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MCQ on Enterprise Management Pdf

MCQ on Entreprises:

1. An enterprise is a group of people with________.

A. common goal.

B. separate goal for each department.

C. multiple goals.

D. two or more goals.

Answer: A

2. The starting point and destination of the enterprise is________

A. survival 

B. development 

C. profit 

D. Savings

Answer: C

3. Which of the following variable does ROI examine?




D. DuPont chart

Answer: B

4. The basic condition for enterprises to survive in the market is__________

A. Incentive for business operators 

B. To offset expenses 

C. Debt repayment when due D. Both B and C

Answer: C

5. The basic factors that affect enterprise value are______

A. capital structure 


C. Risk

D. Both C and D

Answer: D

6. Business enterprise is separate from its owner according to concept.

A. Money measurement

B. Cost

C. business entity concept

D. Dual aspect

Answer: C

7. The intrinsic reason that threatens the survival of the enterprise is________

A. survive 

B. development 

C. long-term losses 

D. Unable to repay debts due

Answer: C

8. Financial objectives that take into account risk factors are___

A. Maximize earnings per share 

B. Maximize net interest rate on equity capital

C. Profit maximization

D. Shareholder wealth maximization

Answer: C

9. The core objective of the enterprise is_________

A. survive 

B. development 

C. profit 

D. Competitive Advantage

Answer: D

10. The financial relationship between enterprises and creditors is mainly reflected in_________

A. The investment-return relationship 

B. Equivalent exchange relationship 

C. Division of labor and cooperation 

D. debt-creditor relationship

Answer: D

11. Among the following economic activities, which can reflect the financial relationship between enterprises and investors is_________

A. The company pays wages to its employees 

B. The company pays other companies for goods

C. The enterprise pays taxes to the state tax authority 

D. The state-owned enterprise pays dividends to the state-owned asset investment company

Answer: C

12. The disadvantage of the enterprise value maximization objective relative to the profit per share maximization objective is_______

A. Does not consider the time value of money 

B. Does not consider the value at risk of the investment

C. Does not reflect the potential profitability of the enterprise 

D. It cannot directly reflect the current profit level of the company

Answer: D

13. Which of the following is responsible for establishing a private company’s internal control?

A. Management

B. Auditors

C. Management and auditors

D. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

Answer: D

14. The advantage of maximizing profit per share as a financial management objective is________

A. The time value of money is considered 

B. The risk value of the investment is considered

C. Helps companies overcome short-term behavior 

D. Reflects the relationship between invested capital and income

Answer: D

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