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Motion in a Straight Line NEET Questions and Answers

MCQs Questions For Class 11 Chapter 3 Motion in a Straight Line pdf

Practicing our NEET Physics Motion in a Straight Line Questions  is one of the best ways to prepare for the NEET exam. As we know there is no substitute for consistent practice and putting hard work to get great score in NEET Physics exam. By practicing below MCQ questions on Motion in a Straight Line for NEET Pdf, students can improve their speed and accuracy which can help them during their exam. Below you will get Number of NEET Physics solved MCQ on Motion in a Straight Line which is important for NEET Point of view

Motion in a Straight Line NEET MCQs Questions and Answers

Motion in a straight line class 11 Notes for NEET

  • The study of motion of objects along a straight line, also known as rectilinear motion. 
  • The point of intersection of these three axes is called origin (O) and serves as the reference point.coordinate system along with a clock constitutes a frame of reference.
  • If one or more coordinates of an object change with time, we say that the object is in motion.Otherwise, the object is said to be at rest with respect to this frame of reference.
  • Path length is a scalar quantity — a quantity that has a magnitude only and no direction. Displacement has both magnitude and direction. Such quantities are represented by vectors. 
  • The magnitude of displacement may or may not be equal to the path length traversed by an object.
  • The magnitude of the displacement for a course of motion may be zero but the corresponding path length is not zero.
  •  If an object moving along the straight line covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, it is said to be in uniform motion. 
  • Average velocity is defined as the change in position or displacement (∆x) divided by the time intervals (∆t), in which the displacement occurs .
  • The SI unit for velocity is m/s or m s–1, although km h–1 is used in many everyday applications.
  • Like displacement, average velocity is also a vector quantity.
  • Average speed is defined as the total path length travelled divided by the total time interval during which the motion has taken place .
  • speed is, in general, greater than the magnitude of the velocity.
  •  Instantaneous acceleration is defined in the same way as the instantaneous velocity.

MCQs On Motion in a Straight Line NEET pdf

1. What can be said about the displacement of the body if it covers a distance of zero?

(a) It is zero

(b) It cannot be zero

(c) It may or may not be zero

(d) It is negative

Answer: A

2. Which of the following remains constant if a body travels with constant acceleration?

(a) Time

(b) Velocity

(c) Displacement

(d) None of the above

Answer: D

3. The location of a particle has changed. What can we say about the displacement and the distance covered by the particle?

(a) Neither can be zero

(b) One may be zero

(c) Both may be zero

(d) One is +ve, other is –ve

Answer: A

4. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is__________

(a) equal to or less than 1

(b) always equal to 1

(c) always less than 1

(d) always more than 1


5. The distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to the time taken. Its speed____________

(a) decreases

(b) increases

(c) remains constant

(d) becomes zero

Answer: C

6. The displacement x of a particle varies with time t as x = ae- αt + beβt, where a, b, α, β are positive constants. The velocity of the particle will ____ 

(a) be independent of β

(b) drop to zero, when α = β

(C) go on decreasing with time

(d) go on increasing with time

Answer: D

7. Which of the following can be zero, when a particle is in motion for some time?

(a) Distance

(b) Displacement

(c) Speed

(d) None of these

Answer: B

8. The displacement of a body is zero. The distance covered___________

(a) is zero

(b) is not zero

(c) may or may not be zero

(d) depends upon the acceleration

Answer: C

9. Area under velocity-time curve over a given interval of time represents________

(a) acceleration

(b) momentum

(c) velocity

(d) displacement

Answer: D

10. The slope of the tangent drawn on position-time graph at any instant is equal to the instantaneous_____________

(a) acceleration

(b) force

(c) velocity

(d) momentum

Answer: C

11. Free fall of an object (in vacuum) is a case of motion with__________

(a) uniform velocity

(b) uniform acceleration

(c) variable acceleration

(d) constant momentum

Answer: B

12. Choose the wrong statement from the following.

(a) The motion of an object along a straight line is a rectilinear motion

(b) The speed in general is less than the magnitude of the velocity

(c) The slope of the displacement-time graph gives the velocity of the body

(d) The area under the velocity-time graph gives the displacement of the body

Answer: B

13. The total distance travelled by the body in the given time is equal to_____________

(a) the area which v– t graph encloses with displacement axis

(b) the area which x – t graph encloses with time axis

(c) the area which v – t graph encloses with time axis

(d) the area which a – t graph encloses with axis

Answer: C

14. Which one of the following is the unit of velocity?

(a) kilogram

(b) metre

(c) m/s

(d) second

Answer: C

15. The dimensional formula for speed is_________

(a) T-1

(b) LT-1

(c) L-1T-1

(d) L-1T

Answer: B

16. The dimensional formula for acceleration is____________

(a) [LT2]

(b) [LT?2]

(c) [L2T]

(d) [L2T2]

Answer: B

17. A body starts from rest and travels with an acceleration of 2 m/s². After t seconds its velocity is 10 m/s . Then t is__________

(a) 10 s

(b) 5 s

(c) 20 s

(d) 6 s

Answer: B

18. The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity and average speed of a body is____________

(a) unity or less

(b) less than unity

(c) unity

(d) unity or more

Answer: A

19. Motion of objects along a straight line is also called as ___________

(a) Linear motion 

(b) Simple motion 

(c) Rectilinear motion

 (d) None of the above

 Answer: C

20. The coordinate system along with a clock constitutes________

(a) Coordinate system

(b) Cartesian system 

(c) Frame of reference 

(d) None of the above

Answer: C

21. frame of reference Displacement is the__________

(a) Vector quantity 

(b) Scalar quantity 

(c) Tensor quantity 

(d) None 

Answer: B

22. If the particle is covering equal distance in equal interval of time then motion of particle is called ___________

(a) Non uniform motion 

(b) Uniform motion 

(c) Both a and b 

(d) None of the above 

Answer: B

23. uniform motion The ratio of change in position or displacement and the time interval is called as __________

(a) Velocity 

(b) Mean velocity 

(c) Average velocity 

(d) All

Answer: C 

24. The slope of the position time graph of an object moving with positive velocity is________

(a) Zero

(b) Positive 

(c) Negative 

(d) None of the above

Answer: B 

25. When path length and the magnitude of displacement both are equal then _______

(a) Average velocity and average speed are different 

(b) Average velocity and average speed are also equal 

(c) Both a and b 

(d) all

Answer: B

26. The velocity v at time r is called as_____________

(a) Mean velocity 

(b) Average velocity 

(c) Instantaneous velocity

(d) None

Answer: C

27. Velocity may be______________

(a) Positive

(b) Negative

(c) Zero

(d) All 

Answer: D

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