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Multiple Choice Questions on Root System

MCQ on Plant Root with Answers

What is the Root System:

  • The sum of all the roots of a plant is called the root system. 
  • The root system can be divided into a tap root system (dicotyledonous plants) and a fibrous root system (monocotyledonous plants).
  • The growth of roots depends on the division of cells in the meristematic zone to increase the number of cells, and on the other hand, by increasing the volume of cells in the elongation zone.
  • The roots of plants have the characteristics of ground-oriented growth, fertilizer-oriented growth, and water-oriented growth.
  • Common measures to promote root growth in agricultural production: squat seedlings and roast fields. Crouching seedlings can make the roots of plants develop in-depth and expand the absorption area, which is conducive to the growth of crops and prevents crops from lodging. 
  • After the seedlings survive, the water in the field is drained, which is called the roast field.

Importance of roots:

  • Roots have high economic value and can be eaten, such as sweet potato, carrot, radish, and beet; 
  • For medicinal purposes: such as ginseng, Panax notoginseng, angelica, etc.; 
  • Roots can be used as industrial raw materials, such as sweet potatoes can be made for Starch and alcohol, and sugar beets can be used to make sugar; 
  • Roots can be used for handicrafts, such as old roots of trees and vines can be used for bonsai or root carving.

Root System MCQ Questions and Answers

1. What are aerial roots called?

A. pneumatophores. 

B. Auxotrophs 

C. Chromatophores

D. None

Answer: A

2. The root system of wheat is________

A. main root system

B. lateral root system

C. Tap root system

D. fibrous root system

Answer: D

3. The direction in which the ducts transport water and inorganic salts is______

A. From top to bottom

B. bottom to top

C. left to right

D. right to left

Answer: B

4. The organic matter produced by leaves through photosynthesis needs to be transported to other organs. The structure of transporting organic matter in plants is______

A. catheter

B. cambium

C. Sieve tube

D. xylem

Answer: C

5. The root of a plant can continue to grow because______

A. Cells in the meristem divide to produce new cells

B. elongation zone cells continue to elongate

C. Changes in meristem and root cap cells

D. Cell division in the meristem and rapid elongation of cells in the elongation zone

Answer: D

6. Which among the following is incorrect about the root?

A. Radicle grows to form a primary root inside the soil

B. From the primary roots grows the secondary roots from lateral surfaces

C. Most of the monocotyledons adopt tap root system

D. Adventitious roots are present in the Banyan tree

Answer: B

7. Which of the following is not a function of the roots?  

A. To absorb water and minerals  

B. To anchor the plant to the soil  

C. To store food  

D. To manufacture food

Answer: D

8. Which of the following is not a function of the root system in a plant?

A. Holding plant upright

B. Absorbing sunlight

C. Absorbing water

D. Absorbing minerals

Answer: B

9. Water absorption in roots mainly takes place in which zone of root?

A. Zone of elongation

B. Root hair zone

C. Root epidermis

D. Maturation zone

Answer: B

10. Rearrange the following zones as seen in the root in the vertical section and choose the correct options.

A. Root hair zone 

B. Zone of meristems

C. Root cap zone 

D. Zone of maturation

E. Zone of elongation

A. C, B, E, A, D

B. A, B, C, D, E

C. D, E, A, C, B

D. E, D, C, B, A

Answer: A

11. Zone of maximum water absorption in the root?

A. Mature zone

B. Zone of differentiation

C. Root cap

D. Cell elongation zone

Answer: A

12. The maximum absorption of water by roots occurs in the zone of_______

A. Root cap

B. Cell division

C. Cell elongation

D. Root hairs

Answer: C

13. Water absorption by root hairs occurs until_______

A. Concentration of water in the cell sap is higher

B. salt concentration in soil is higher.

C. they are separated from soil by a selectively permeable membrane

D. water potential is lower

Answer: A

14. Which one of the following is a characteristic NOT related to the suitability of the roots for absorbing water?

A. Tremendous surface area

B. Contain cell sap at a higher concentration than the surrounding soil water

C. Root hairs have thin cell walls

D. Grow downward into the soil

Answer: D

15. The main parts of water absorption, the channels of transportation, and the portals of loss are_______

A. Stomata, ducts, maturation zone

B. Mature zone, stomata, ducts

C. Epidermis, mesophyll, leaf veins

D. Mature zone, duct, stomata

Answer: D

16. Which among the following is incorrect about the adventitious root system?

A. Adventitious roots when buried in soil grows into new roots

B. These roots provide additional anchoring to a plant

C. These are the roots that grow from parts that are other than the radicle

D. Adventitious roots are present in Turnip

Answer: D

17. Which of the following statements is incorrect about Plant root______

A. The sum of all the roots of a plant is called the root system

B. Roots are divided into main root, lateral root, adventitious root

C. Root is divided into suitable root, fibrous root, adventitious root

D. Root system is divided into the tap root system and fibrous root system

Answer: C

18. Which among the following is incorrect about tap root and fibrous root?

A. Tap root grows deep into the soil

B. Fibrous root grows laterally

C. In a fibrous root system, one primary root, and more than one secondary root are present

D. Most of the dicotyledons adopt tap root system

Answer: C

19. Which among the following is incorrect about modifications of roots with respect to food storage?

A. Most of the time, tap roots become swollen to store food

B. Radish adopts napiform to store food

C. Napiform is found in turnip and the root is spherical in the top and tapers in the bottom

D. If the root is swollen in the middle and those that taper on both the sides are called fusiform roots

Answer: B

20. Which among the following is incorrect about the importance of the root system?

A. Root system helps in the absorption of water and minerals from the soil

B. In plants like mangroves, breathing roots called pneumatophores are present

C. Pneumatophores grow vertically upwards and exchange gases through lenticels

D. Plants that grow tall derive their additional mechanical support by sending pillar-like woody roots called stilt roots

Answer: D

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