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Class 12 physics chapter 4 moving charges and magnetism MCQs for NEET pdf

MCQs Questions For Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 : Moving Charge And Magnetism With Answers pdf

Check your knowledge by solving MCQ on Moving Charge And Magnetism with answers Pdf. Below MCQs will help learners for preparing NEET examinations and will be able to score better as all the resources required to study of Moving Charge And Magnetism are provided here. We tried to simplify the complexities of some of the topics in the form of Moving Charge And Magnetism multiple choice questions and answers so that preparation becomes easy for the NEET aspirants.

Moving Charge And Magnetism MCQs

These MCQs on Moving Charge And Magnetism are also useful for preparing for various competitive exams like KVPY, CET, NTSE, NET, SET. So, we are providing MCQ Questions on Moving Charge And Magnetism that will help you to understand the basic concepts of Moving Charge And Magnetism and even help you get a good score with sufficient practice questions for each topic.

MCQs On Moving Charge And Magnetism Class 12

1.Tesla is a unit of___________

(a) electric flux

(b) magnetic flux

(c) magnetic field

(d) electric field

Answer: C

2. The magnetic moment of a current I carrying circular coil of radius r and number of turns N varies as______

(a) 1r²

(b) 1r

(c) r

(d) r²

Answer: D

3. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The torque acting on it does not depend upon_______

(a) area of loop

(b) value of current

(c) magnetic field

(d) None of these

Answer: D

4. The sensitivity of a tangent galvanometer can be increased by increasing_______

(a) the radius of the coil

(b) the external magnetic field

(c) the number of turns of the coil

(d) all the above

Answer: B

5. Which of the following shows that the earth behaves as a magnet?

(a) Repulsion between like poles .

(b) Attraction between unlike poles

(c) Null points in the magnetic field of a bar magnet

(d) No existence of isolated magnetic poles

Answer: C

6. A deutron of kinetic energy 50 keV is describing a circular orbits of radius 0.5m in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field vecB. The kinetic energy of the proton that describes a circular orbit of same radius and inside same vecB is__________

(a) 25 keV

(b) 50 keV

(c) 200 keV

(d) 100 keV

Answer: D

7. To convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter of given range, we must connect______

(a) A suitable low resistance in series

(b) A suitable high resistance in series

(c) A suitable low resistance in parallel

(d) A suitable high resistance in parallel

Answer: B

8. Current sensitivity of a galvanometer can be increased by decreasing________

(a) Magnetic field B

(b) Number of turns n

(c) Torsional constant k

(d) Area A

Answer: C

9. A wire in the form of a circular loop, of one turn carrying a current, produces magnetic induction B at the centre. If the same wire is looped into a coil of two turns and carrying the same current, the new value of magnetic induction at the centre is_________

(a) B

(b) 2B

(c) 4B

(d) 8B

Answer: C

10. A solenoid has 1000 turns per metre length. If a current of 5A is flowing through it, then magnetic field inside the solenoid is_________

(a) 2π x 10-³T

(b) 2π x 10-⁵T

(c) 4π x 10-³T

(d) 2π x 10-⁵ T

Answer: A

11. If distance between two current carrying wires is doubled, then force between them is__________

(a) halved

(b) doubled

(c) tripled

(d) quadrupled

Answer: A

12. Magnetic Field inside a solenoid is ________

(a) increases from one end to another

(b) uniform

(c) varies from point to point

(d) None of the above

Answer: B

13. In Fleming’s left rule, the middle finger represents ________________

(a) Force

(b) Direction of magnetic field

(c) Direction of current flowing through the conductor

(c) Magnetic Flux

Answer: C

14. When an electron enters a perpendicular magnetic field, the kinetic energy of the electron will________

(a) Increase

(b) Decrease

(c) remain constant

(d) Need more data to say

Answer: C

15. Magnetic field lines being more crowded towards the pole of a magnet indicates that the magnetic field due to the magnet in that region is __________

(a) the weakest

(b) the outcome of a property of a ferromagnetic substance

aligned with the 

(c) magnetic field of earth

(d) the strongest

Answer: D

16. At a place an electric field and a magnetic field are in the downward direction. There is an electron moves in the downward direction. Hence this electron _____ 

(a) will bend towards left

(b) will bend towards right

(c) will gain velocity

(d) will lose velocity

Answer: D

17. The angular speed of the charged particle is independent of _____ 

(a) its mass

(b) its linear speed

(c) charge of particle

(d) magnetic field

Answer: B

18. A length of wire carries a steady current. It is bent first to form a circular plane coil of one turn. The same length is now bent more sharply to give a double loop of smaller radius. The magnetic field produced at the centre produced by same current is______

(a) unaltered

(b) a half of its initial value

(c) a quarter of its initial value

(d) four times of its first value

Answer: D

19. To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter,  connect______

(a) high resistance in series

(b) high resistance in parallel

(c) low resistance in parallel 

(d) low resistance in series

Answer: C

20. Magnetic force acting on a charge is given by the formula

(a) q(V – B)

(b) q(V + B)

(c) q(V/B)

(d) q(V × B)

Answer: D

21. When an electron is projected at right angle to uniform magnetic field then it will move along_________

(a) helical path

(b) circle

(c) straight line

(d) cube

Answer: B

22. A current circular loop of radius R is placed in the x-y plane with centre at the origin. Half of the lop with x > 0 is now bent so that it now lies in the y-z plane.

(a) the magnitude of magnetic moment now diminishes

(b) the magnetic moment does not change

(c) the magnitude of B at (0,0,z),z >> R increases

(d) the magnitude of B at (0,0,z),z >> R is unchanged

Answer: A

23. An electron is projected with uniform velocity along the axis of a current-carrying long solenoid. Which of the following is true?

(a) the electron will be accelerated along the axis

(b) the electron path will be circular about the axis

(c) the electron will experience a force at 45o to the axis and hence execute a helical path

(d) the electron will continue to move with uniform velocity along the axis of the solenoid

Answer: D

24. In a cyclotron, a charged particle_______

(a) undergoes acceleration all the time

(b) speeds up between the dees because of the magnetic field

(c) speeds up in a dee

(d) slows down within a dee and speeds up between dees

Answer: A

25. A cubical region of space is filled with some uniform electric and magnetic fields. An electron enters the cube across one of its faces with velocity v and a positron enters via opposite face with velocity –v. At this instant, which statement is wrong

(a) the electric forces on both the particles cause identical acceleration

(b) the magnetic forces on both the particles cause equal accelerations

(c) both particles gain or lose energy at the same rate

(d) the motion of the centre of mass (CM) is determined by B alone

 Answer: A

26. The nature of parallel and anti-parallel currents are________

(a) parallel currents repel and antiparallel cur¬rents attract.

(b) parallel currents attract and antiparallel cur-rents repel.

(c) both currents attract. ’

(d) both currents repel.

Answer: b

27. The conversion of a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter is done by

(a) introducing a resistance of large value in series.

(b) introducing a resistance of small value in parallel.

(c) introducing a resistance of large value in parallel.

(d) introducing a resistance of small value in series.

Answer: A

28. A strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron. Then the electron________

(a) moves in the direction of the field.

(b) remained stationary.

(c) moves perpendicular to the direction of the field.

(d) moves opposite to the direction of the field.

Answer: B

29. A current loop placed in a non-uniform magnetic field experiences___________

(a) a force of repulsion.

(b) a force of attraction.

(c) a torque but not force.

(d) a force and a torque

Answer: D

30. A current carrying closed loop of an irregular shape lying in more than one plane when placed in uniform magnetic field, the force acting on it________

(a) will be more in the plane where its larger position is covered.

(b) zero.

(c)  infinite.

(d) may or may not be zero.

Answer: B

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