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MCQ on Chemical Bonding with Answers Pdf

MCQ on Chemical Bonding  : 

Practicing our MCQ on Chemical Bonding for NEET with Answers is one of the best ways to prepare for the NEET exam. As we know there is no substitute for consistent practice and putting hard work to get great scores in any exam. By practicing below  MCQ on Chemical Bonding Class 11 with Answers Pdf Download, students can improve their speed and accuracy which can help them during their NEET exam.

In this article, you will get more than 40 solved MCQs on Chemical Bonding which is important topic for NEET’s Point of view. The below lists Cover different topics of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure.


MCQ on Chemical Bonding with Answers Pdf Download  : 

1. According to the valence bond theory, when a covalent bond is formed between two reacting atoms, the potential energy of the system becomes___________

(1) negative

(2) Positive

(3) minimum

(4) maximum

Answer: 3


2. The strongest covalent bond is formed by the overlap of– (If considering for the same shell)_________

(1) s and p orbitals

(2) s and s orbitals

(3) p and d orbitals

(4) p and p collateral orbitals

Answer: 1


3. In a triple bond there is sharing of_________

(1) 3 – electrons 

(2) 4 – electrons

(3) Several electrons 

(4) 6 – electrons

Answer: 4


4. Which of the following statements regarding covalent bonds is not true?

(1) The electrons are shared between atoms

(2) The bond is non-directional

(3) The strength of the bond depends upon the extent of overlapping

(4) The bond formed may or may not be polar

Answer: 2


5. Which of the following is incorrect about hybridization?

(1) The concept of hybridization is not applied to isolated atoms.

(2) Hybridization is the mixing of at least two non-equivalent atomic orbitals.

(3) The number of hybrid orbitals generated is more than the number of pure atomic orbitals that participate in

the hybridization process.

(4) Hybridization requires an input of energy.

Answer: 3


6. Which condition favors the bond formation______

(1) Maximum attraction and maximum potential energy

(2) Minimum attraction and minimum potential energy

(3) Minimum potential energy and maximum attraction

(4) None of the above

Answer: 3


7. The F – F bond is weak because____________

(1) The repulsion between the nonbonding pairs of electrons of two fluorine atoms is large

(2) The ionization energy of the fluorine atom is very low

(3) The length of the F-F bond is much larger than the bond lengths in other halogen molecules

(4) The F-F bond distance is small and hence the internuclear repulsion between the two F atoms is very low.

Answer: 1


8. The bond length does not affected by________

(1) Electron affinity

(2) Bond order

(3) Hybridisation

(4) Resonance

Answer: 1


9. In all structures three carbon atoms are joined by________

(1) Three sigma bonds and three pi bonds

(2) Two sigma bonds and one pi bond

(3) Two sigma bonds and two pi bonds

(4) Three pi bonds only

Answer: 3


10. In the protonation of NH3 molecule, the following statement is true________

(1) A covalent bond is formed

(2) Hydrogen bond is formed

(3) Hybridization state of N is changed

(4) Shape of the NH3 molecule is changed

Answer: 4


11. The shape of sulfate ion is_____

(1) Hexagonal

(2) Square planar

(3) Trigonal bipyramidal

(4) Tetrahedral

Answer: 4


12. Among the following element group number is not equal to valence electrons___________

(1) Na

(2) N

(3) Ne

(4) None

Answer: 3


13. Which of the following halides has the highest melting point________

(1) NaCl

(2) KCl

(3) NaBr

(4) NaF

Answer: 4


14. CCl4 is more covalent than LiCl because__________

(1) There is more polarization of Cl in CCl4

(2) There is more polarization of Cl in LiCl

(3) CCl4 has more weight

(4) None of above

Answer: 1


15. As compared to covalent compounds electrovalent compounds generally possess___________

(1) High m.p. and high b.p.

(2) Low m.p. and low b.p.

(3) Low m.p. and high b.p.

(4) high m.p. and low b.p.

Answer: 1


16. Conditions for ionic bond formation is/are________

(a) Small cation, large anion

(b) Low IP of cation, the high electron affinity of anion

(c) Large cation, small anion, and less charge

(d) Less lattice energy

The correct answer is:

(1) a, d

(2) b, c and d

(3) b and c

(4) a, b

Answer: 3


17. Capacity of solvent to neutralize the charge on the ionic compound is called________

(1) Solvation energy

(2) Dielectric constant

(3) Dipole moment

(4) Solubility

Answer: 2


18. The force responsible for the dissolution of ionic compounds in water is_________

(1) Dipole – dipole forces

(2) Ion – dipole force

(3) Ion-ion force

(4) Hydrogen bond

Answer: 2


19. Born Haber cycle is mainly used to determine________

(1) Lattice energy

(2) Electron affinity

(3) Ionization energy

(4) Electronegativity

Answer: 1


20. An ionic compound A+ B– is most likely to be formed when________

(1) Ionization energy of A is low

(2) Electron affinity of B is high

(3) Electron affinity of B is low

(4) Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4


21. The pair of elements which in combination are most likely to form an ionic compound__________

(1) Na and Ca.

(2) K and O

(3) O and Cl

(4) Al and I.

Answer: 2


22. The electrovalency of the element is equal to the___________

(1) number of electrons lost

(2) number of electrons gained

(3) number of electrons transferred

(4) Number of electrons lost or gained by the atom of the element during the formation of ionic ions compound

Answer: 4


23. Ionic bond formation involves________

(1) Elimination of protons

(2) Sharing of electrons

(3) Overlapping of orbitals

(4) Formation of octets

Answer: 4


24. The hydration of ionic compounds involves____________

(1) Evolution of heat

(2) Weakning of attractive forces

(3) Dissociation into ions

(4) All

Answer: 4


25. Two ice cubes are pressed over each other until they unite to form one block. The force mainly responsible for holding them together is___________

(1) van der Waals force

(2) dipole-dipole interaction

(3) H bonding

(4) covalent bonding

Answer: 3


26. The vapor pressure of o-nitrophenol at any given temperature is predicted to be______

(1) higher than that of p-nitrophenol

(2) lower than that of p-nitrophenol

(3) same as that of p-nitrophenol

(4) higher or lower depending upon the size of the vessel

Answer: 1


27. Which is the weakest among the following types of bonds?

(1) Debye force

(2) Metallic bond

(3) Dipole-dipole bond

(4) Hydrogen bond

Answer: 1


28. The boiling point of p-nitrophenol is higher than that of o-nitrophenol because__________

(1) NO2 group at the p-position behaves in a different way from that at o-position

(2) intramolecular hydrogen bonding exists in p-nitrophenol

(3) there is intermolecular hydrogen bonding in p-nitrophenol

(4) p-nitrophenol has a higher molecular weight than o-nitrophenol

Answer: 3


29. In which molecule the Vander Waals force (dispersion force) is likely to be the most important in determining the m.pt. and b.pt____________

(1) Br2

(2) CO

(3) H2S

(4) HCl

Answer: 1


30. Covalent molecules are usually held in a crystal structure by_________

(1) Dipole-dipole attraction

(2) Electrostatic attraction

(3) Hydrogen bond

(4) Van-der Waal’s attraction

Answer: 4


31. In solid argon the atoms are held together_______

(1) by ionic bonds

(2) by hydrogen bonds

(3) By vander-waals forces

(4) By hydrophobic bonds

Answer: 3


32. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the MO theory?

(1) The number of molecular orbitals formed is always equal to the number of atomic orbitals combined.

(2) The more stable the bonding molecular orbital, the less stable the corresponding antibonding molecular orbital.

(3) In a stable molecule, the number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals is always equal to that in antibonding molecular orbitals.

(4) Like an atomic orbital, each molecular orbital can accommodate up to two electrons with opposite spins by the Pauli exclusion principle.

Answer: 3


33. The diamagnetic molecule is_________

(1) Superoxide ion

(2) Oxygen molecule

(3) Carbon molecule

(4) Unipositive ion of nitrogen molecule

Answer: 3


34. Carbon tetrachloride has no net dipole moment because of_________

(1) Similar electron affinity of C and Cl

(2) its regular tetrahedral geometry

(3) its planar geometry

(4) Similar sizes of C and Cl atoms

Answer: 2


35. Which compound has the weakest bond__________

(1) Diamond

(2) Neon (solid)

(3) KCl

(4) water (ice)

Answer: 2


36. When the p-character of hybridized orbital (formed by s and p orbitals) increases. Then the bond angle_______

(1) Decreases

(2) Increases

(3) Becomes twice

(4) Remains unaltered

Answer: 1


37. Strongest hydrogen bond is shown by______

(1) Water

(2) Ammonia

(3) Hydrogen fluoride

(4) Hydrogen sulfide

Answer: 3


38. Density of ice is less than that of water because of________

(1) presence of hydrogen bonding

(2) Crystal modification of ice

(3) open porous structure of ice due to hydrogen bonding

(4) different physical states of these

Answer: 3


39. Which of the following statement is true regarding H-bond_________

(1) it is a directional bond

(2) bond strength is similar to O – H bond

(3) it is an attraction between hydrogen and

electronegative atoms like F, O, N

(4) it does not require minimum of one lone pair of electrons at an electronegative atom.

Answer: 3


40. Property of the alkaline earth metals that increases with their atomic number_______

(1) Electronegativity

(2) Solubility of their hydroxides in water

(3) Solubility of their sulfates in water

(4) Ionization energy

Answer: 2


41. Predict the correct order among the following________

(1) lone pair- lone pair> lone pair-bond pair

> bond pair-bond pair

(2) lone pair – lone pair> bond pair-bond pair> lone pair-bond pair

(3) bond pair-bond pair> lone pair-bond pair> lone pair – lone pair

(4) lone pair-bond pair> bond pair-bond pair> lone pair – lone pair

Answer: 1


42. The boiling point of methanol is greater than that of methylation because________

(1) There is intramolecular hydrogen bonding in methanol and intermolecular hydrogen bonding in methyl thiol

(2) There is intermolecular hydrogen bonding in methanol and no hydrogen bonding in methylation

(3) There is no hydrogen bonding in methanol and intermolecular hydrogen bonding in methylation

(4) There is intramolecular hydrogen bonding in methanol and no hydrogen bonding in methylation

Answer: 2


43. The electronegativity difference between N and F is greater than that between N and H yet the dipole moment of NH3 (1.5 D) is larger than that of NF3 (0.2 D). This is because__________

(1) in NH3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in opposite directions whereas in NF3 these are in the same direction

(2) in NH3 as well as in NF3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction

(3) in NH3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction whereas in NF3 these are in opposite directions

(4) in NH3 as well as NF3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in opposite directions

Answer: 3

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