Reproductive Health NEET Questions Class 12 Pdf

Reproductive Health NEET MCQ for Class 12 Pdf:

Below are some Reproductive Health NEET Questions. Reproductive health is defined as the ability of the individual and couples to enjoy a satisfactory sexual and reproductive life without risks, having the freedom to decide whether or not to have a sexual relationship, when, and how often.

This is a right that both men and women have, to obtain information about sexually transmitted diseases, plan their family, use other methods for the regulation of fertility that are not legally prohibited, and access to safe, effective, affordable methods. and acceptable, receive adequate health care services that allow safe pregnancies and deliveries and give couples the best possible chance of having healthy children.

Here in this article, We are providing you the Reproductive Health NEET Questions and Answers with Pdf asked in all the board and competitive entrance examinations such as NEET. Here first 21 MCQs are asked in NEET.

Reproductive Health MCQ for NEET


MCQ on Reproductive Health Previously Asked in NEET

1. Which of the following is a hormone-releasing intrauterine device_________
(b) LNG 20
(a) Multiload 375
(c) Cervical cap
(d) Vault
Answer: B

2. Tubectomy is a method of sterilization in which_______
(a) Small part of the vas deferens is removed or tied up
(b) Uterus is removed surgically
(c) Small part of the fallopian tube is removed and tied up
(d) Ovaries are surgically removed
Answer: C

3. Medical termination of pregnancy [MTP] is considered safe up to how many weeks of pregnancy?
(a) Eight weeks
(c) Eighteen weeks
(b) Twelve weeks
(d) Six weeks
Answer: B

4. Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of contraception in India, as at present?
(a) IUDs (Intrauterine devices)
(b) Cervical caps
(c) Tubectomy
(d) Diaphragms.
Answer: A

5. Cu ions released from copper releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs)_________
(a) Make the uterus unsuitable for implantation
(b) Increase phagocytosis of Sperms
(c) Suppress sperm motility
(d) Prevent ovulation
Answer: C

6. The permissible use of the amniocentesis technique is for________
(a) Detecting the sex of the unborn fetus
(b) Artificial insemination
(c) Transfer of embryo into the uterus of a surrogate mother
(d) Detecting any genetic abnormality.
Answer: D

7. One of the legal methods of birth control is__________
(a) By having coitus at the time of the daybreak
(b) By premature ejaculation during coitus
(c) Abortion by taking an appropriate medicine
(d) By abstaining from coitus from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle
Answer: D

8. The contraceptive SAHELI__________
(a) is an IUD
(b) increases the concentration of estrogen and prevents ovulation in females.
(c) blocks estrogen receptors in the uterus, preventing eggs from getting implanted
(d) is a post-coital contraceptive
Answer: C

9. The function of copper ions in copper releasing IUDs is______
(a) They suppress sperm motility and fertilizing capacity of sperms
(b) The inhibited gametogenesis
(c) They make the uterus unsuitable for implantation
(d) They inhibit ovulation
Answer: A

10. Which of the following is incorrect regarding vasectomy?
(a) No sperm occurs in seminal fluid
(b) No sperm occurs in epididymis
(c) Vasa deferentia is cut and tied
(d) Irreversible sterility
Answer: B

11. Which of the following is a hormone-releasing IUD?
(a) LNG-20
(b) Lippes loop
(c) Multiload-375
(d) Cu-7
Answer: A

12. Which of the following approaches does not give the defined action of contraception?
(a) Intra uterine devices -Increase phagocytosis of sperms and suppress sperm motility and fertilizing capacity of sperms.
(b) Hornmonal contraceptives-prevent/ retard entry of sperms, prevent ovulation and fertilization
(c) Vasectomy – Prevents spermatogenesis
(d) Barrier Methods- Prevent fertilization
Answer: C

13. Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease?
(a) Syphilis
(b) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
(c) Trichomoniasis
(d) Encephalitis
Answer: D

14. Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involved the transfer of:
(a) Zygote into the uterus
(b) Embryo with 16 blastomeres into the fallopian tube
(c) Ovum into the fallopian tube
(d) Zygote into the fallopian tube
Answer: D

15. Artificial insemination means_________
(a) Artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor into the vagina
(b) Introduction of sperm of a healthy donor directly into the ovary
(c) Transfer of sperm from a healthy donor to a test tube containing ova
(d) Transfer of sperm of husband to a test tube containing ova.
Answer: A

16. The test-tube baby program employs which of the following technique?
(a) Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI]
(b) Gamete intra-fallopian transfer [GIFT]
(c) Intrauterine insemination [IUI]
(d) Zygote intra-fallopian transfer [ZIFT]
Answer: D

17. The technique called Gamete intrafallopian transfer [GIFT] is recommended for those females_________
(a) Who cannot produce an ovum
(b) Who cannot retain the fetus inside the uterus
(c) Whose cervical canal is too narrow to allow passage for the sperms
(d) Who cannot provide a suitable environment for fertilization
Answer: A

18. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing fetus by amniocentesis?
(a) Down’s syndrome
(b) Jaundice
(c) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(d) Sex of the fetus
Answer: B

19. In the case of a couple where the male is having a very low sperm count, which technique will be suitable for fertilization___________
(a) Intrauterine transfer
(b) Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer
(c) Artificial Insemination
(d) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Answer: C

20. Embryo with more than 16 blastomeres formed due to in vitro fertilization is transferred into___________
(a) Uterus
(b) Fallopian tube
(c) Fimbriae
(d) Cervix
Answer: A


21. A child couple can be assisted to have a child through a technique called GIFT. The full form of this technique is__________
(a) Gamete Inseminated Fallopian Transfer
(b) Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer
(c) Gamete Internal Fertilization and Transfer
(d) Germ cell internal Fallopian Transfer
Answer: B

Biology MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 4 Reproductive Health NEET Questions Pdf:

1. Which of the following is ART?
(a) UDIs
(b) GIFT
(c) ZIFT
(d) Both (b) & (c)
Answer: D


2. What is correct about a test tube baby?
(a) Fertilization in the female’s genital tract and growth in a test tube.
(b) Rearing of the prematurely born baby in an incubator.
(c) Fertilization outside and gestation inside the mother’s womb.
(d) Both fertilization and development are done outside the female genital tract.
Answer: C

3. Which method can be used for women that cannot produce ovum but can provide a suitable environment?
(a) UDI
(b) GIFT
(c) IUI
(d) ICSI
Answer: B

4. What is the expansion for MTP?
(a) Medical Termination of Parturition
(b) Mechanical Transfer of Pollen
(c) Medical Termination of Pregnancy
(d) Maternally Transmitted Pathogens
Answer: C

5. Test tube baby is a technique where____________
(a) Zygote is taken from the oviduct cultured and then implanted.
(b) Ovum is taken out, then fertilized and implanted.
(c) Sperms and ovum are fused and the zygote is grown in a test tube.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: B

6. The oral contraceptive pills mainly contain the hormones___________
(a) estrogen and luteinizing hormone.
(b) progesterone and estrogen.
(c) estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormones.
(d) progesterone and follicle-stimulating hormone.
Answer: B

7. Amniocentesis is a process used to____________
(a) Growing cells on culture media
(b) Know about brain disease
(c) Determine mutations
(d) Determine a disease of the embryo
Answer: D

8. The function of Copper-T is___________
(a) Stop gastrulation
(b) Stop cleavage
(c) Check mutation
(d) Stop fertilization
Answer : D

9. Which among these is not a natural method of birth control__________
(a) Coitus interruptus
(b) Periodic abstinence
(c) Vasectomy
(d) Lactational Amenorrhea
Answer: C

10. Which of these can be used to cure infertility in couples where the male partner has a very low sperm count?
(a) UDI
(b) GIFT
(c) IUI
(d) None of these
Answer: C

11. Emergency contraceptives are effective if used within___________
(a) 72 hrs of coitus
(b) 72 hrs of ovulation
(c) 72 hrs of menstruation
(d) 72 hrs of implantation.
Answer: A

12. Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow has developed a contraceptive named?
(a) Mala-D
(b) Combined pills
(c) Saheli
(d) Condoms
Answer: C

13. The technique called Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) is recommended for those females____________
(a) who cannot produce an ovum
(b) who cannot retain the fetus inside the uterus
(c) who cannot provide a suitable environment for fertilization
(d) all of these
Answer: A

14. Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons________
(a) these are effective barriers to insemination.
(b) they do not interfere with the coital act.
(c) these help in reducing the risk of STDs.
(d) all of the above.
Answer : D

15. By which name is family planning currently known?
(a) Reproductive and childcare
(b) Family and childcare
(c) Reproductive and child health
(d) Reproductive and child health care
Answer: D

16. What problems in reproductive health care require a doctor’s help?
(a) STDs
(b) Conception, parturition, and abortion
(c) Contraception, infertility, menstruation problem
(d) All
Answer: D

17. In the IVF technique zygote or early embryo is transferred into_________
(a) Cervical canal
(b) Uterus
(c) Fallopian tube
(d) Vagina
Answer: C

18. ‘Saheli’ a female antifertility pill, is used____________
(a) Daily
(b) Weekly
(c) Quarterly
(d) Monthly
Answer : D

19. ZIFT is the transfer of ______________
(a) zygote into fallopian tube.
(b) a mixture of sperm and ova into the fallopian tube.
(c) a mixture of sperm and ova into the uterus.
(d) embryo into the uterus.
Answer: A

Hope you liked this Reproductive Health NEET Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Reproductive Health:

1. Why is Sexual and Reproductive Health important?
Answer: It is important because sexual and reproductive health brings with it an integral well-being of the individual and everything that surrounds him. For this reason, you must know all the possibilities and risks that you have so that you can freely exercise your sexuality in a more responsible, healthy, and satisfactory way.

2. Is there a program on Sexual and Reproductive Health?
Answer: Yes, many institutions have designed a Sexual and Reproductive Health Program, whose main purpose is to promote the Sexual and Reproductive Rights of all the inhabitants of the department.

3. How is the Sexual and Reproductive Health program developed?
Answer: For this, it is based on the recognition and promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Rights established by the World Health Organization (WHO 1946), which determines that all couples and individuals have the right to freely and responsibly decide the number of children, spacing of births, and having the information and the means to do so, to achieve the highest level of sexual and reproductive health. With this program, different fairs and training have been developed to inform the population about how they can responsibly exercise their rights to achieve sexual and reproductive health without discrimination, coercion, or violence.

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