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MCQ on Gymnosperms with Answers for NEET

MCQ on Gymnosperms Answers Pdf:

This article leads you to Solve MCQ on gymnosperms which is an important topic important from the NEET standpoint and Other Entrance Exams. The MCQ below lists different topics with corresponding MCQ on gymnosperms, facilitating smooth learning and search experience.


Important Points to Remember about Gymnosperms

  1. Gymnosperm is a seed-producing plant and they do not produce flowers or fruits and have naked seeds.
  2. The gymnosperms are plants belonging to the Kingdom Plantae, Subkingdom Embryophyta that includes conifers, cycads, gnetophytes, and ginkgos. 
  3. Some of the most recognizable examples of these woody shrubs and trees include pines, spruces, firs, etc. Gymnosperms are woody plants, either shrubs, trees, or, rarely, vines (some gnetophytes).
  4. The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms is how their seeds are developed. The seeds of angiosperms develop in the ovaries of flowers and are surrounded by a protective fruit. 
  5. Gymnosperm seeds are usually formed in unisexual cones, known as strobila, and the plants lack fruits and flowers.
  6. Gymnosperms have much economic importance such as Pine, fir, spruce, and cedar are all examples of conifers that are used for lumber, paper production, and resin. Some other common uses of gymnosperms are in soap, varnish, nail polish, food, gum, and perfume products.

Also Read : 

  1. MCQ on Bryophytes 
  2. MCQ on Pteridophytes 
  3. MCQ on Biotechnology 
  4. MCQ on Cell
  5. MCQ on Cell Organelles 
  6. MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum 
  7. MCQ on Mitochondria 
  8. MCQ on Nucleus 

Gymnosperms MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf

1. Flowers and cones are similar because___________

(a) both assist in seed dispersal

(b) Both are responsible for attracting insects to pollinate

(c) Both are shiny and bright

(d) both are reproductive structures

Answer: D


2. Another meaning of gymnosperm is______

(a) Nonvisible seeds

(b) Rounds seeds

(c) Wrinkled seeds

(d) Naked seed

Answer: B


3. The gymnosperms are ……………………… which means they produce different male and female spores.

(a) Homosporous

(b) Heterosporous

(c) Microspores

(d) Megaspores

Answer: B


4. This serves as a connecting link between the angiosperms and gymnosperms_________

(a) Gnetales

(b) Coniferales

(c) Ginkgoales

(d) Cycadales

Answer: A


5. Megasporangium in Gymnosperms is also called as____________

(a) Macrosporangiate

(b) Nucellus

(c) Microsporangium

(d) Male strobili

Answer: B


6. In gymnosperms, the ovules are not enclosed by any ovary wall and remain exposed

(a) only before fertilization

(b) only after fertilization

(c) both before and after seed discharge

(d) both before and after fertilization.

Answer: C


7. In gymnosperms, the seeds that develop post- fertilization, are naked. It means_________

(a) not covered by any ovule wall

(b) they are very small

(c) they lose their wall at maturity

(d) not covered by any ovary wall 

Answer: B


8. Gymnosperms are never_______

(a) medium-sized trees 

(b) tall trees

(c) herbs

(d) shrubs

Answer: B


9. One of the gymnosperms Sequoia is also called____

(a) the giant cedarwood

(b) the giant sandalwood

(c) the giant blackwood

(d) the giant redwood

Answer: B


10. The roots in gymnosperms are generally ____________roots and in Cycas small specialised roots called__________ are associated with N, fixing cyanobacteria.

(a) adventitious, coralloid roots

(b) tap, coralloid roots

(c) adventitious, mycorrhizal roots

(d) tap, haustorial roots

Answer: B


11. Gymnosperms do not bear________

(a) Seeds

(b) Fruits

(c) Cones

(d) None of them

Answer: B


12. An autotrophic, prokaryotic, and nitrogen-fixing symbiont is present in__________

(a) Cicer

(b) Cycas

(c) Sequoia

(d) Pinus

Answer: B


13.  Pick the pair that is incorrectly matched_______

(a) Cycas – coralloid roots

(b) Abies – wood tar, wood gas

(c) Pinus – Mycorrhizal roots

(d) Sequoia – Redwood tree

Answer: B


14. Phanerogams without the ovaries are________

(a) angiosperms

(b) pteridophytes

(c) gymnosperms

(d) all the above

Answer: C


15. In gymnosperms, the male and the female gametophytes________

(a) do not have an independent free-living existence

(b) have an independent free-living existence

(c) do not remain within the sporangia retained on the sporophytes

(d) are unicellular

Answer: D


16. In gymnosperms, the pollen grain is released from the microsporangium and is carried_______

(a) by water

(b) in air currents

(c) by pollen tube

(d) all of these

Answer: A


17. Which of the following is not a gymnosperm?

(a) Cycas

(b) Pinus

(c) Ginkgo

(d) Prunus

Answer: B


18. In plants, the haploid plant body produces________

(a) spores by mitosis and meiosis

(b) gametes by meiosis

(c) spores by mitosis

(d) gametes by mitosis

Answer: B


19. In gymnosperms, haploid spores are produced by__________

(a) gametophyte 

(b) sporophyte

(c) archegonia

(d) antheridia

Answer: B


20. Which among the following is incorrect?

(a) Some Gymnosperms have an algal association in their roots and it is termed mycorrhiza

(b) Leaves of Gymnosperms can be either simple / compound

(c) Gymnosperms have either branched / unbranched stems

(d) The roots in Pinus exist in the form of mycorrhiza

Answer: B


21. The stems are unbranched in_______

(a) Cedrus

(b) Cycas

(c) Pinuus

(d) All gymnosperms

Answer: B


22. In Cycas the pinnate leaves persist for a few________

(a) days

(b) months

(d) years

(c) hours

Answer: A


23. The leaves in gymnosperms are well-adapted to withstand extremes of temperature, humidity, and_______

(a) light

(b) soil

(c) wind

(d) all of these

Answer: C


24. In conifers, the needle-like leaves______

(a) withstand extremes of temperature

(b) have a thin cuticle and sunken stomata

(c) haploid microspores and megaspores

(d) reduce the surface area

Answer: C


25. The gymnosperms are heterosporous; they produce________

(a) diploid microspores and megaspores

(b) diploid microspores and haploid megaspores

(c) haploid microspores and diploid megaspores

(d) haploid microspores and megaspores.

Answer: B


26. In gymnosperms, sporangia are borne on sporophylls which are arranged along an axis to form lax or compact strobila or cones.

(a) Oppositely

(b) spirally

(c) radially

(d) in whorl

Answer: B


27. In gymnosperms, the microspores develop into a male gametophytic generation which is___________

(a) highly developed and is made of a large number of cells

(b) semi-/parasitic

(c) free-living

(d) highly reduced and is confined to only a limited number of cells

Answer: C


28. In gymnosperms, the reduced male gametophyte is called__________

(a) ovule

(b) zygote

(c) embryo 

(d) pollen grain

Answer: C


29. In gymnosperms, male or female cones are borne__________

(a) on the same tree

(b) on different trees

(c) on the same tree or different trees

(d) on the gametophytes

Answer: C


30. In gymnosperms, the megaspore mother cell is differentiated from one of the cells of the________

(a) nucellus

(b) archegonia

(c) envelope

(d) megaspores

Answer: C


31. In gymnosperms, a megaspore mother cell divides meiotically to form__________

(a) many megaspores 

(b) one megaspore

(c) three megaspores

(d) Four megaspores

Answer: C


32. In gymnosperms, female gametophyte bears_________

(a) one archegonia 

(b) no archegonia

(c) two/more archegonia

(d) cones

Answer: B


33. Which among the following is the smallest gymnosperm?

(a) Cycas

(b) Pinus

(c) Zamia

(d) Gnetum

Answer: C


34. Vessels are found in________________

(a) all angiosperms and some gymnosperms

(b) most of the angiosperms and few gymnosperms

(c) all angiosperms and few gymnosperms and some pteridophytes

(d) all pteridophytes

Answer: B


35. Which group of plants among the following produce seeds?

(a) Gymnosperms

(b) Pteridophytes

(c) Bryophytes

(d) Thallophytes

Answer: A

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