Quiz on HIV

Quiz on HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the human immune system, specifically the CD4 cells (T cells), which play a crucial role in fighting off infections. HIV weakens the immune system and causes AIDS, making it difficult for the body to defend against various illnesses and infections.

Understanding HIV and its implications is essential for promoting awareness and taking necessary precautions. Now, let’s test your knowledge with Quiz on HIV. Take a look.

Quiz on HIV:

1. What does HIV stand for?
a) Human Influenza Virus
b) Human Immunodeficiency Virus
c) Highly Infectious Virus
d) Human Invasive Virus
Answer: b) Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Read: MCQ on Bacteria

2. How is HIV primarily transmitted?
a) Through casual contact
b) Through mosquito bites
c) Through sharing utensils
d) Through sexual contact, sharing needles, mother-to-child transmission, and blood transfusions
Answer: d) Through sexual contact, sharing needles, mother-to-child transmission, and blood transfusions

Read: MCQ on AIDS

3. Which body cells does HIV specifically target?
a) Liver cells
b) Kidney cells
c) CD4 cells (T cells)
d) Red blood cells
Answer: c) CD4 cells (T cells)

4. What is the most common symptom of early-stage HIV infection?
a) Persistent cough
b) Memory loss
c) Flu-like symptoms
d) Vision problems
Answer: c) Flu-like symptoms

5. How can HIV be diagnosed?
a) Blood pressure measurement
b) X-ray imaging
c) HIV antibody test
d) Urine analysis
Answer: c) HIV antibody test

6. Is there a cure for HIV?
a) Yes, it can be cured with antibiotics
b) No, there is currently no cure for HIV
c) Only if detected in the early stages
d) Yes, with regular exercise and a healthy diet
Answer: b) No, there is currently no cure for HIV

7. What is the primary goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART)?
a) To prevent HIV transmission to others
b) To cure HIV infection
c) To manage HIV and control the virus
d) To eliminate all symptoms of HIV
Answer: c) To manage HIV and control the virus

8. How can HIV transmission from mother to child be prevented?
a) Avoiding breastfeeding
b) Administering antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy and childbirth
c) Isolating the mother during pregnancy
d) Performing a cesarean section for all HIV-positive mothers
Answer: b) Administering antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy and childbirth

9. What is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)?
a) A vaccine to prevent HIV infection
b) A medication is taken before potential exposure to HIV to reduce the risk of infection
c) A treatment for advanced stages of HIV
d) A screening test for HIV
Answer: b) A medication taken before potential exposure to HIV to reduce the risk of infection

10. Can HIV be transmitted through casual contact?
a) Yes, through hugging or shaking hands
b) No, HIV cannot be transmitted through casual contact
c) Only if there are open wounds or sores
d) Only through prolonged contact
Answer: b) No, HIV cannot be transmitted through casual contact

This Quiz on HIV provides a basic understanding of HIV and its transmission. It’s important to continue learning and staying informed about HIV prevention and management.

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