MCQ on Environmental Chemistry with Answers Pdf

Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf Download

Environmental Chemistry question paper in  Many competitive Exam will objective type. These questions will be in the form of multiple choice type questions (MCQ), To help students prepare for these one mark questions we are Prepared  Environmental Chemistry MCQs. In this article, you will get the MCQ on Environmental Chemistry. All these questions are based on important topics and concepts from the chapter. Let us practise or solve them to understand how much we really know about Environmental Chemistry Class 11 MCQ.

Important Points to Remember about Environmental Chemistry

  1. The branch of science which deals with the chemical phenomena occuring in the environment is called as environmental chemistry.
  2. The addition of any undesirable material to air, water and soil by a natural source (or due to human activity) which affects the quality of environment is called as environmental pollution.
  3. Types of Pollutants Bio Degradable and Non Bio Degradable Pollutants
  4. (A) Bio degradable pollutants : The materials (such as cow dungs) which are easily decomposed by the micro-organism. These are not harmful, but in the excess in environment, they do not undergo degradation completely and thus become pollutant. Eg. Discarded vegetables
  5. (B) Non bio degradable pollutants :- The material (such as Hg, Al, DDT) which do not undergo degradation (or degrade very slowly) but their presence even in very small amount in the environment is very harmful. They may react with other compounds present in the environment and produce more toxic compound. Eg. Plastic materials, DDT, heavy metal, many chemicals, nuclear wastes etc.
  6. Depending on the Part of the Environment Pollutiom are three types:  (A) Air pollution, (B) Water pollution, (C) Soil pollution (or land pollution)
  7. (A) Air pollution : It is defined as the undesirable materials into the atmosphere either due to natural phenomena (or due to human activity on the earth). Which affect the quality of the air and also affect the life on the Earth.
  8. The quality of drinking water is very important for human welfare. The pollution of water by sewage has been linked to the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever. Potesium permanganate or bleaching powder are used in water tanks.
  9. Most of the land pollution is caused by pesticides and other chemicals which are added to the soil grow better crops. Often, a pesticide poisons many more organisms than those intended. Some of these poison pass through food chains and eventually reach harmful proportions. Solid wastes are another cause of land pollution.

Read : MCQ on Adsorption 

Environmental Chemistry MCQ with Answers 

1. Which is not a renewable source_______

(1) Forest

(2) Coal

(3) Water

(4) Forest organism

Answer : 2 

2. Noosphere is synonyms of_______

(1) Environment 

(2) Atmosphere

(3) Hydrosphere

(4) Stratosphere

Answer : 1 

Read : MCQ on Demography 

3. When biosphere turns into human dominated environment it is called_______

(1) Noosphere

(2) Troposphere

(3) Mesosphere

(4) Man sphere

Answer : 1

4. The living organisms on or around the earth consitute______

(1) Biome

(2) Biosphere

(3) Community

(4) Biocoenosis

Answer : 2 

5. What is the correct sequence of atmospheric layers starting from earth______

(1) Stratosphere troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

(2) Troposphere, startosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

(3) Mesosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere

(4) Thermosphere, mesophere, stratosphere, troposphere

Answer : 2 

6. On earth all living organisms constitute_______

(1) Community

(2) Biome

(3) Association

(4) Biosphere

Answer : 4

7. If BOD of a water body has a 20 ppm then what can you conclude?

(1) polluted

(2) light polluted

(3) clean water

(4) highly polluted

Answer : 4

8. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1 mixture of ortho and para-nitrophenols is_____

(1) Chromatography 

(2) Crystallisation

(3) Steam distillation 

(4) Sublimation

Answer : 3

9. Which of the following is a sink for CO ?

(1) Micro organism present in the soil

(2) Oceans

(3) Plants

(4) Haemoglobin

Answer : 1

10. Which of the following is Herbiside_______

(1) Sodium chlorate

(2) Organo carbonates

(3) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

(4) Ammonium nitrate

Answer : 1

11. Which oxide of nitrogen is not a common pollutant introduced into the atmosphere both due to natural and human activity ?

(1) N2O5

(2) NO2

(3) N2O

(4) NO

Answer : 1

12. Which of the following is the non conventional source of energy_________

(1) Coal

(2) Petroleum

(3) Electricity from nuclear power plants

(4) Solar radiations

Answer : 4

13. What is B.O.D__________

(1) The amount of O2 utilised by organisms in water

(2) The amount of O2 utilized by micro organisms for decomposition

(3) The total amount of O2 present in water

(4) All of the above

Answer: 2

14. What is the intensity of sound in normal conversation

(1) 10 – 20 decibal 

(2) 30 – 60 decibal 

(3) 70 – 90 decibal 

(4) 120 – 150 decibal

Answer: 2

15. Which of the following is absent in polluted water________

(1) Hydrilla

(2) Water hyacinth 

(3) Larva of stone fly

(4) Blue green algae

Answer: 3

16. Maximum green house gas released by which country_______

(1) India

(2) France

(3) U.S.A

Answer: 3

17. Which one of the following statement is not true ?

(1) pH of drinking water should be between 5.5–9.5

(2) Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish

(3) Clean water would have BOD value of less then 5 ppm

(4) Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the most widepread air pollutant

Answer: 2

18. The term biosphere is used for the zone of the earth where life exists________

(1) On the lithospere

(2) In the hydrosphere

(3) In the lithosphere and hydrosphere

(4) In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

Answer: 4

19. The population of India is 15% of the world but its annual energy consumption is only______

(1) 0.2% 

(2) 2.0% 

(3) 10% 

(4) 25%

Answer: 2

20. Environmental laning organisation is________

(1) CSIR


(3) ICAR


Answer: 4

21. Which of the following atmospheric pollutants is not produced by the exhaust of motor vehicle in Delhi_________

(1) SO2

(2) Hydrocarbon gases

(3) Fly ash

(4) CO

Answer: 3

22. In Dumas’ method of estimation of nitrogen 0.35g of an organic compound gave 55 mL of nitrogen collected at 300 K temperature and 715 mm pressure. The percentage compostion of nitrogen in the compound would be : (Aqueous tension at 300 K = 15 mm)

(1) 15.45 

(2) 16.45 

(3) 17.45 

(4) 14.45

Answer: 2

23. The Lassaigne’s extract is boiled with conc HNO3 while testing for the halogens. By doing so it______

(1) decomposes Na2S and NaCN, if formed

(2) helps in the precipitation of AgCl

(3) increases the solubility product of AgCl

(4) increases the concentration of NO3– ions

Answer: 1

24. Soil erosion is greater when__________

(1) No rain occurs

(2) Winds do not blow

(3) The rainfall is evenly distributed

(4) The Rainfall is received in heavy down pour

Answer: 4

25. Soil erosion can be prevented by__________

(1) Over grazing

(2) Removal of vagetation

(3) Afforestation (Plantation)

(4) Increasing bird population

Answer: 3

26. Soil conservation is the process where_______

(1) Soil is aerated

(2) Soil erosion is allowed

(3) Soil is protected against loss

(4) Sterile soil is converted into fertile soil

Answer: 3

27. The main aim of plant conservation is________

(1) To conserve the necessary ecological activities and life supporting systems

(2) To conserve species diversity and range of genetic meterial

(3) Both the above

(4) None of the above

Answer: 1

28. Which will not cause any atmospheric pollution_________

(1) Hydrogen

(2) Sulphur dioxide

(3) Carbon dioxed 

(4) Carbon monoxide

Answer: 1

29. Which of the following is the main factor of water pollution_________

(1) Smoke

(2) Industrial waste

(3) Detergent

(4) Ammonia

Answer: 2

30. Main air pollutant among the following is________

(1) CO

(2) CO2

(3) N2

(4) Sulphur

Answer: 1

31. Which is more important for water pollution_________

(1) Sound

(2) SO2

(3) Salts of arsenic 

(4) Sewage

Answer: 3

32. Pollution can be controlled by_________

(1) Sewage treatment

(2) Checking atomic blasts

(3) Manufacturing electrically operated vehicles

(4) All the above

Answer: 4

33. In cities like Bombay and Calcultta the major air pollutants are__________

(1) Ozone

(2) Carbon monoxide and oxides of Sulphur

(3) Hydrocarbons and not air

(4) Algal spores and marsh gas

Answer: 2

34. Domestic waste will lead to________

(1) Biodegradable pollution

(2) Nondegradable pollution

(3) Thermal pollution of soil

(4) Air pollution

Answer: 1

35. The major source of BOD in the river Ganga is_______

(1) Leaf litter

(2) Fishes

(3) Human waste

(4) Aquatic plants

Answer: 3

36. If a lake is contaminated with DDT, its highest concentration would be found in_________

(1) Primary consumer 

(2) Secondary consumer 

(3) Tertiary consumer

(4) None of these

Answer: 3

37. The most harmful air pollutant produced by automobiles is_________

(1) HNO2

(2) NO

(3) SO2

(4) CO

Answer: 4

38. Sewage water can be purified by_________

(1) Aquatic plant

(2) Micro organism 

(3) Penicillin

(4) Fishes

Answer: 2

39. Petroleum resource is________

(1) Renewable

(2) Non renewable

(3) Synthetic & biodegradable

(4) Infinite & unconventional

Answer : 2 

40. Which one of the following statements regarding photochemical smog is not correct?

(1) Photochemical smog is formed through photochemical reaction involving solar energy

(2) Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat.

(3) Carbon monoxide does not play any role in photochemical smog formation

(4) Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in character

Answer: 2

41. Which of the following is not a green house gas______

(1) Hydrogen

(2) Carbon dioxide

(3) Methane

(4) Nitrous oxide or N2O

Answer: 1

42. Which one of the following is not a common component of Photochemical Smog?

(1) Ozone

(2) Acrolein

(3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate 

(4) Chlorofluorocarbons

Answer: 4

43. Recent reports of acid rains industrial cities are due to the effect of atmospheric pollution by__________

(1) Excessive release of NO2

 and SO2 by burning of fossil fuels.

(2) Excessive release of CO2 by burning of fuel like wood and charcoal, cutting of forests and increased animal population.

(3) Excessive release of NH3 by industrial plants and coal gas.

(4) Excessive release of CO in atmosphere by incomplete combustion of cock, charcoal and other carbonaceous fuels in pancity of oxygen,

Answer: 1

44. Pollution is a change in physical, chemical or biological characters of our land and water that may be_____________

(1) Desirable and harmful to human

(2) Desirable and useful to human

(3) Undesirable and harmful to human

(4) undesirable and useful to human

Answer: 3

45. An increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will result in_______

(1) Adverse effects of natural vegetation

(2) Global warming

(3) Temperature decrease in global atmosphere

(4) Genetic disoders in plants and animals

Answer: 2

46. Identify the incorrect statement from the following___________

(1) Oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere can cause the depletion of ozone layer

(2) Ozone absorbs the intense ultraviolet radiation of the sun

(3) Depletion of ozone layer is because of its chemical reactions with chlorofluoro alkanes

(4) Ozone absorbs infrared radiation

Answer: 4

47. Concentration of Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN) is maximum in__________

(1) Fog

(2) Smoke

(3) Smog

(4) Photochemical smog

Answer: 4

48. In Duma’s method for estimation of nitrogen, 0.25g of an organic compound gave 40 mL of nitrogen collected at 300 K temperature and 725 mm pressure. If the aqueous tension at 300 K is 25 mm, the percentage of nitrogen in the compound is :-

(1) 18.20

(2) 16.76

(3) 15.76

(4) 17.36

Answer: 2

49. If water pollution continues at its present rate, it will eventually______________

(1) Stop water cycle

(2) Prevent precipitation

(3) Make oxygen molecules unavailable to water plants.

(4) Make nitrate molecules unavailable to water plants.

Answer: 3

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