MCQ on Genetic Recombination

MCQ on Genetic Recombination

1. The process of genetic recombination occurs in________
A. During meiosis
B. During mitosis
C. During fertilization
D. In the process of grafting different varieties
Answer: A. During meiosis
Genetic recombination primarily occurs during meiosis, particularly during prophase I when crossing over takes place between homologous chromosomes.

Read: MCQ on DNA

2. Genetic recombination is due to______
A. fertilization & meiosis
B. mitosis & meiosis
C. fertilization & mitosis
D. none of these
Answer: A. fertilization & meiosis
Genetic recombination is primarily associated with meiosis, where crossing over and independent assortment of chromosomes occur, leading to genetic diversity. Fertilization combines genetic material from two different individuals, contributing to recombination.

Read: MCQ on RNA

3. Biological variation caused by genetic engineering technology belongs to________
A. Chromosomal mutation
B. genetic mutation
C. genetic recombination
D. non-heritable variation
Answer: C. genetic recombination
Genetic recombination, facilitated by techniques such as gene cloning and DNA manipulation, is a method of introducing novel genetic variation into organisms.

Read: Genetic Engineering

4. There are often large differences in traits between siblings, mainly due to________
A. genetic mutation
B. genetic recombination
C. Gene segregation
D. chromosomal aberration
Answer: B. genetic recombination
Genetic recombination during meiosis leads to different combinations of alleles being passed to offspring, resulting in genetic variation among siblings.

Read: MCQ on Nucleic Acid

5. What are the 3 processes that result in genetic recombination?
A. transduction,
B. transformation
C. conjugation.
D. All of these
Answer: D. All of these
Transduction, transformation, and conjugation are all processes that can lead to genetic recombination by transferring genetic material between organisms or within a population.

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6. Which of the following can lead to the genetic recombination________
A. Sister chromatid crossover
B. Alleles segregate from each other
C. Free combination of non-homologous chromosomes
D. sister chromatid segregation
Answer: C. Free combination of non-homologous chromosomes
The free combination of non-homologous chromosomes can result in genetic recombination, potentially leading to new combinations of genes.

Read: Gene Therapy

7. The heritable variation that occurs only during meiosis is_________
A. Variation in chromosome structure
B. genetic recombination
C. Variation in the number of chromosomes
D. Gene mutation
Answer: B. genetic recombination
Genetic recombination, occurring during meiosis, results in the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, leading to heritable variation among offspring.

Read: MCQ on Genetic Material

8. Which of the following statements about genetic recombination is incorrect________
A. Gene recombination occurs during meiosis
B. Gene recombination produces new genes that did not exist before
C. Genetic recombination is an important source of biological variation
D. Genetic recombination can create new traits that weren’t there before
Answer: B. Gene recombination produces new genes that did not exist before
Genetic recombination does not create entirely new genes but instead creates new combinations of existing genes through the mixing of alleles.

9. Which cell division is responsible for recombination and variation?
A. Meiosis
B. Binary fission
C. Mitosis
D. None of these
Answer: A. Meiosis
Meiosis is the cell division responsible for genetic recombination and variation, particularly during prophase I when crossing over occurs.

10. Which of the following statements about biological variation is true________
A. Genetic recombination can generate multiple pairs of alleles
B. genetic recombination that occurs in an organism can be passed on to offspring
C. New genotypes produced by genetic recombination may not necessarily express new phenotypes
D. Gene recombination changes the genetic information of a gene
Answer: C. New genotypes produced by genetic recombination may not necessarily express new phenotypes
Genetic recombination can create new genotypes, but the expression of these genotypes (phenotypes) can be influenced by other factors such as gene regulation and environmental conditions.

11. Which of the following statements about gene mutation and gene recombination is correct________
A. Gene mutation is more beneficial than a detriment to an individual
B. Gene mutation is a heritable variation
C. Genetic recombination can produce new genes
D. Gene recombination commonly occurs during somatic cell proliferation
Answer: B. Gene mutation is a heritable variation
Gene mutation can lead to heritable variations by altering the genetic sequence, potentially affecting phenotypes and genetic diversity.

12. Which of the following statements about genetic recombination is correct?
A. The free combination of non-homologous chromosomes can lead to genetic recombination
B. The exchange of identical segments between sister chromatids leads to genetic recombination
C. Genetic recombination leads to trait segregation in homozygous selfed progeny
D. Trait differences between identical twins due to genetic recombination
Answer: A. The free combination of non-homologous chromosomes can lead to genetic recombination
The mixing of genetic material from non-homologous chromosomes, though less common, can lead to genetic recombination and potentially new gene combinations.

13. Which of the following statements about genetic recombination is incorrect_______
A. The free combination of non-allelic genes on non-homologous chromosomes in the late stage of the first meiotic division is a genetic recombination
B. During meiotic tetrads, local exchange of sister chromatids can lead to genetic recombination
C. The insect-resistant cotton cultivated by Chinese scientists is based on the principle of genetic recombination
D. Breeders breed seedless watermelons, but the principle used is not genetic recombination
Answer: B. During meiotic tetrads, local exchange of sister chromatids can lead to genetic recombination
Genetic recombination during meiosis involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, not between sister chromatids within the same chromosome.

14. The principle and reproduction method of genetic engineering breeding are________
A. Genetic recombination asexual reproduction
B. Gene mutation asexual reproduction
C. Chromosomal mutation sexual reproduction
D. chromosomal asexual reproduction
Answer: A. Genetic recombination asexual reproduction
Genetic engineering techniques, such as gene cloning and DNA recombination, involve creating new gene combinations (genetic recombination) but are not methods of asexual reproduction.

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