MCQ on Stationary waves for NEET | Class 12

MCQ on Stationary waves for NEET | class 12

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MCQ on Stationary waves for NEET | class 12

Read: Class 11 Physics MCQs 

MCQ on Stationary waves for Class 12

1. In a stationary wave____________

(a) there is a transfer of energy through the medium

(b) the distance between two successive antinodes is lambda 

(c) the amplitude remains constant at all positions

(d) the phase does not continuously vary with distance

Answer : D


2. In a stationary wave___________

(a) the displacement at the antinodes is minimum

(b) the displacement at the nodes is maximum

(c)  the displacement at the nodes is zero and that at the antinode is maximum

(d) the displacement is maximum at both nodes and antinodes

Answer: C


3. There is no transmission of energy in________

(a) electromagnetic waves 

(b) Simple harmonic waves

(c) longitudinal waves 

(d) stationary waves

Answer : D

Read: MCQs on Electrostatics 


4. In stationary waves, the particles of the medium________

(a) travel in opposite directions

(b) are stationary

(c) perform S.H.M.s of different frequencies

(d) perform S.H.M.s of different amplitudes

Answer: D


5. In a stationary wave, the node is a point having_________

(a) maximum density

(b) maximum displacement

(c) minimum density

(d) minimum displacement

Answer: D


Read: MCQs on Potentiometer 


6. In a stationary wave the strain is_________

(a) maximum at nodes 

(b) maximum at antinodes

(c) minimum at antinodes 

(d) constant throughout

Answer: B


7. In a stationary wave, strain is minimum________

(a) at nodes

(b) at antinodes

(c) at nodes as well as at antinodes

(d) neither at nodes nor at antinodes

Answer: A


8. A string fixed at both ends forms standing waves with node separation of 5 cm. If the velocity of waves traveling time string is 4 m/s, then the frequency or vibration of the string will be_______

(a) 20 Hz

(b) 30 Hz

(c) 40 Hz

(d) 50 Hz

Answer: C


Read: MCQs on Sonometer 


9. In a stationary wave every particle performs_________

(a) an S.H.M. at all points of the medium

(b) an S.H.M. at all points except nodal points

(c) an S.H.M. at all points except the antinode points

(d) a S.H.M. of constant amplitude

Answer: B


10. A closed organ pipe is excited to produce the third overtone of the air column. It is found that the air in the

Pipe has________

(a) three nodes and three antinodes

(b) three nodes and four antinodes

(c) four nodes and four antinodes

(d) four nodes and three antinodes

Answer: C


11. A vibratıng sonometer wire is in resonance with a tuning fork of frequency 150 Hz. If only one loop is formed on the wire and the length of one loop is 40 cm, then the velocity of transverse waves on the wire will be___________

(a) 120 m/s

(b) 240 m/s

(c) 90 m/s

(d) 60 m/s

Answer: A


12. The speed of sound in air is 350 m/s. The fundamental frequency of an open pipe of length 50 cm is_______

(a) 100 Hz

(b) 250 Hz

(c) 350 Hz

(d) 400 Hz

Answer: C


13. What is the velocity of transverse waves traveling along a thin copper wire of length 50 cm and mass 1 gram, if it is stretched by a weight of 4 kg?

(a) 60 m/s

(b) 90 m/s

(c) 110 m/s

(d) 140 m/s

Answer: D


14. Energy is to be carried from one place to another. Which one of the following cannot be used?

(a) Longitudinal progressive waves

(b) Transverse progressive waves

(c) Electromagnetic waves

(d) Standing (stationary) waves

Answer: D


15. The length of a string tied between two rigid supports is 50 cm. The maximum wavelength of a stationary wave produced on it is________

(a) 25 cm

(b) 75 cm

(c) 100 cm

(d) 125 cm

Answer: C


16. What type of vibrations are produced in a sitar wire?

(a) Progressive, transverse

(b) Progressive, longitudinal

(c) Transverse, stationery

(d) Longitudinal, stationery

Answer: C


17. A string is stretched between two fixed points separated by 75 cm. It has two consecutive resonant frequencies of 420 Hz and 315 Hz. What is the lowest resonant frequency for the string?

(a) 55 Hz

(b) 105 Hz

(c) 155 Hz

(d) 210 Hz

Answer: B


18. A weight of 5 kg is required to produce the fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire. What weight is required to produce its octave?

(a) 10 kg wt

(b) 20 kg wt

(c) 30 kg wt

(d) 40 kg wt

Answer: B


19. If the fifth overtone of a closed pipe is in unison with the fifth overtone of an open pipe, then the ratio of the length of closed pipe to open pipe will be_____

(a) 11: 12

(b) 12: 11

(c) 13: 11

(d) 11: 13

Answer: A


20. A and B are two metal tubes having equal lengths and equal inner diameters. For tube A, both ends are open while for tube B, one end is closed. What is the ratio of the fundamental frequencies of A and B?

(a) 1:2

(b) 2:1

(c) 1:4

(d) 4: 1

Answer: B


21. A tuning fork of frequency 480 Hz is in unison with the first overtone of a pipe closed at one end. What is the fundamental frequency of the closed pipe?

(a) 140 Hz

(b) 120 Hz

(c) 160 Hz

(d) 150 Hz

Answer: C


22. A wave of frequency 100 Hz is sent along a string towards a fixed end. When this wave travels back after reflection, a node is formed at a distance of 10 cm from the fixed end of the string. The speed of the waves is_______

(a) 5 m/s

(b) 10 m/s

(c) 20 m/s

(d) 40 m/s

Answer: C


23. An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of the third harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be higher by 100 Hz than the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. What is the fundamental frequency of the open pipe?

(a) 150 Hz

(b) 200 Hz

(c) 250 Hz

(d) 300 Hz

Answer: B


24. What is the effect on the fundamental frequency (v) of a closed organ pipe, instead of air it is filled with a gas heavier than air.

(a) there is no change in v

(b) v will decrease

(c) v will increase

(d) v may increase or decrease

Answer: B


25. A steel rod of length I m is clamped at its middle. The rod is made to vibrate in such a way that the fundamental frequency of the longitudinal waves of the rod is 2.5 kHz. What is the speed of sound in steel?

(a) 3000 m/s

(b) 4000 m/s

(c) 5000 m/s 

(d) 6000 m/s

Answer: C


26. In the case of forced oscillations, if the oscillations are sustained in the body, then the amplitude of oscillations______

(a) decreases exponentially

(b) decreases linearly

(c) decreases sinusoidally

(d) remains constant

Answer: D


27. If a string fixed at both ends, vibrates in its fourth harmonic, the wavelength is 15 cm. What is the length of the string_______

(a) 20 cm

(b) 30 cm

(c) 25 cm

(d) 40 cm

Answer: B


28. What should be the length of a closed pipe to produce resonance with sound waves of wavelength 62 cm?

(a) 31 cm

(b) 15.5 cm

(c) 45 cm

(d) 20.5 cm

Answer: B


29. The frequency of sound waves produced by an organ pipe, at room temperature. If the temperature is increased by 20°C, then the frequency of sound waves______

(a) will decrease

(b) will increase

(c) will remain unchanged 

(d) will be reduced by 20%

Answer: B


30. An air column in a pipe, which is closed at one end, will be in resonance with a tuning Tork of frequency of 200 Hz. if the length of the air column is_____

[velocity of sound in air = 320 m/s]

(a) 30 cm

(b) 35 cm

(c) 40 cm

(d) 50 cm

Answer: C


31. A stretched wire of length I m and weighing 1 gram is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency 200 Hz. The tension in the wire will be_______

(a) 160 N

(b) 80 N

(c) 320 N

(d) 200N

Answer: A


32. Standing waves are produced in a stretched string of length 8 m. If the string vibrates in4 loops and the wave velocity is 20 m/s, then the frequency of the string will be_______

(a) 2 Hz

(b) 5 Hz

(c) 7.5 m

(d) 10 Hz

Answer: B


33. A sonometer wire of length 79 cm emits a note of frequency 234 Hz. The length of the wire is then reduced by 1 cm and is allowed to vibrate, How many beats will be produced per sec will a tuning fork of frequency 240 Hz?

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

Answer: B


34. A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe have their first overtones identical in frequency. near lengths are in the ratio_________

(a) 1:2

(b) 2:3

(c) 3:4

(d) 4:5

Answer: C


35. In Melde’s experiment, 6 loops were formed, when the string was stretched by a weight of 6 grams. What weight should be used to produce 5 loops, without changing the experimental setup?

(a) 12-gram wt.

(b) 18-gram wt.

(c) 24-gram wt.

(d) 16-gram wt.

Answer: C


36. Two organ pipes, closed at one end when sounded together produce 3 beats/second. If their lengths are the ratio of 101: 100, then the fundamental notes produced by them have the frequencies (in Hz)________

(a) 100 and 103

(b) 206 and 203

(c) 300 and 303

(d) 400 and 405

Answer: C


37. The velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s. The maximum length of an organ pipe that can produce just an audible sound is_______

(a) 2 m

(b) 4 m

(c) 6 m

(d) 1 m

Answer: B


38. An open pipe of length L is emitting its fundamental frequency. If one end of the pipe is closed, then the frequency of the first overtone of the closed pipe is found to be higher by 100 Hz. then the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. What is the fundamental frequency of the closed pipe?

(a) 100 Hz

(b) 150 Hz

(c) 200 Hz

(d) 250 Hz

Answer: A


39. The velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s. A pipe closed at one end has a length of  1 m. Neglecting the end correction, the pipe cannot resonate for frequencies_______

(a) 80 Hz

(b) 160 Hz

(c) 240 Hz

(d) 400 Hz

Answer: B


40. Why is the sound produced by an organ pipe open at both ends better than that of an organ pipe closed at one end?

(a) In a closed pipe, the sound can not come out of the closed-end while in the open pipe, sound can come out of both ends.

(b) A closed pipe produces only odd harmonics, while an open pipe produces all harmonics

(c) A closed pipe produces only the fundamental frequency, while the open pipe produces the fundamental as well as the harmonics

(d) an open pipe produces only the fundamental frequency but a closed pipe produces all harmonics

Answer: B

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