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MCQ on Phylum Platyhelminthes Pdf

Platyhelminthes MCQ Questions and Answers:

We bring Here MCQ Questions and Answers on Phylum Platyhelminthes. which is very important from NEET point of view.  With every question test your knowledge. Multiple Choice Questions on Platyhelminthes for NEET Aspirants are available for free, you can test your knowledge anytime and share the links with your friends to help them check their knowledge.

It will be very helpful for those students who are willing to get good marks in their board exam preparation. Get the Multiple choice questions on Platyhelminthes Pdf. All these questions are provided with answers and a detailed explanation of each Question. Check out the MCQs provided below to get an idea of the type of questions to be asked on Phylum Platyhelminthes in the NEET exam.


Important points to Remember about Phylum Platyhelminthes  : 

  1. The flatworms are mostly parasites but some are free-living e.g., Planaria. 
  2. They are acoelomate, triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, and dorsoventrally flattened animals.
  3. They have an organ system level of organization and a blind sac body plan.
  4. The body is segmented (false segmentation) except in class Cestoda.
  5. The body is covered with a cellular, syncytial, one-layered, partly ciliated epidermis; while in parasitic trematodes and cestodes, the epidermis is lacking and the body is covered with cuticle.
  6. Exoskeleton and endoskeleton are completely absent. However, hooks, spines, suckers, teeth or thorns may be present which act as adhesive organs.
  7. The space between the body wall, alimentary canal, and other organs is filled with a peculiar connective tissue, called the parenchyma. It helps in the transportation of food materials.


MCQ on Phylum Platyhelminthes:

1. Male Ascaris can be distinguished by_______
(a) Presence of suckers
(b) Elongated body
(c) Tapering tail with pineal spicules
(d) Curved tail with pineal spicules
Answer: D

2. Ascaris is found as endoparasite in__________
(a) Intestine of man
(b) Blood of man
(c) Body cavity of man
(d) Muscles of pig
Answer: A

3. In Ascaris, the cuticle is an adaptation for___________
(a) Parasitism
(b) Locomotion
(c) Growth
(d) Reproduction
Answer: A

4. In Ascaris, the excretory organs are:
(a) Kidneys
(b) Flame cells
(c) Nephridia
(d) Excretory cells
Answer: D

5. In Ascaris, the epithelium is__________
(a) Columnar
(b) Stratified
(c) Syncytium
(d) None of the above
Answer: C

6. Lips of Ascaris are________
(a) Cartilaginous
(b) Epidermis
(c) Syncytium
(d) None of the above
Answer: D


7. The cuticle in Ascaris is secreted by________
(a) Muscular layer of the body wall
(b) Epidermis
(c) Syncytium
(d) None of the above
Answer: C

8. In Ascaris, the sperms are________
(a) Elongated
(b) Flagellated
(c) Amoeboid
(d) Round
Answer: C

9. During growth, the Ascaris undergoes molting in the body of the host for________
(a) Two times
(b) Four times
(c) Five times
(d) Six times
Answer: B

10. The infective stage in the life cycle of Ascaris is or the infection is brought by________
(a) Tetranucleated cyst
(b) Rhabditiform larva
(c) Embryonated egg
(d) Cysticercus larva
Answer: C

11. In the Ascaris egg, the first larva hatches out in the________
(a) Stomach of host
(b) Intestine of host
(c) Outside the body of the host
(d) Uterus of female Ascaris
Answer: B

12. Fasciola hepatica is___________
(a) Hermaphrodite, self-fertilizing
(b) Hermaphrodite, cross-fertilization
(c) Unisexual
(b) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : D

13. Which of the following animals does not have a body composed of many segments?
(a) Grasshopper
(b) Flatworm
(c) Earthworm
(d) Lobster
Answer: B

14. Cysterercus is the larva of_______
(a) Liver fluke
(b) Tapeworm
(c) Ascaris
(d) Mollusca
Answer: B

15. All flatworms differ from all roundworms in having_________
(a) Triploblastic body
(b) Solid mesoderm
(c) Bilateral symmetry
(d) Metamorphosis in life history
Answer: B

16. Which stage in the life cycle of Taenia soliun, are insects the intermediate host?
(a) Hexacanth larva
(b) Oncosphere
(c) Cysticercus larva
(d) Miracidium
Answer: B

17. Which of the following show anaerobic respiration?
(a) Earthworms
(b) Rabbit
(c) Echinoderm
(d) Tapeworms
Answer : D

18. What is true about Taenia saginata?
(a) Life history nas Pig as an intermediate host
(b) There are two large suckers on Scolex
(c) Rostellar hooks are absent
(d) Rostellum has a double circle of hooks
Answer: C

19. Which one of the following is an example of Platyhelminthes?
(a) Trypanosoma
(b) Schistasoma
(c) Wuchereria
(d) Plasmodium
Answer: B

20. Which one is not a larval stage of flatworms?
(a) Cercaria
(b) Miracidium
(c) Media
(d) Bipinnaria
Answer: D

21. Which constitutes the correct pairing?
(a) Flatworm-Planaria
(b) Fish Snail
(c) Dogfish-Sea Urchin
(d) None of the above
Answer: A

22. Anus is absent in________
(a) Fasciola
(c) Periplaneta
(b) Pheretima
(d) Union
Answer: A

23. Pick up the correctly matched
(a) Water vascular system-Sponge peli
(b) Blubber Kangaroo
(c) Marsupium-Platypus
(d) Flame cell-Flatworm
Answer: D

24. Cysticerci in pig muscles can remain viable up to_______
(a) One-year els
(b) Six months
(c) Six years
(d) One month
Answer: B

25. Taenia solium is characterized by__________
(a) Absence of digestive tract
(b) Presence of hooks for adhesionelattho )
(c) Externally divided body
(d) All the above
Answer : D

26. Both alternation of generations and alternation of hosts are present in __________
(a) Wuchereria
(b) Fasciola
(c) Ascaris
(d) Taenia
Answer: B

27. Solenocytes/flame cells are excretory structures of_____________
(a) Echinoderms
(b) Annelids
(c) Platyhelminthes
(d) Molluscs
Answer: C

We hope the above given MCQ on Phylum Platyhelminthes with Answers Pdf Download will help you score high in your board exam and various competitive entrance examinations. If you have any queries regarding Phylum Platyhelminthes Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, comment below.

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