How do organisms reproduce Class 10 MCQ with Answers

How do organisms reproduce? Class 10 MCQs

Here you will find a list of the most important How do organisms reproduce MCQ with answers for competitive exams like CBSE Class 10 science chapter 8 MCQs. These frequently asked sample questions are given with the correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. Presently we have added more than 20 MCQ questions to class 10 Science Chapter 8 for your practice. We will keep adding more questions in class 10 how do organisms reproduce MCQ.

How do organisms reproduce class 10 mcq questions with answers

MCQ questions on How do organisms reproduce

1. Reproduction is essential for living organisms for ________

(a) Keep the individual organism alive

(b) Fulfill their energy requirement

(c) Maintain growth

(d) Continue the species generation after generation

Answer: D

2. Which among the following does not reproduce by spore formation?

(a) Penicillium fungus

(b) Yeast fungus

(c) Mucor fungus

(d) Rhizopus fungus

Answer: B

3. IUCD is for_______

(a) Vegetative propagation

(b) Contraception

(c) Increasing fertility

(d) Avoiding miscarriage

Answer: B

4. The asexual reproduction in the Spirogyra involves_________

(a) Breaking up of filaments into smaller bits

(b) Division of a cell into many cells

(c) Division of a cell into two cells

(d) Formation of a large number of buds

Answer: B

5. Eggs are formed in_____

(a) Testes

(b) ovaries

(c) penis

(d) none

Answer: B

6. Which of the following is a contraceptive?

(a) Copper

(b) Condom

(c) Diaphragm

(d) All of these

Answer: D

7. The number of chromosomes present in parents and offspring of a particular species remains constant due to ________

(a) doubling of chromosomes during zygote formation

(b) Halving of chromosomes during gamete formation

(c) Doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation

(d) Halving of chromosomes after gamete formation

Answer: B

8. Which among the following is not the function of testis at puberty?

(a) Formation oSpermsms

(b) Releasing testosterone

(c) ovulation

(d) release of seminal fluid

Answer: C

9. AIDS is a deadly disease which is caused by______

(a) a protozoan

(b) a fungus

(c) a bacterium

(d) a virus

Answer: D

10. The lytic enzyme of sperm is ________

A) ligase

B) Acrosome

C) hyaluronidase

D) pepsin

Answer: C

11. The process of the division of cells into several cells during reproduction in Plasmodium is termed as_________

(a) Fragmentation

(b) Budding

(c) Multiple fission

(d) Binary fission

Answer: C

12. Tadpole is the developing stage of which of these?

(a) Dogs

(b) Cats

(c) Frogs

(d) humans

Answer: C

13. Which of the following diseases is not sexually transmitted?

(a) Syphilis

(b) Hepatitis


(d) Gonorrhea

Answer: B

14. oviparous are the ones who _____

(a) produce eggs

(b) produce young ones

(c) both a and b

(d) none

Answer: A

15. Leishmania reproduce asexually by_________

(a) multiple fission

(b) binary fission in any plane

(c) binary fission in a definite orientation

(d) budding

Answer: C

16. Bryophyllum can be propagated vegetatively by the____________

(a) stem

(b) leaf

(c) root

(d) flower

Answer: B

17. The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is__________

(a) Gametes, Embryo, Zygote, Seedling

(b) Seedling, Embryo, Zygote, Gametes

(c) Zygote, Gametes, Embryo, Seedling

(d) Gametes, Zygote, Embryo, Seedling

Answer: D

18. Evolutionary change is not possible in________

(a) Cross-pollination

(b) Sexual reproduction

(c) Asexual reproduction

(d) Fertilization

Answer: C

19. Where does fertilization occur in human females?

(a) cervix

(b) vagina

(c) uterus

(d) oviduct

Answer: D

20. vegetatively propagated plants

(a) do not bear roots

(b) do not bear buds

(c) are genetically similar

(d) are genetically dissimilar

Answer: C

21. Megaspore Mother Cell releases a number of megaspores by the process of ____

(a) mitosis

(b) sporogenesis

(c) fertilization

(d) meiosis

Answer: D

22. The seed that contains the future plant is called ____________

(a) cotyledons

(b) seed coat

(c) germ cells

(d) embryo

Answer: D

23. Characters transmitted from parents to offspring are present in_________

(a) protoplasm

(b) cytoplasm

(c) genes

(d) gemmule

Answer: C

24. The process of fertilization takes  ____ days.

(a) 12

(b) 10

(c) 14

(d) 5

Answer: C

25. Diploid state is denoted as_________

(a) n

(b) 3n

(c) n2

(d) 2n

Answer: D

26. When sperm is deposited into the vagina which route does it travel?

(a) Vagina → Oviduct → Uterus → Cervix

(b) Vagina → Ovary → Uterus → Oviduct

(c) Vagina → Cervix → Uterus → Oviduct

(d) Vagina → Uterus → Cervix → Oviduct 

Answer: C

27. The period during adolescence when the reproductive tissues begin to mature is called_________

(a) ovation

(b) puberty

(c) germination

(d) propagation

Answer: b

28. In human males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the_________

(a) process of mating

(b) formation of sperms

(c) easy transfer of gametes

(d) secretion of estrogen

Answer: B

29. Menopause occurs at the age of ______ years.

a) 40-45

b) 45-50

c) 40-42

d) 35-40

Answer: B

30. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in a flower?

(a) pollination, fertilization, seedling, embryo

(b) seedling, embryo, fertilization, pollination

(c) pollination, fertilization, embryo, seedling

(d) embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilization

Answer: C

31. The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is______

(a) gametes, zygotes, embryo, seedlings

(b) zygote, gametes, embryo, seedling

(c) seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes

(d) gametes, embryos, zygote, seedlings

Answer: A

32. Length of the pollen tube depends on the distance between_________

(a) pollen grain and the upper surface of the stigma

(b) pollen grain on the upper surface of the stigma and ovule

(c) pollen grain in the anther and the upper surface of the stigma

(d) the upper surface of the stigma and the lower part of the style

Answer: B

33. Which of the following statements is true for flowers?

(i) Flowers are always bisexual

(ii) They are the sexual reproductive organs

(iii) They are produced in all groups of plants

(iv) After fertilization they give rise to fruits

(a) (i) and (iv) (b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: D

34. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system

for transport of sperm is

(a) testis → vas deferent → urethra

(b) testis → ureter → urethra

(c) testis → urethra → ureter

(d) testis → vasdeferens → ureter

Answer: A

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