Quiz on Heart : Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions on the heart:

The heart acts as a pump that pumps blood throughout the body. The heart weighs about 200-300 grams for an adult and is about the size of a fist.

The heart is divided into four chambers: the right atrium, the left atrium, the right ventricle, and the left ventricle. There is a valve between the atrium and the ventricle. The valve opens and closes as the pump moves to prevent backflow of blood.

Most of the heart is made up of a muscle called the heart muscle. The strong force of this myocardium causes the heart to pump and pump blood throughout the body.

There are two routes to blood circulation: the blood pumped from the left ventricle returns to the right atrium around the whole body, and the blood pumped from the right ventricle returns to the left atrium through the lungs.

A healthy heart repeats regular contractions about 60 to 100 times a minute. It is the three coronary arteries that surround the surface of the heart that carry the oxygen and nutrients that the heart needs to continue this contraction to the heart muscle .

In addition, the heart is equipped with a system that produces electrical signals that are transmitted quickly and contract the heart muscle. These systems keep the heart pump running smoothly.

Quiz on Heart

1. The heart is an organ of the cardiovascular system that drives blood to different parts of the body. The wall of this organ is made up of three layers, the median consisting of muscle tissue. Review the alternatives and check the one that contains the correct name for this layer.

a) Endocardium.

b) Diaphragm.

c) Endometrium.

d) Myocardium.

Answer: D

2. The location of the neuro centre activity of the heart is__________

a) Midbrain

b) Pons

c) Cerebrum

d) Medulla Oblongata

Answer: D

3. Which of the following has the thickest wall?

a) Right ventricle

b) Left ventricle

c) Right atrium

d) Left atrium

Answer: B

4. Regulation of normal activities of the human heart takes place______

a) by the autonomic nervous system

b) intrinsically

c) by the diencephalon

d) by the brain stem

Answer: B

5. The human heart, like that of birds, has _________ cavities, being _________ atrium(s) and two _____________.

Analyze the following alternatives and mark the one that contains the words that complete the spaces, respectively.

a) four, two and ventricles.

b) three, one and myocardium.

c) five, three and ventricles.

d) three, one and ventricles.

Answer: A

6. The tricuspid valve is present between________

a) Ventricle and pulmonary artery

b) Ventricle and aorta

c) left auricle and left ventricle

d) right auricle and right ventricle

Answer: D

7. The reason why tricuspid and bicuspid valves are closed is_______

a) ventricular relaxation

b) ventricular filling

c) atrial systole

d) attempted backflow of blood into the atria

Answer: D

8. In order for the heart to maintain its rhythm, there is a complex excitatory system acting on this organ. One of these structures is known as a natural pacemaker, which works by sending impulses that guarantee the contraction of the heart. Check the alternatives below and mark the one that correctly indicates the name of this region of the heart.

a) Myocardium.

b) Pulmonary valve.

c) sinoatrial node.

d) Interatrial septum.

Answer: C

9. Pacemaker is __________

a) AV node

b) SA node

c) Bundle of HIS

d) Ventricle muscles

Answer: B

10. The reason why the SA node (sino-atrial node) is known as the natural pacemaker is________

a) generates an action potential which is more in size than other parts of the conducting system

b) only part of the conducting system generating impulse

c) located in the right atrium

d) generates the highest number of action potentials in the conducting system

Answer: D

11. The heart is a hollow organ made up of cavities called atria and ventricles. Each atrium communicates with the ventricle through an orifice that contains a valve that prevents the return of blood from one cavity to another. The name of this valve is:

a) semilunar.

b) atrioventricular.

c) pulmonary.

d) ventricular.

Answer: B

12. The heart performs rhythmic contractions that ensure that blood is propelled through the body. When the contraction of the cardiac chamber occurs, we call the movement of______

a) systole.

b) blood pressure.

c) peristaltic.

d) diastole.

Answer: A

13. Mitral valve is present between__________

a) right atrium and left ventricle

b) right and left ventricle

c) left ventricle and aorta

d) left atrium and left ventricle

Answer: D

14. SA node is located in _____

a) upper lateral wall of right atrium

b) lower lateral wall of left atrium

c) lower lateral wall of right atrium

d) upper lateral wall of left atrium

Answer: A

15. The direction of blood flow in the heart is_______

a) Atrium → ventricle → artery

b) Artery → atrium → ventricle

c) Vein → Ventricle → Atrium

d) ventricle → atrium → vein

Answer: A

16. After intramuscular injection of penicillin, in which of the four chambers of the heart should the drug be found first_______

a) right atrium

b) right ventricle

c) Left atrium

d) left ventricle

Answer: A

17. Among the blood vessels directly connected to the four chambers of the human heart, the venous blood vessels that flow arterial blood are_______

a) pulmonary artery

b) pulmonary veins

c) aorta

d) superior and inferior vena cava

Answer: B

18. The valve between the atrium and the ventricle can ensure the blood flow in a certain direction, which of the following is the correct direction of blood flow

a) Left atrium → left ventricle

b) left ventricle → left atrium

c) left atrium → right atrium

d) left ventricle → right ventricle

Answer: A

19. When the heart’s atrioventricular valve is closed and the arterial valve is open, the heart’s atrioventricular diastolic state is________

a) Simultaneous contraction of atrium and ventricle

b) Atrial contraction, ventricular relaxation

c) Simultaneous relaxation of atrium and ventricle

d) Atrial relaxation, ventricular contraction

Answer: D

20. There are valves between the atria and ventricles that prevent the backflow of blood. Due to the presence of this valve, blood can only flow from________

a) Ventricular flow to atrium

b) veins flow to arteries

c) atrium to ventricle

d) Atrial flow to veins

Answer: C

21. People who regularly participate in physical exercise have an enhanced function of heart pumping blood, the reason is_______

a) Enlarged heart, containing more blood

b) Myocardium increases in number and contracts forcefully

c) Myocardium is developed and contracted

d) Increased heart rate, strong ability to deliver oxygen

Answer: C

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