive ?

a) V and T

b) P and T

c) V and E 

d) E and Cp

Answer: C

25. 1 cm³ of water at 100°C and 1 atm pressure is heated to convert it to 1521 cm³ vapour. Find increase in internal energy if latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g.

a) 3.26 kJ

b) 2.12 kJ

c) 4.18 kJ 

d) 1.05 kJ

Answer: B

26. Which of the following is intensive property of a thermodynamic system ?

a) P and T 

b) V and T

c) V and P 

d) V and E

Answer: A

27. Work done in expanding one mole of an ideal gas isothermally from 2L to 4L is equal to the work done in expanding three moles of an ideal gas from 2L to x L at same temperature. Find x.

a) 81/3 

b) 42/3 

c) 2 

d) 16

Answer: B

28. Spheres P and Q are uniformly constructed from the same material which is a good conductor of heat and the radius of Q is thrice of radius of P. The rate of fall of temperature of P is x times that of Q when both are at the same surface temperature. The value of x is ________

a) ¼

b) ⅓

c) 3 

d) 4

Answer: C

29. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate all made of same substance and all have same mass. These are heated to 200°C and then placed in a room,then the_________

a) Temperature of sphere drops to room

temperature at last.

b) Temperature of cube drops to room temperature at last

c) Temperature of thin circular plate drops to room temperature at last

d) Temperature of all the three drops to room temperature at the same time

Answer: A

30. The power radiated by a black body is P and it radiates maximum energy around the wavelength l0 . If the temperature of the black body is now changed so that it radiates maximum energy around wavelength 3/4l0, the power radiated by it will increase by a factor of_________

a) 4/3 

b) 16/9

c) 64/27 

d) 256/81

Answer: D

31. A slab consists of two parallel layers of copper and brass of the same thickness and having thermal conductivities in the ratio 1 : 4. If the free face of brass is at 100°C and that of copper at 0°C, the temperature of interface is _________

a) 80°C 

b) 20°C 

c) 60°C 

d) 40°C

Answer: A

32. Out of the metal balls of same diameter one is solid and other is hollow. Both are heated to the same temperature at 300°C and then allowed to cool in the same surroundings then rate of loss of heat will


a) More for hollow sphere

b) More for solid sphere

c) Same for both

d) None of the above

Answer: C

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