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Class 11 Biology chapter 11 Study of Animal Type – Cockroach

Maharashtra state board Class 11 Biology chapter 11 Study of Animal Type – Cockroach Textbook solutions

Maharashtra state board Biology Textbook Solutions for Class 11 are very important and crusial that helps the students in understanding the hard topics and helps them in the preparation of class 11 board examination as well as verious compititive entrance examinations also. Studying the answers to the questions in the Biology textbook will check your understanding of a particular topic and helps you determine your strengths and weaknesses.

Class 11 Biology textbook Solutions for Class 11, Biology  Chapter 11 Study of Animal Type – Cockroach  maharashtra state board are provided here with simple step-by-step  detailed explanations. These solutions for Study of Animal Type – Cockroach are very popular among Class 11 students for biology chapter 11 Study of Animal Type – Cockroach  Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for compititive exams like NEET, CET abd verious medical entrance examination also. All questions and answers are taken from the class 11 Biology textbook, Bjology Textbook Solutions of Class  11 Biology Chapter 11 are provided here for you for without any charge its free for you. All Biology textbook Solutions for class 11. Solutions for class 11 Biology subject, These biology textbook solutions are prepared by   experts in the field and are 100% accurate for you.

1. Choose correct option 
A. Chemical nature of chitin is ………….
a. protein.
b. carbohydrate.
c. lipid.
d. glycoprotein.

B. Cockroach has ……………. type of 
 a. sponging
 b. chewing and biting
 c. piercing and Sucking
 d. lapping

C. Spiracle is a part of ……………….. system of cockroach.
a. circulatory
b. respiration
c. reproductive
d. nervous

D. ………………. is a part of digestive system.
a. Trachea
b. Hypopharynx
c. Haemocyte
d. Seminal vesicle.

Answer : ————-

E. ………………… is also called as brain of 
a. Supra-oesophageal ganglion
b. Sub-oesophageal ganglion
c. Hypo-cerebral ganglion
d. Thoracic ganglion

2. Answer the following questions
A. Describe the digestive system of cockroach.
Answer : Digestive system of cockroach consists of mouth parts, alimentary canal and a pair of salivary glands.  Alimentary canal is a long (6-7 cm) tube of different diameters and two openings. Alimentary canal is divisible into three regions as Foregut (stomodaeum), Mid-gut
(mesenteron) and Hindgut (proctodaeum).

Mouth : Mouth / pre-oral chamber is a narrow space bounded by mouth parts. Hypopharynx is present at the centre of mouth. Salivary duct opens at the base of hypopharynx. Mouth opens into foregut.

Fore-gut (Stomodaeum) :
Foregut consists of pharynx,
oesophagus, crop and gizzard. Pharynx is very short, narrow but muscular tube. It contains taste sensillae. It leads to oesophagus. Oesophagus is slightly long and narrow tube. It opens in crop. Crop is large, pear- shaped sac like organ. It temporarily stores the food and then sends it to gizzard.

Mid-gut (Mesenteron) : Midgut consists
of stomach and hepatic caecae. Stomach
(ventriculus) is straight, short and narrow. It is lined by glandular epithelium. Which secretes digestive enzymes. Hence, stomach is mainly responsible for digestion and absorption.

Hind-gut (Proctodaeum) : Hindgut consists of ileum, colon and rectum. Ileum is short and narrow part of hind-gut. Malpighian tubules open in the anterior lumen of ileum, near the junction of mid-gut with hind-gut.

Salivary Glands : Cockroach has a pair of
salivary glands which secrete saliva. Each
gland consists of two glandular lobes and one receptacle or reservoir. Glandular lobes consists of many irregular-shaped and white lobules. These lobules secrete saliva. Each gland has a salivary duct.

B. Give an account on tracheal system of 
Answer : The trachea form a definite pattern of branching tubes arranged transversely as well as longitudinally. They are about 1mm thick and have spiral or annular thickening of chitin.

The inner lining of chitin prevents the trachea from collapsing. Each trachea branches into number of smaller tubes called tracheoles.

C. Describe nervous system of cockroach.
Answer : The nervous system of cockroach
consists of Central Nervous System (CNS),
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), and
Autonomus Nervous System (ANS). Nervous system of cockroach is ventral, solid and

A. Central Nervous System (CNS):
CNS consists of nerve ring and ventral
nerve cord. Nerve ring is made up of supra-
oesophageal ganglia, circum-oesophageal
connective and sub-oesophageal ganglion.
A pair of supra-oesophageal / cerebral
ganglia is collectively known as brain. Brain is present in head, above the oesophagus
and between antennal bases. Each cerebral
ganglion is formed by fusion of three small
ganglia- protocerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum.

B. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS):
Peripheral nervous system consists of nerves arising from various ganglia of CNS.
Six pairs of nerves arise from cerebral ganglia. They go to eyes, antennae and labrum. Nerves arising from sub-oesophageal ganglion go to mandibles, maxillae and labium. Nerves
arising from thoracic ganglia go to the wings, legs and internal thoracic organs. Nerves from abdominal ganglia go to the abdominal organs of respective abdominal segments.

C. Autonomous Nervous System (ANS):
It consists of four ganglia and a retrocerebral complex.

These ganglia are as follows.
1. Frontal ganglion : It is present above the
pharynx and in front of brain.
2. Hypocerebral ganglion : It is present on the anterior region of oesophagus.
3. Ingluvial ganglion : It is present on crop. It is also called as visceral ganglion.
4. Ventricular ganglion : It is present on

D. With help of neat labelled diagram, 
describe female reproductive system of 
Answer : Female reproductive system consists of primary and secondary reproductive organs. Primary reproductive organs are ovaries. There is a pair
of large ovaries, lying laterally in the 2nd to 6th abdominal segments. Each ovary is formed of a group of 8 ovarian tubules or ovarioles, containing a chain of developing ova.

All ovarioles of an ovary open in lateral oviduct of respective side. Both lateral oviducts unite to form common oviduct or vagina. Common oviduct or vagina opens into the genital chamber (bursa copulatrix), the female organ of copulation.

A sperm storing structure called
spermatheca is present in the 6th segment that open into the genital chamber. Besides, paired accessory glands-collaterial glands are also present that open in genital chamber. Female gonapophyses consist of six chitinous plates surrounding the genital pore.

E. With help of neat labelled diagram, 
describe the digestive system of 
Answer : Digestive system of cockroach consists of mouth parts, alimentary canal and a pair of salivary glands.  Alimentary canal is a long (6-7 cm) tube of different diameters and two openings. Alimentary canal is divisible into three regions as Foregut (stomodaeum), Mid-gut
(mesenteron) and Hindgut (proctodaeum).

Mouth : Mouth / pre-oral chamber is a narrow space bounded by mouth parts. Hypopharynx is present at the centre of mouth. Salivary duct opens at the base of hypopharynx. Mouth opens into foregut.

Fore-gut (Stomodaeum) :
Foregut consists of pharynx,
oesophagus, crop and gizzard. Pharynx is very short, narrow but muscular tube. It contains taste sensillae. It leads to oesophagus. Oesophagus is slightly long and narrow tube. It opens in crop. Crop is large, pear- shaped sac like organ. It temporarily stores the food and then sends it to gizzard.

Mid-gut (Mesenteron) : Midgut consists
of stomach and hepatic caecae. Stomach
(ventriculus) is straight, short and narrow. It is lined by glandular epithelium. Which secretes digestive enzymes. Hence, stomach is mainly responsible for digestion and absorption.

Hind-gut (Proctodaeum) : Hindgut consists of ileum, colon and rectum. Ileum is short and narrow part of hind-gut. Malpighian tubules open in the anterior lumen of ileum, near the junction of mid-gut with hind-gut.

Salivary Glands : Cockroach has a pair of
salivary glands which secrete saliva. Each
gland consists of two glandular lobes and one receptacle or reservoir. Glandular lobes consists of many irregular-shaped and white lobules. These lobules secrete saliva. Each gland has a salivary duct.

F. A student observed that the cockroaches are killed for dissection by simply putting them in soap water. He inquired whether soap is so poisonous. Teacher said it is due to its peculiar respiratory system. How?
Answer : Roaches, like other bugs, breathe through micro tubes on their bodies. Spraying them with soapy water will create a thin film around their body that leads to death from suffocation. Just add a little dish soap and warm water into a spray bottle. Shake it well and spray the roaches with them.

G. Describe the cirulatory system of cockroach.
Answer : Cockroach has an internal respiratory system of air tubes called tracheal system, by which air is brought into the body and is in contact with every part of body. It allows exchange of gases directly between the air and tissues without the need of blood.

Spiracles : Spiracles are respiratory openings. They are paired, present on ventro-lateral side of body, in pleural membrane. Cockroaches have two pairs of thoracic and eight pairs of abdominal spiracles. The spiracles open into a series of air sacs from which the tubes called
trachea arise.

Trachea : The trachea form a definite pattern of branching tubes arranged transversely as well as longitudinally. They are about 1mm thick and have spiral or annular thickening of chitin. The inner lining of chitin prevents the trachea from collapsing. Each trachea branches into number of smaller tubes called tracheoles.

Tracheole : These are fine intracellular tubes that penetrate deep into tissues. They are thin and not lined with chitin. They end blindly in the cells. Each tracheole at the blind end is filled with a watery fluid through which exchange of gases takes place.

3. Answer the following questions
A. How will you identify male or female 
Answer : There are various features that are used to differentiate a male cockroach from a female cockroach. These are:

(i) The body of male cockroach is smaller than a female cockroach.

(ii) The abdomen of male cockroach is slender.

(iii) The wings of male cockroach are larger than that of the females.

(iv) The antennae of male cockroach are smaller than that of the females.

(v) Presence of small, unjointed anal styles on the 9 thsternum of the abdomen.

(vi) Presence of long, palp-like jointed anal cerci on the 10th tergum of the abdomen.

B. Write a note on : 
Gizzard of cockroach.
Answer : Gizzard (Proventriculus) is small, spherical organ. Internally, it is provided with a circlet of six chitinous teeth and backwardly directed bristles. Teeth are responsible for crushing the food. Bristles help in filtering the food. Foregut ends with gizzard.

C. Give the systematic position of cockroach.
Answer :
Kingdom : Animalia (Cell wall absent, heterotrophic nutrition.)

Phylym : Arthropoda (Jointed appendages are present, segmented body, chitinous exoskeleton.

Class : Insecta (Two pairs of wings and three pairs of walking legs are present.)

Genus : Periplaneta (Nocturnal, straight

Species : americana (Origin is in Continent of America)

D. What would have happened if cockroach did not had gizzard?
Answer : The gizzard is the next structure that is present after the crop. It is also called the proventriculus. It helps in grinding the food particles due to the presence of six chitinous plates called teeth.

E. What is the functional difference between eyes of cockroach and human being? 
Answer : cockroaches have compound eyes,humans have simple eyes
cockroach have compound eyes but human have simple eyes. the human eye possesses single large lenses whereas cockroach have many small lenses.

F. What is the functional difference between respiratory systems of cockroach and human being? 
Answer : There major differences between the respiratory systems of the human and cockroaches.Such as,

1) Cockroaches have no lungs in their respiratory system but the humans have a pair of lungs in their respiratory system.

2) The air transmission process in the body cells of the cockroach is very simple as compared with the humans.

3) The cockroaches can retain the consumed oxygen for long time than the human.

4) The allover respiration system of the humans are more complex than the cockroaches.

4. Explain the following in short
A. What are anal cerci?
Answer : Anal cerci are a pair of appendages at the end of the abdomen, arising from near the 10th segment of the body of cockroach. These are present in both males and females. Anal cerci are important sense organs of the organism as they are wind sensitive and detect vibrations.

B. What is the ganglion?
Answer : A ganglion is a group of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system.

C. What is the role of hypopharynx?
Answer : The hypopharynx functions to guide food into the esophagus and away from the larynx, during normal swallowing.

D. What is mesenteron?
Answer : Mesenteron refers to one of the parts of the digestive system of the insects.
The digestive system of insects is classified into three parts namely, stomodeum, Mesentreon, and Proctodeum.
The Mesenteron region is commonly called as mid gut of the insect.

E. Location of turgum.
Answer : In crustaceans, the tergum is known as a pleuron when it overhangs the insertion of the limb on each side as a free plate. In contrast to the tergum, the ventral portion of a segment is called the sternum. The sternum or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the center of the chest.

F. What is ootheca?
Answer : An ootheca is a type of egg mass made by any member of a variety of species including mollusks, mantises, and cockroaches.

G. How many chambers are present in heart of cockroach?
Answer : A cockroach has one heart, but the heart may have as many as 13 chambers {compared to 4 in the human heart..left & right atrium, L & R ventricle}. It’s heart is tube shaped, And, it’s heart can STOP, without the cockroach dying.

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