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Tricky Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download

Logical Reasoning MCQs Questions and Answers Pdf Download

We all are very known that for logical reasoning MCQ is one of the most important subject for PhD Entrance Exam like NET/SET/JRF which not only decides the careers of many a young students but also improve their ability of analytical and there nature of thinking. Most of the students believe that Logical Reasoning is a scoring subject. On behalf of ybstudy.com we are going to present simple, systematic and illustrative manner and easier to students to understand and appreciate this Solved MCQ on Logical Reasoning Pdf free Download in all the way.

Tricky logical reasoning MCQ

Studying for Logical Reasoning is not an easy task and its syllabus is quite vast, making it hard to prepare for Entrance exam. Not only for these but several other entrance exams as well like PhD entrance Exam. There are many websites and online tools that can help a lot in the study routine. If you are preparing for entrance it is essential to be an expert in the logical Reasoning concept. We brought a complete guide for you to prepare for MCQ on Logical Reasoning at free of costs. Not everyone is able to pay and take a course, that’s why we’ve collected all chapter wise and other important mcq for Logical Reasoning that provide the most diverse materials to study for the exams that will put you in exam.

logical Reasoning question and answer pdf

1. Deduction and induction are two main forms of_________

A. Concept

B. Assumption

C. Beliefs 

D. Reasoning

Answer: D

2. The process by which conclusion is arrived at on the basis of other proposition is termed as_________

A. Inference

B. Conference

C. Concept

D. Connotation

Answer: A

3. which of the following terms, deduction inference can be identified?

A. Synthetic

B. Analytic

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of the above

Answer: B

4. Which of the following can be defined as a group of statements that have common conclusion?

A. Argument

B. Fallacy



Answer: C

4. The premises provide conclusive grounds for conclusion in______

A. Inductive reasoning

B. Intuitive reasoning

C. Deductive reasoning

D. None of the above

Answer: C

5. The defining feature of a valid deduction is its_________

A. Vagueness

B. Indefiniteness

C. Certainty

D. Uncertainty


6. Inductive arguments are typically____________

A. Analytic

B. Intuitive

C. Synthetic

D. Aesthetic

Answer: C

7. The relationship between premises and conclusion in a deductive argument is basically of__________

A. Cause-effect

B. Implication-entailment 

C. Analytic- synthetic

D. None of the above

Answer: B

8. In inductive reasoning, the conclusion is____________

A. Probable

B. Definite

C. Certain

D. Predictable

Answer: A

9. Inductive arguments are properly characterized as___________




D. Strong-weak

Answer: D

10. Which of the following describes a valid deductive argu-ment with true premises? 

A. Sound


C. Unsound

D. Ambiguity

Answer: A

11. A deductive argument is sound if and only if it is________

A. Valid and all its premises are true

B Invalid and all its premises are true

C. Is valid and one of the premise is false

D. Is valid and its conclusion is false

Answer: A

12. Lakshmana is a morally good person because___________

A. He is religious.

B. He is rich.

C. He is educated.

D. He is rational.

Answer: D

13. ln terms of nature, both the premises and conclusion of

an argument are_______

A. Commands

B. Exclamations

C. Proposition

D. Questions

Answer: C

14. Which of the following denotes a statement off relation between two terms?

A. Proposition

B. Syllogism

C. Denotation

D. None of the above

Answer: A

15. Structure of a logical argument is based on_________

A. Formal validity

B. Material truth

C. Linguistic expression

D. Aptness of examples

Answer: A

16. In a deductive argument, conclusion is_________

A. Summing up of the premises

B. Not necessarily based on premises

C. Entailed by the premises

D. Additional to the premises

Answer: C

17. Syllogistic reasoning is_________

A. Deductive

B. Inductive

C. Experimental

D. Hypothetical

Answer: A

18.A Syllogism must have______

A. Three terms

B. Six terms

C. Four terms

D. Five terms

Answer: A

19. The two kinds of propositions are_________

A. Connotative-denotative

B. Categorical-conditional

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of the above

Answer: B

20. Which of the following denotes relation between two terms?

A. Subject

B. Object

C. Predicate

D. Copula

Answer: D

21. In logical reasoning, Truth or falsehood is usually associated with_______

A. Inferences

B. Arguments

C. Proposition

D. Syllogism

Answer: C

22. Validity or invalidity may be predicted of________

A. Deductive arguments 

B. Terms

C. Propositions

D. Concepts

Answer: A

23. The falsehood of a valid deductive argument’s conclusion guarantees that________

A. The argument is sound

B. At least one of the premise is false 

C.  Premises are true

D. The validity is uncertain

Answer: B

24. To be critical, thinking must be________

A. Practical

B. Individually satisfying

C. Socially relevant

D. Analytical

Answer. D

25. Deductive argument involves__________

A. Sufficient evidence

B. Critical thinking

C.  Seeing logical relation

D. Repeated observation

Answer: C

26. A fallacy is a___________

A. True argument

B. Valid argument

C.  False argument

D. Invalid argument

Answer: C

27. Inductive reasoning is based on________

A. Uniformity of nature

B. God created the world

C. Unity of nature

D. Laws of nature

Answer: A

28. The sum total of the objects to which term can be applied is its

A. Connotation

B. Meaning

C. Denotation

D. Function

Answer: A

29. Denotation is the same as________

A. Extension

B. Value

C. Intension

D. Dictionary

Answer: C

30.The function of suggesting qualities possessed by the objects is known as______

A. Evaluating

B. Connoting

C. Denoting

D. Meaning

Answer: B

31. Connotation is the same as________

A. Extension

B. Meaning

C. value

D. intension

Answer: D

32. In a categorical proposition, the predicate is either affirmed or denied of the subject

A. Unconditionally

B. Emotionally

C. Conditionaly

D. None of the above

Answer: A

33. The proposition ‘if you work hard you will succeed’ is an example or_________

A. Categorical proposition

B. Conditional proposition

C. Negative proposition

D. Pre-emptive proposition

Answer: B

34. A disjunctive proposition is a type of_______

A. Conditional proposition

B. Unconditional proposition

C. Categorical proposition

D. Imperative proposition

Answer: A

35. The proposition no men are perfect is an example of_____

A. Universal affirmative

B. Universal negative

C. Particular affirmative

D. Particular negative

Answer: C

36. ‘Some flowers are green’ is an example of_______

A. Universal affirmative 

B. Universal negative

C. Particular affirmative

D. Particular negative

Answer: C

37. The proposition ‘some Indians are not spiritual is an example for________

A. Universal affirmative

B. Particular affirmative

C. Universal negative

D. Particular negative

Answer: D

38. When a term is used in its entire extent, referring to the objects denoted by the term, it is said to be_________

A. Undistributed 

B. Excluded

C. Distributed

D. Verified

Answer: A

39. When a term refers only to a part of the class of things denoted by the term that term is said to be_______

A. Undistributed

B. Distributed

C. Unexcluded

D. Verified

Answer: A

40. Universal affirmative proposition distributes_______

A. Subject

B. Predicate

C. Both subject and predicate

D. Neither subject nor predicate

Answer: A

41. Universal negative proposition distributes

A. Subject

B. Predicate

C. Both subject and predicate

D. Neither subject nor predicate

Answer: C

42. Particular affirmative proposition distributes

A. Subject

B. Predicate

C. Both subject and predicate

D. Neither subject nor predicate

Answer: D

43. The quantity of the proposition is determined By the extension of the

A. Subject

B. Predicate

C. Both subject and predicate

D. Copula

Answer: A

44. In a conditional proposition, the part which expresses the condition by “if or its equivalent is________

A. Antecedent

B. Consequent

C. Meaning

D. Opposite

Answer: A

45. Which of the following terms describe the syllogism?

A. Mediate and deductive

B. Immediate and deductive

C. Mediate and inductive

D. Immediate inductive

Answer: A

46. The major term is the_______

A. Subject of the conclusion

B. Copula

C. Predicate of the conclusion

D. Predicate of the minor premise

Answer: C

47. The minor term is the_______

A. Subject of the conclusion

B. Predicate of the conclusion

C.  Subject of the major premise

D. Predicate of the major premise

Answer: A

48. That term which occurs in the premises and not in the conclusion is__________

A. Major term

B. Middle term

C. Minor term

D  None of the above

Answer: B

49. Which of the following performs the function of an intermediary?

A. Major term

B. Minor term

C. Middle term

D. Copula

Answer: C

50. How many times each term occurs in the syllogism?

A. Once

B. Thrice

C. Twice

D. Four times

Answer: B

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