Most Important MCQs on chloroplast

Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green colour, which results from the presence of two pigments, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

Chloroplasts are found in all higher plants. It is oval or biconvex, found within the mesophyll of the plant cell. The size of the chloroplast usually varies between 4-6 µm in diameter and 1-3 µm in thickness. They are double-membrane organelle with the presence of outer, inner and the thin intermembrane space. There are two distinct regions present inside a chloroplast known as the grana and stroma.

The photosynthesis-conducting organelles which is the site where chlorophyll traps solar energy converting it and storing it in the energy storage molecules – NADPH and ATP are called Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are functional in the calvin cycle performing a number of functions. It is a type of organelle referred to as a plastid.

Important MCQs on Chloroplast

1. The bright colours of ripe fruits is due to
a) Chromoplasts
b) Chloroplasts
c) Amyloplasts
d) Leucoplasts
Answer: a

2. Factory for synthesis of sugars in autotrophic eukaryotes___
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Ribosome
d) Endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: b

3. Stroma is the ground material of which of these___
a) Ribosomes
b) Lysosomes
c) Mitochondria
d) Chloroplasts
Answer: d

4. When green tomatoes fruits turn to red, then___
a) new chromoplasts are formed

b) chloroplasts are disintegrated and get converted into chromoplasts

c) chromoplasts are changed to chloroplasts

d) none of these
Answer: b

5. The thylakoid in chloroplasts are arranged as____
a) Stacked discs
b) interconnected disc
c) interconnected sacs
d) none of the above
Answer: a

6. If we separate the cell organelles of a living cell, then which part should be alive
a) Ribosome
b) cell wall
c) endoplasmic reticulum
d) chloroplast
Answer: d

7. Extranuclear DNA is found in___
a) Ribosome
b) Chloroplast
c) Golgi apparatus
d) endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: b

8. In chloroplasts, where do light reactions occur______
a) outer membrane
b) inner membrane
c) thylakoid membrane
d) stroma
Answer: c

9. In chloroplasts, the parallel layering of membranes is suited for___
a) maximum exposure of enzymes

b) maximum light absorption

c) minimum light absorption so cells can maintain their temperature

d) all of these
Answer: b

10. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is present in____
a) Stroma
b) outer membrane
c) thylakoids
d) inner membrane
Answer: c

11. Who first discovered chloroplast?
a) J Rhodin
b) Robert Porter
c) Camillo Golgi
d) Konstantin Mereschkowski
Answer : D

12. What is the diameter of a chloroplast?
a) 1 – 2 micrometer
b) 2 – 4 micrometer
c) 4 – 6 micrometer
d) 6 – 10 micrometer
Answer : c

13. The mass of chloroplast DNA is __________
a) 10 – 15 million daltons
b) 50 – 100 million daltons
c) 80 – 130 million daltons
d) 25 – 125 million daltons
Answer : c

14. The number of chloroplasts found in Arabidopsis thaliana is _____________
a) 100
b) 150
c) 50
d) 200
Answer : A

15. Which pigment is responsible for the process of sunlight?
a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Xanthophyll
d) Anthocyanin
Answer : a

16. Which pigment constitutes majorly in absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis?
a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Xanthophyll
d) Anthocyanin
Answer : b

17. Which of the following organisms has photosynthetic pigments in it?
a) Yeast
b) Nitrosomonas
c) Spirulina
d) Phosphobacter
Answer : c

18. What is the chemical formula of chlorophyll a?
a) C45H72MgN4O5
b) C55H72MgN4O5
c) C55H72MnN4O5
d) C45H72MnN4O5
Answer : b

19. What disease is caused by the dysfunction of chloroplast?
a) Leaf spot
b) Blight spot
c) Leaf variegation
d) Powdery mildew
Answer : c

20. Thylakoid membrane produces ATP by the process of___
a) photosynthesis
b) chemiosmosis
4) respiration
Answer : b

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