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NEET Biology MCQs on Cartilage

NEET Biology MCQs on cartilage

NEET Biology MCQs on Cartilage


Cartilage is a hard, thick, and flexible connective tissue that is found in many areas of the body such as vertebrae of the spine, bronchial tubes or airways, ends of the ribs and ears and the nose.

In addition, cartilage covers the ends of the long bones; Such as: the bones of the elbows, knees, and ankles, at the point of their contact with each other in the joints.

In general, cartilage consists of chondrocytes and about 65-80% water, where the chondrocytes produce gels. It is called the Matrix, which is made up of collagen fibers, proteoglycans, and non-collagen proteins called as elastic fibers.

These structures give the cartilage the harmony of its shape and function and it is worth noting that the cartilage does not contain blood vessels or nerves, not even lymphatic vessels and it is fed by the mechanism of diffusion and through tissue surrounding the cartilage. It is called the perichondrium. Due to a lack of blood vessels, cartilage may grow and repair in a slower way than it does from other connective tissues.


MCQs on Cartilage :

1. Glass like cartilage is :- 

(1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Fibro cartilage 

(3) Calcified cartilage 

(4) Elastic cartilage 

Answer : 1. Hyaline cartilage 


2. In which one of the following preparations are you 

likely to come across cell junctions most 

frequently ?

(1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Ciliated eithelium 

(3) Thrombocytes 

(4) Tendon 

Answer: 2. Ciliated epithelial


3. Nasal septum gets damaged. Its recovery requires cartilage called…… 

(1) Fibrous cartilage 

(2) Elastic cartilage 

(3) Hyaline cartilage 

(4) Calcified cartilage 

Answer : 3. Hyaline Cartilage 


4. Which cartilage is present on the end of long bones….. 

(1) Calcified 

(2) Hyaline cartilage 

(3) Elastic cartilage 

(4) Fibrous cartilage 

Answer: 2. Hyaline cartilage 


5. Cartilage is…… 

(1) Nonvascular 

(2) Poorly vascular 

 (3) Highly vascular 

(4) Irregularly vascular. 

Answer: 1. Non vascular 


6. Cartilage present in trachea, larynx and bronchi is

(1) Fibrous 

(2) Elastic 

(3) Hyaline 

(4) Calcified

Answer : 3. Hyaline


7. Mammalian pinna is supported by…..

 (1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Calcifed cartilage 

 (3) Elastic cartilage 

(4) White fibrous connective tissue 

Answer : 3. Elastic cartilage


8. Which cartilage present on the end of long bone :- 

 (1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Fibrous cartilage 

(3) Carcified cartilage 

(4) Elastic cartilage

Answer: 1. Hyaline cartilage 


9.  Supra scapula of frog is composed of which cartilage 

 (1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Fibrous cartilage 

(3) Calcified cartilage 

(4) Elastic cartilage 

Answer : 3. Calcified cartilage 


10. Which of following is lack of blood supply 

 (1) Bone 

(2) Cartilage 

(3) Connective tissue 

(4) None

Answer: 2. None


11. In Hyaline cartilage matrix is :- 

(1) Granular 

(2) Transparent 

(3) Agranular 

(4)Semi transparent 

Answer: 4. Semi transparent


11. Inter vertebral dics are composed of :- 

(1) Hyalin cartilage 

(2) Elastic cartilage 

(3) White fibrous cartilage 

(4) None of above 

Answer : 3. White fibrous cartilage 


12. Hyaline cartilage found in :- 

(1) Santorini of larynx 

(2) Tracheal Rings 

(3) Epiglottis 

(4) Eustachian tubes 

Answer: 2. Tracheal Rings


13. Strongest cartilage is :- 

(1) White fibrous cartilage 

(2) Elastic cartilage 

(3) Hyaline cartilage 

(4) None

Answer : 1. White fibrous cartilage 


14. Epiglottis is composed of :- 

(1) Hyaline cartilage 

(2) Calcified cartilage 

(3) Both 

(4) Elastic cartilage 

Answer: 4. Elastic cartilage 


15. Calcified cartilage found in :- 

(1) Pubis of frog 

(2) Diaphysis (shaft of long Bone) 

(3) Articular surface of long Bone 

(4) None 

Answer : 1. Pubis of frog


16. Eustachian tube is supported by :- 

(1) Elastic cartilage 

(2) White fibros cartilage 

(3) Calcified cartilage 

(4) Hyaline cartilage

Answer :  1. Elastic cartilage 


17. Cartilage of inter vertebral disc & Pubic symphysis :- 

(1) Elastic 

(2) White fibrous cartilage 

(3) Hyaline cartilage 

(4) Cacified cartilage 

Answer : 2. White fibrous  cartilage 


18. The covering of articular cartilage is made up of ………..

(1) Areolar C.T. 

(2) Yellow fibrous C.T 

(3) White fibrous C.T. 

(4) Reticular C.T. 

Answer: 3. White fibrous C.T


19. Maximum cartilage of larynx are the example of ….  

(1) Calcified cartilage 

(2) Elastic cartilage 

(3) White fibro cartilage 

(4) Hyaline cartilage

Answer : 4. Hyaline cartilage

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