Population Ecology MCQs Pdf

MCQ on Population Ecology

1. The correct statement of the concept of population is______

A. The total number of individuals of the same species in different regions

B. The total number of individuals of the same species in the same area

C. The sum of all species of fish in a lake

D. The sum of the interrelated animals and plants in an ecosystem

Answer: B

2. What is population in an ecosystem______

A. The sum of all mature individuals of the same species

B. The sum of all biologically mature individuals

C. The sum of all individuals of the same species

D. the sum of all organisms

Answer: A

3. Organisms in the following environments that make up a population are______

A. All the fish in a pond

B. All East Asian locusts in a field

C. A bird in a forest

D. plants in a river

Answer: B

4. Which of the following is not a quantitative characteristic of a population______

A. population density

B. Species richness

C. Immigration and emigration rates

D. age composition

Answer: B

5. Which of the following, which can be called a population is______

A. All trees on a campus

B. All birds in a park

C. All the crucian carp in a pond

D. All the pests in a paddy field

Answer: C

6. If a population has more young individuals and fewer old individuals, the population density will be_______

A. getting smaller

B. getting bigger

C. remain unchanged

D. unpredictable

Answer: B

7. Assuming that in a relatively closed natural environment composed of grasslands, deer, and wolves, the wolves are killed, the number of deer individuals will be_______

A. rise rapidly

B. rising slowly

C. maintain stability

D. the first rise then fall

Answer: D

8. The following statement about the population is correct:

① All cattle in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia belong to one population

② All fish in the pond belong to one population 

③ All three borers in the paddy field belong to one population 

④ The determinants of population density are age composition and sex ratio 

⑤ The size of the population density is determined by the birth rate and death rate, the immigration rate, and the emigration rate

A. ①③⑤

B. ②④

C. ②④⑤

D. ③⑤

Answer: D

9. What is wrong with the understanding of populations_______

A. The population has certain spatial and temporal constraints

B. A population is an organic combination of individuals of the same species

C. Once a population is formed, its characteristics remain unchanged

D. Population characteristics are not possessed by individual individuals

Answer: C

10. Which of the following statements about population changes is false_______

A. Changes in population numbers include growth, fluctuation, stability, and decline.

B. Changes in population numbers are mainly caused by immigration and emigration rates, birth and death rates

C. In nature, population growth is generally a “J”-shaped curve

D. In nature, population growth is generally an “S”-shaped curve

Answer: C

11. The growth of biological populations in nature often shows an “S”-shaped growth curve. Which of the following is true about the “S”-shaped growth of a population_______

A. Population growth is not restricted by population density and the environment

B. The population growth rate is not exactly the same at each stage

C. “S”-shaped growth indicates that the population size is independent of time

D. Populations with an “S”-shaped growth curve often appear under ideal conditions

Answer: B

12. If the density of a population is decreasing, the most likely cause is_________

A. The population is in decline

B. There are more males than females in the population

C. Population mortality exceeds 10%

D. Community structure is too complex

Answer: A

13. Which of the following statements about population density is incorrect_________

A. Population density is the most basic quantitative characteristic of a population

B. The general sampling method is used to investigate the population density of dicotyledonous plants

C. The survey method of animal population density is the mark-recapture method

D. The investigation of population density must be done by random sampling

Answer: C

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