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Mcq questions for class 10 science chapter 4

Class 10 science chapter 4 Carbon and it’s compound mcq

Here you will find a list of Most important Multiple Choice Questions on Carbon and it’s compound with answer for competitive exams like CBSE Class 10 science chapter 4 MCQs . These frequently asked sample questions on are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. Presently we have added more than 30 MCQ questions on class 9 science chapter 4 for your practice. We will keep adding more questions and provide this question bank in PDF format, so that you can download them instantly in E-book style.

Carbon and it's compound MCQs Questions For class 10

Mcq of carbon and it’s compound

1. When Cation is formed?

1.Atom gains electrons

2. Atom loses electrons

3. Proton is lost by the atom

4. Atom shares electrons

Answer: Atom loses electron

2. Which of the following compounds of carbon does not consist of ions?

1. CHCl3

2. CaCO3

3. NaHCO3

4. Ca2C

Answer: CHCl3

3. Which of the given is used to oxidise ethanol to ethanoic acid?

1. Alkaline KMnO₄

2. Conc. H₂SO₄

3. Acidified K₂Cr₂O₇

4. All of these

Answer:  All of these

4. The property of self-linkage among identical atoms to form long chain compounds is known as_________

1. Catenation

2. Isomerisation

3. Superposition

4. Halogenation

Answer: Catenation

5. The substance not responsible for the hardness of water is_____

1. Sodium nitrate

2. Calcium hydrogen carbonate

3. Calcium carbonate 

4. Magnesium carbonate

Answer: Sodium nitrate

6. Which of the following statements about graphite and diamond is true?

1. They have the same crystal structure

2. They have the same degree of hardness

3. They have the same electrical conductivity

4.They can undergo the same chemical reactions

Answer:  They can undergo the same chemical reactions

7. The allotrope of carbon which is a good conductor of heat and electricity is___________


2. graphite

3. charcoal

4. none of these

Answer: graphite

8. Which of the followings is the major constituent of the liquefied petroleum gas?

1. Methane

2. Ethane

3. Propane

4. Butane

Answer:  Butane

9. Which of the following is not considered as crystalline allotrope of carbon?

1. Coal

2. Diamond

3. Graphite

4. Fullerence

Answer: Coal

10. Which of the following is the molecular formula of cyclobutane?

1. C4H10

2. C4H6

3. C4H8

4. C4H4

Answer: C4H8

11. Ester is formed by the reaction between_______

1. An acid and an alcohol

2. An acid and a base

3. A base and an alcohol

4. An acid and an alkene

Answer:  An acid and an alcohol

12. Methane, ethane and propane are said to form a homologous series because all are_______

1. Hydrocarbons

2. saturated compounds

3. aliphatic compounds

4. Differ from each other by a CH2 group

Answer: Differ from each other by a CH2 group

13. How many single bonds are present in methane?

1. Four

2. Five

3. Six

4. Three

Answer: Four

14. Covalent compounds are ________ conductors of electricity.

1. Poor

2. moderate

3. Strong

4. Fluent

Answer: Poor

15. C60 .give the name of carbon allotrope

1. Diamond

2. Fullerene

3. Graphite


Answer: Fullerene

16. Which of the following does not belong to the same homologous series?

1. CH4

2. C2H2

3. C3H8

4. C4H8

Answer: C4H8

17. Carbon compounds with single bond called________

1. Unsaturated compound

2. Carbon compounds

3. Saturated compounds

4. Ionic compounds

Answer: Saturated compounds

18. When Ethanol reacts with sodium and it forms two products. which is______

1. Sodium ethanoate and hydrogen

2. Sodium ethanoate and oxygen

3. Sodium ethoxide and hydrogen

4. Sodium ethoxide and oxygen

Answer: Sodium ethoxide and hydrogen

19. Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen called________

1. Hydrocarbons

2. Carbon link

3. Salts

4. amino acids

Answer: Hydrocarbons

20. Shared electron pair in covalent compound AB will be _______

1. On the top of A

2. On the left side of A

3. On the right side of B

4. Between A and B

Answer: Between A and B


21. Open-chain saturated hydrocarbons are called_______________

1. Paraffins

2. Alkenes

3. Alkynes

4. Alkyl groups

Answer: Paraffins

22.Which of the given does not belong to the same homologous series?

1. CH4

2. C2H6

3. C3H8

4. C4H8

Answer: C4H8

23. A molecule of ammonia (NH3) has__________

1. Only single bonds

2. Only double bonds

3. Only triple bonds

4. Two double bonds and one single bond

Answer: Only single bonds

24. The name of the compound is: CH3-CH2-CHO

1. Propanal

2. Propanone

3. Ethanol

4. Ethanal

Answer: Propanal

25. Which of the given molecules has triple bond? 

1. Hydrogen molecule

2. Oxygen molecule

3. Nitrogen molecule

4. Ammonia molecule

Answer: Nitrogen molecule

26. Methane is a major constituent of_____

1. Coal gas

2. Water gas

3. Petroleum

4. Biogas

Answer: Biogas

27. A carboxylic group is present in_______

1. Ethylene

2. Methanoic acid

3. Formaldehyde

4. Ethanol

Answer: Methanoic acid

28. In conversion from ethanol to ethene, concentrated sulphuric acid is used as______

1. Precipitating agent

2. Oxidizing agent

3. Dehydrating agent

4. Reducing agent

Answer: Dehydrating agent

29. Carboxylic acids are________

1. Weak acids

2. Strong acids

3. Strong alkalis

4. Weak alkalis 

Answer: Weak acids

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