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MCQ on Demography for NEET

Demography MCQs with Answers Pdf

Given below are a few MCQ on Demography which will help the students analyze their conceptual knowledge. The answers are also provided for your reference.

Important Points to Remember about Demography :

  1. Scientific study of human population is called demogrpahy.
  2. Population is defined as the total number of individual of a species present in a particular area at a given time.
  3. The population has specific character different from the character of individual.
  4. The size of a population for any species is not a static parameter. It keeps changing in time depending on various factors including food availability, predation pressure and reduced weather. For human population density is officially counted in first four months of 1st year of each decade is called census.
  5. Birth rate is defined as total number of birth in a population with respect to total number of individual of the population in a year.
  6. Death rate is defined as total number of death in a population with respect to total number of individual of the population in a year.
  7. The age structure of a given population refers to the proportion of individuals of different ages. This is important aspect because many functional aspect of individuals are related to age. (Like Reproduction)
  8. Natality, Mortality, Immigration and Emigration are the basic process responsible for fluctuation in population size under normal conditions, Natality and Mortality are the most important factors influencing population size than the other two factors i.e., Immigration and Emigration

Demography MCQs Pdf Download  : 

1. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when_________

(1) K = N

(2) K> N

(3) K <N

(4) The value of ‘r’ approaches zero

Answer: 1

2. Which of the following flowers only once in its life-time?

(1) Bamboo species

(2) Jackfruit

(3) Mango

(4) Papaya

Answer: 1

3. Natality refers to_________

(1) Death rate

(2) Birth rate

(3) Number of individuals leaving the habitat

(4) Number of individuals entering a habitat

Answer: 2

4. In a growing population of a country__________

(1) Pre-reproductive individuals are more than the reproductive individuals.

(2) reproductive individuals are less than the postreproductive individuals.

(3) reproductive and pre-reproductive individuals are equal in number.

(4) Pre-reproductive individuals are less than the reproductive individuals.

Answer: 1

5. What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid?

MCQ on Demography

(1) Vanishing population

(2) Stable population

(3) Declining population

(4) Expanding population

Answer: 3

6. What is the sequence of phases indicated in the growth curve_________

Demogrpahy MCQ

(1) Lag Phase,  Log Phase, Inflexon Phase

(2) Lag Phase, Stationary Phase, Log Phase

(3) Log Phase, Log Phase, Stationary Phase

(4) Lag Phase, Log Phase, Stationary Phase

Answer: 4

7. The population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this show?

(1) The population of its predators increases enormously

(2) S-shaped or sigmoid growth of this insect

(3) The food plants mature and die at the end of the rainy season.

(4) Its population growth curve is of J-type

Answer: 4

8. The formula for exponential population growth is_______

(1) dt / dN = rN

(2) dN / rN = dt

(3) rN / dN = dt

(4) dN / dt = rN

Answer: 4

9. When does the growth rate of a population following the logistic model equal zero? The logistic model is given as dN / dt = rN (1 – N / K)_________

(1) when N / K is exactly one.

(2) when N nears the carrying capacity of the habitat.

(3) when N / K equals zero.

(4) when death rate is greater than birth rate.

Answer: 1

10. In a pond there are 400 lotus plants last year, through reproduction 16 new lotus plants are added, taking the current population to 416, then calculate the birth rate.

(1) 0.4 offspring per year

(2) 0.6 offspring per year

(3) 0.08 offspring per year

(4) 0.04 offspring per year

Answer: 4

11. A country has a high number of reproductive individual than pre-reproductive individual, what is correct about the population?

(1) Population is expanding

(2) Population is declining

(3) Population is stable

(4) Cannot be predicted

Answer: 2

12. Regarding life history variations. Which among the following is incorrect?

(1) Breeding once in life time – Bamboo

(2) Breeding many times in life time – Birds

(3) Production in large number of small size offspring – Mammals

(4) Production in small number of large size offspring – Birds

Answer: 3

13. When the resources are limited, which are the phases exhibited by an organism during growth?

(1) Lag, Log, exponential, asymptomatic, deacceleration

(2) Lag, log asymptomatic, deacceleration, exponential

(3) Lag, log, deacceleration, exponential, asymptomatic

(4) Lag, acceleration, log, deacceleration, asymptomatic

Answer: 4

14. Father of demography is_________

(1) Elinor Ostrom

(2) John Graunt

(3) Milton Friedman

(4) Warren Buffett

Answer: 2

15. The term demography was given by_________

(1) Adam Smith

(2) Achille Guillard

(3) John M Keynes

(4) None of the Above

Answer: 2

16. Who is known as the “Father of Demographic Studies”?

(1) Neil Adger

(2) Tim Cresswell

(3) Karl Marx

(4) Aryabhatt

Answer: 3

17. What is the definition of sex ratio?

(1) Number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children

(2) Number of women per 1000 men

(3) Number of women per 100000 men

(4) Number of men per 1000 women

Answer: 2

18. National census day is observed on____________

(1) 9th February

(2) Ist April

(3) 8th June

(4) 4 August

Answer: 1

19. What is the Maternal Mortality Rate?

(1) Women’s death occurred before 9th month of pregnancy

(2) The annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births due to pregnancy.

(3) The death of women occurred within 2 years of childbirth

(4) None of the above

Answer: 2

20. According to Census 2011, how much was the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in India?

(1) 2.1

(2) 2.3

(3) 2.4

(4) 2.0

Answer: 3

21. Which statement is NOT correct in respect to Child Sex Ratio?

(1) Arunachal Pradesh has the highest sex ratio in all states of India

(2) Kerala has the highest sex ratio in all states of India

(3) Haryana has the lowest sex ratio in all states of India

(4) Child sex ratio has decreased in 2011 as compared to 2001 census

Answer: 2

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