MCQ on Bryophytes with Answers for NEET

Bryophytes MCQ Questions with Answers:

Bryophytes As it is one of the easiest topics for NEET, it is often ignored and undermined by many students. But if you want to get an edge over others, here is a tip, master MCQ on Bryophytes.

As we know NEET demands the attention of students in understanding Cell at the Molecular Level and concrete basic understanding but once done it only gets easier from there. Mastering the Below MCQ on Bryophytes should boost your NEET entrance exam Preparation.


Important Points to Remember about Bryophytes  : 

  1. Bryophytes or  Amphibians of Plants collectively name for the mosses, liverworts and hornworts that are found commonly growing in moist shaded areas in the hills.
  2. Bryophytes are also called amphibians of the plant kingdom because these plants can live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction. They are generally occurring in Moist, humid and shaded localities. They occur most abundantly in relatively unpolluted areas. Bryophytes don’t have true roots. All bryophytes play a key role in plant succession on bare rocks / soil.
  3. The detailed Study of Bryophytes is known as Bryology.
  4. Liverwort (Cryptothallus) which lacks chlorophyll and relies on a fungal partner for food. They are spore-producing, rather than seed-producing, plants and they are all without flowers.
  5. Bryophytes vary in size from plants to plants only slightly over a millimeter tall to trailing species which grow to strands well over a meter long.
  6. They have root-like anchoring structures, called rhizoids, but these (unlike the roots of most plants) do not actively extract minerals and water from the substrate.
  7. The life cycle of bryophytes shows two distinct phases sucb as a haploid gametophytic phase and a diploid sporophytic phase alternating with each other
  8. The adult plant body represents the gametophyte. A short-lived sporophyte occurs as a parasite on the gametophyte. It is the adult plant body in bryophytes. It is either thalloid or in the form of a leaty shoot with stem-like and leaf-like structures, Roots are absent and instead unicellular or multicellular thread-like rhizoids are present.


Bryophytes MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf 

1. Bryophytes are erect with hair like structures called as________

(a) Rhizoids

(b) Stipe

(c) Seta

(d) Foot

Answer: A


2. Which among the following is also known as bog moss?

(a) Riccia

(b) Sphagnum

(c) Marchantia

(d) Funaria

Answer: B


3. The female sex organs in bryophytes are called as________

(a) Antheridium

(b) Archegonium

(c) Basiogonium

(d) Thallogonium

Answer: B


4. The thalloid plant body is found in_______

(a) Marchantia

(b) Sphagnum

(c) Funaria

(d) Salvinia

Answer: A


5. All the plants like fern and mosses, which produce spores are grouped under_______

(a) Bryophytes

(b) cryptogams

(c) thallophytes

(d) sporophytes

Answer: B


6. Independent male and female gametophytes are present in________

(a) Pinus

(b) mustard

(c) castor

(d) Sphagnum

Answer: D


7. Select an incorrect statement about bryophytes ?

(a) They play an important role in plant succession on bare rocks/soil.

(b) The plant bodyof bryophytes is

differentiated than that of algae more

(c) The main plant body of the bryophyte is diploid and is called a gametophyte.

(d) Bryophytes are also called amphibians of the plant kingdomn

Answer: D


8. Select an incorrect statement about bryophytes ?

(a) They may possess root-like, leaf-like or stem-like structures

(b) Zygotes undergo reduction division immediately

(c) Some cells of the sporophyte undergo reduction division (meiosis) to produce haploid spores. 

(d) They lack true roots, stem or leaves

Answer: C


9. Select an incorrect statement about sexual reproduction in bryophytes_________

(a) the sex organs in bryophytes are multicellular

(b) archegonium is flask-shaped and produces a single egg

(c) They produce biflagellate antherozoids

(d) They produce uniflagellate antherozoids

Answer: C


10. Sporophyte in bryophytes is__________

(a) free-living

(b) attached to the photosynthetic gametophyte

(c) unicellular

(d) produced by spores

Answer: D


11. Which among the following is not an asexual mode in bryophytes?

(a) Budding

(b) Fragmentation

(c) Gemmae

(d) Sporophyte formation

Answer: C


12. In mosses, meiosis takes place during_________

(a) gamete formation

(b) antheridia and archegonia formation

(c) spore germination

(d) spore formation

Answer: D


13. Sphagnum belongs to _______

(a) Leafy liverworts

(b) Mosses

(c) Thallose liverworts

(d) Thallophytes

Answer: B


14. Why are bryophyte called plant amphibians?

(a) Because they grow in water during summer and on land in winter

(b) Because they grow on land but water is necessary for them to reproduce

(c) Because they grow in water during the first half of the year and on land in the second half of the year

(d) Because they grow in water in north part of the world and on land in southern part of the world

Answer: A


15. A characteristic feature of bryophytes is___________

(a) a dominant and parasitic sporophyte

(b) a dominant and spore-producing gametophyte

(c) a small sporophyte phase, which is dependent on the gametophyte

(d) sporophytes stay for a longer duration

Answer: C


16. Which of the following is not an ecological significance of bryophytes ?

(a) bryophytes in general are of little economiccimportance

(b) they reduce the impact of falling rain and prevent soil erosion

(c) some mosses provide food for herbaceous mammals, birds and other animals.

(d) Mosses along wIth lichens are the last organisms to colonise rocks

Answer: B


17. Species of Sphagnum provide______

(a) peat that have long been used as fuel

(b) peat that have long been used as as packing material

(c) peat that have long been used as fibre and fo trans-shipment of non-living material

(d) peat that have long been used as food

Answer: C


18. The liverworts_______

(a) grow usually in moist, shady habitats

(b) leafy members have tiny leaf-like appendages in two rows on the stem-like structures

(c) Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by fragmentation of thalli, or by the formation of specialised structures called gemmule

(d) the plant body of a liverwort is thalloid, e.g Marchantia

Answer: A


19. Select an incorrect statement about gemmae bryophytes ?

(a) gemmae are green, multicellular, sexual buds

(b) gemmae develop in small receptacles called gemma cups located on the thalli.

(c) gemmae become detached from the parent body and germinate to form new individuals.

(d) None of these 

Answer: A


20. The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss is the gametophyte which consists of_________stages

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Answer: B


21. Select an incorrect statement about mosses_________

(a) The first stage is the protonema stage, which develops directly fr om a zygote

(b) Protonema stage is a creeping, green, branched and frequently filamentous stage

(c) The second stage is the leaty stage, which develops from the secondary protonema as a lateral bud

(d) Vegetative reproduction is by budding in the secondary protonema

Answer: A


22. Which stage in mosses bears the sex organs?

(a) secondary protonema

(b) protonema stage

(c) leafy stage


Answer: B


23. Bryophytes resemble algae in the following aspects_______

(a) filamentous body, presence of vascular tissues and autotrophic nutrition

(b) differentiation of plant body into root, stem and leaves and autotrophic nutrition

(c) thallus like plant body, presence of roots and autotrophic nutrition

(d) thallus like plant body, lack of vascular tissues and autotrophic nutrition

Answer: D

24. Select an incorrect statement about mosses ?
(a) The sporophyte in mosses is less elaborate than that in liverworts.
(b) The mosses have an elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal.
(c) They are attached to the soil through multicellular and branched rhizoids.
(d) The capsule contains spores
Answer: A
25. Common examples of mosses are__________
(a) Funaria, Polysiphonia
(b) Funaria, Sphagnum
(c) both a and b
(d) Selaginella, Equisetum
Answer: D

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