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MCQs on simple pendulum

MCQs On Simple pendulum for NEET : 

MCQ on Simple pendulum is provided here with answers and detailed explanations. These Simple pendulum MCQs are important from the NEET exam point of view. By practicing with these questions students will get acquainted with the key concepts which must be prepared to score high marks in objective-type questions in the NEET exam.


MCQs on simple pendulum


Simple Pendulum MCQ for NEET 

1. The period of a simple pendulum is independent of__________

(a) length of the pendulum

(b) mass of the bob

(c) acceleration due to gravity

(d) diameter of the bob

Answer: B


2. A simple pendulum is kept oscillating in a lift. If the lift starts moving down with uniform velocity then the periodic time of the simple pendulum________

(a) will increase

(b) will not change

(c)will decrease

(d) will be zero

Answer: B


3. The tension in the string of a simple pendulum is maximum when the bob of the pendulum___________

(a) in it the extreme position

(b) midway between the mean position and extreme position

(c) is at the mean position

(d) starts oscillating with very large amplitudes

Answer: C


4. If a watch with a wound spring is taken to the moon, it_______

(a) runs faster

(b) runs slower

(c) shows no change

(d) stops working

Answer: C


5. A pendulum clock keeps correct time at 30° latitude taken to poles, then_______

(b) it gains time

(a) it keep the s correct time

(d) its period increases

(c) it loses time

Answer: B


6. A spring wristwatch keeps the ps correct time at the equator. If it is taken to poles, then__________

(a) it loses time

(b) it keep the s correct time

(c) it gains time

(d) it does not give e correct time

Answer: B


7. The period of a simple pendulum will be doubled if________

(a) its length is increased to four times

(b) the acceleration due to gravity is doubled

(c) the mass of the bob is doubled

(d) the length of the pendulum and mass of the bore doubled

Answer: A


8. How will the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum be affected if it is moved from the surface of the earth to a deep mine?

(a) it will increase

(b) it will decrease

(c) it will be zero

(d) it will not change

Answer: A


9. The bob of a simple pendulum is a hollow sphere, filled with mercury. If 5% mercury is removed from the sphere then the periodic time of the simple pendulum_________

(a) will decrease

(b) will increase

(d) may increase or decreasordereded

(c) will not change

Answer: B


10. For small amplitudes, the force constant of a simple pendulumn_______

(a) is directly proportional to the acceleration due to gravity

(b) is inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity

(c) independent of the mass of the bob and the length of the pendulum

(d) directly proportional to the mass of the bob

Answer: D


11. The graph of l against T for a simple pendulum is_______

(a) a straight line

(b) a curve

(c) an ellipse

(d) a parabola

Answer: D


12. A simple pendulum is attached to the roof of a lift. When the lift is at rest, the frequency of oscillation of the simple pendulum is 1 Hz. What will be its frequency of oscillation, in the cable wires controlling the vertical motion of the lift are broken?

(a) zero

(b) 2 Hz

(c) 1 Hz

(d) infinity

Answer: A


13. The period of a simple pendulum is doubled when its length is increased by 1.2 m. The original length of the Simple pendulum is_________
(a) 0.2 m
(b) 0.3-m
(c) 0.4 m
(d) 0.5 m
Answer: C


14. When the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 22cm, the period increases by 20%. The original length of the simple pendulum is______
(a) 30 cm
(b) 50 cm
(c) 75 cm
(d) 90 cm

Answer: B


15. The periodic time of a second’s pendulum as seen by an astronaut in a spaceship is_________
(a) zero
(b) infinity
(c) 2 sec
(d) 20 sec

Answer: B


16. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a lift. When the lift is at rest, its periodic time is T. What acceleration should the lift be accelerated upward ds. so that the period of pendulum becomes T/2?
(a) g
(b) 2g
(c) 3g

Answer: C


17. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 44%, then what is the change in the periodic of the pendulum?
(a) 20%
(b) 44%
(c) 22%
(d) 33%

Answer: A


18. If a simple pendulum oscillates with an amplitude of 50 mm and period 2 s, then its maximum velocity is________
(a) 0.10 m/s
(b) 0.2 m/s
(c) 0.157 m/s
(d) 0.4 m/s

Answer: C


19. The frequency of a second’s pendulum is______
(a) 1 Hz
(b) 2 Hz
(c) 0.25 Hz
(d) 0.5 Hz

Answer: D


20. If the length of a second’s pendulum is halved, then its energy becomes______
(a) double
(b) half
(c) 4 times the initial
(d) 3 times the initial

Answer: A

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