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MCQs Questions For class 8 science chapter 17 Star and solar system with answer

MCQs Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 : Star and Solar system pdf

Star and solar system is important chapter for class 8 student . It is covered all basic topic about solar system. The phases of the moon occur because we can see only that part of the moon which reflects the light of the Sun towards us. Stars are celestial bodies that emit light of their own. Our sun is also a star.
It is convenient to express distances of stars in light years

Star and solar system MCQs for class 8

Hello Students, how are you all hope you all will be good, in this Page we have shared with you more than 20 Important MCQ on     Star and solar system class 8 with answers which is helpful for various entrance exams preparation. This Star and Solar system class 8 Mcq pdf will help you enhance your performance in entrance exams like NEET and JEE. MCQs on Star and solar system Class 8  is important chapter for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 Students.

Star And Solar System MCQs Questions For Class 8

1. Farthest planet of the solar system is________________

(a) Neptune

(b) Jupiter

(c) Mercury

(d) Earth

 Answer: A

2. Which unit is used to measure astronomical distances?

(a) Leap year

(b) Light year

(c) Century

(d) Sound year

Answer: B

3. Hottest planet of solar system is__________

(a) Mars

(b) Venus

(c) Mercury

(d) Earth

Answer: C

4. Sky is not clear in cities because__________

(a) Dust and smoke

(b) More population

(c) Bright light

(d) Larger area

Answer: A


5. The path of planet around the sun is called its______________

(a) Orbit

(b) Spin

(c) Rotation

(d) Revolution

Answer: A

6. Neptune have very low temperature due to_______________

(a) Far distance from sun

(b) Presence of oxygen

(c) Huge amount of sun

(d) Glacier on its surface

Answer: A

7. The various shapes of bright part of moon is called______________

(a) Parts of moon

(b) Ring of moon

(c) Cover of moon

(d) Phases of moon

Answer: D

8. Which planet has the largest number of satellites?

(a) Jupiter

(b) Saturn

(c) Mercury

(d) Mars

Answer: B

9. The stars forming a recognizable shape is called_____________

(a) constellation

(b) system

(c) galaxy

(d) asteroids

Answer: A

10. What term is used for celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun in highly elliptical orbit?

(a) Comet

(b) Meteors

(c) Asteroids

(d) Planets

Answer: A

11. Which small objects revolve between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?

(a) Satellites

(b) Comets

(c) Asteroids

(d) Meteorites

Answer: C

12. Shooting stars are called___________

(a) asteroids

(b) galaxies

(c) meteors

(d) andromeda

Answer: C

13. The least dense planet is___________

(a) Earth

(b) Jupiter

(c) Saturn

(d) Uranus

Answer: C

14. ____ was the first Indian satellite.



(c) IRS

(d) Aryabhatta

Answer: D

 15. It is difficult to observe Mars because______________

(a) It is the smallest planet of this universe

(b) It is too far away from our planet

(c) It is hidden by the glare of the sun

(d) None of the above

Answer: C

16. what is called Light Year ?

(a) Year full of light

(b) Year having light work

(c) Year which earth shall become lighter

(d) Distance travelled by light in 1 year

Answer: D

17. Which is the largest, natural satellite in the solar system?

(a) The moon

(b) lof

(c) Eros

(d) Ganymede

Answer: D

18. Which of the following planets can be seen with naked eyes?

(a) Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter

(b) Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune

(c) Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto

(d) Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter

Answer: D

19. Which planet has “the great red spot”?

(a) Mars

(b) Venus

(c) Jupiter

(d) Mercury

Answer: C

20. In a solar system, the planets between which the earth lies are__________

(a) Mercury and mars

(b) Venus and mercury

(c) Venus and mars

(d) Moon and sun

Answer: C

21. Who proved that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits?

(a) Isaac Newton

(b) Albert Einstein

(c) Johannes Kepler

(d) Galilei Galileo

Answer: C

22. Water in liquid form is found only on_-________

(a) Pluto

(b) The moon

(c) The earth

(d) Mars

Answer: C

This article leads you to hundreds of solved MCQ on Star and solar system class 8 which is important topics for CBSE standpoint and Other Entrance Exams. The MCQ below lists different topics with corresponding class 8 Star And Solar system MCQ, facilitating smooth learning and search experience.

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