MCQ on Metabolism with Answers

Multiple Choice Questions on Metabolism

What is Metabolism

  • Metabolism is the general term for all ordered chemical reactions in living cells and is organisms’ most basic life activity process.
  • Metabolism is of two types anabolism and catabolism 
  • Anabolism means the synthesis of new products 
  • Catabolism means the breaking of products.
  • According to different standards, it can be divided into two functions: assimilation and dissimilation;
  • Among them, assimilation can be divided into autotrophic and heterotrophic, and dissimilation can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic.
  • ATP is the direct energy substance for the life activities of organisms. The energy required for various life activities is directly provided by ATP, such as cell division and muscle contraction.
  • Carbohydrates are the main energy material for the life activities of organisms, 70% of the energy in the organism is provided by the oxidation and decomposition of sugars
  • Fat is an important substance for organisms to store energy.

Types of Metabolism:

(1) Substance metabolism: refers to the exchange of substances between the organism and the external environment and the transformation of substances in the organism. It can be subdivided into ingesting nutrients from the outside world and converting them into their own substances. (Assimilation ) Some of its own substances are oxidized and decomposed and metabolic wastes are discharged.

(2) Energy metabolism: refers to the exchange of energy between the organism and the external environment and the transformation of energy in the organism. It can be subdivided into storing energy (assimilation); releasing energy (dissimilation); in the process of metabolism, there are both assimilation and dissimilation.

Functions of metabolism:

  • Obtain nutrients from the surrounding environment;
  • Convert the nutrients introduced from the outside into structural elements required by themselves, that is, the precursors of macromolecules;
  • Assemble structural elements into their own macromolecules, Such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc.;
  • decompose organic nutrients;
  • provide all the energy needed for life activities.

Metabolism MCQ with Answers Pdf:

1. What is metabolism?

A. Metabolism involves the generation of energy and synthesis or breakdown of biological molecules

B. Energy metabolism in living organisms

C. Alienation in living organisms

D. None of these

Answer: A

2. Chemical compounds involved in the process of metabolism are known as___________

A. Metabolites

B. Radicals

C. Catabolites

D. Intermediates

Answer: A

3. What is the site of gluconeogenesis?

A. Liver

B. Blood

C. Muscles

D. Brain

Answer: A

4. Two types of substances that play an important role in metabolism are_________

A. Organic acids and sugars

B. Enzymes and ATP

C. Nucleic acids and ATP

D. Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Answer: B

5. What is the end product of metabolism?

A. carbon dioxide,

B. water,

C. Ammonia.

D. All of the above

Answer: D

6. Name the type of pathway which is involved in the synthesis of compounds?

A. Anabolic pathways

B. Catabolic pathways

C. Amphibolic pathway

D. Anapleurotic pathway

Answer: A

7. During the metabolism of sugar, fat, and protein in the human body_______

A. stored in the body

B. Interconversion by deamination

C. Can release energy after decomposition

D. Produces water, CO 2, and urea

Answer: C

8. Name the type of pathway which is involved in the breakdown of compounds?

A. Anabolic pathways

B. Catabolic pathways

C. Amphibolic pathway

D. Anapleurotic pathway

Answer: B

9. Which of the following organisms has the same type of metabolism as human beings________

A. Nitrifying bacteria

B. mushroom

C. Sorghum

D. roundworms

Answer: B

10. Mark the INCORRECT statement about the metabolic pathway.

A. They show the irreversible pathway

B. Each one of them has first committed step

C. They follow the only oxidative process

D. They are regulated

Answer: C

11. The chemical reactions in human metabolism mainly occur in ________

A. In the digestive tract

B. in the kidney

C. intracellular

D. Internal environment

Answer: C

12. Metabolism means__________

A. Assimilation in living organisms

B. Energy metabolism in living organisms

C. Alienation in living organisms

D. The general term for all the ordered chemical changes in an organism

Answer: D

13. The metabolic mode of plant seeds before germination is_______

A. Autotrophic, anaerobic

B. Heterotrophic, aerobic

C. Autotrophic, aerobic

D. Heterotrophic, Anaerobic, and Aerobic

Answer: D

14. Which of the following statements about metabolism is false________

A. In living things, new substances are always replaced by new substances

B. Matter is synthesized before the matter is decomposed

C. Metabolism includes anabolism and catabolism

D. Energy metabolism is always accompanied by material metabolism

Answer: B

15. False statement about cellular metabolism_________

A. The assimilation of various cells is essentially the same

B. Photosynthesis and respiration are central to cellular metabolism

C. Ordered chemical reactions in cells require enzymes to catalyze

D. The process of cell metabolism is accompanied by the transfer or transformation of energy

Answer: B

16. The fundamental difference between aerobic and anaerobic organisms is that__________

A. The raw materials involved in respiration are different

B. The living environment of the two types of organisms is different

C. Different enzymes involved in respiration in cells

D. Nucleic acids that control enzyme synthesis are different

Answer: D

17. Which of the following about metabolism is correct________

A. Transfer RNAs, antibodies, enzymes, and carrier proteins all have specificity when they function

B. Substances that carry Mg 2+ into the chloroplast can also catalyze the reduction of C 3

C. Since the digestive tract is directly connected to the outside world, the digestion of food is not part of human metabolism

D. The basic type of metabolism of callus formed by plant tissue culture is the same as that of yeast

Answer: A

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