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Community Structure and Diversity MCQ

MCQ on Community Structure and Diversity

What is Community?

  • Community refers to The collective population of various biological populations gathered in a certain area at the same time.
  • When studying the pond community, mainly study the number of populations in the community (that is, the Richness of the community), 
  • The relationship between various groups (or community succession, the spatial structure of the community, the range and boundary of the community) and other aspects.
  • In the community, each biological population occupies a different space, so the community has a certain spatial structure. 
  • The spatial structure of the community includes vertical structure and  Horizontal structure.
  • Research shows that the forest plant community has an obvious stratification phenomenon, and the stratification of forest plants is related to Light utilization (or light intensity). 
  • The vertical structure of plants creates a variety of Habitat spaces and food conditions for animals, resulting in the phenomenon of stratification of animals in the community.

Community structure

  • Vertical structure: Most communities have obvious stratification in the vertical direction. The vertical structure of plants improves the community’s ability to utilize environmental resources such as sunlight; the vertical structure of plants creates a variety of habitats and food conditions for animals, so animals also have a layered phenomenon (vertical structure). Example ① Vertical structure of the forest, ② In an aquatic ecosystem, vertical distribution is also obvious

  • Horizontal structure: The main feature of the horizontal structure of the community is mosaic distribution. The horizontal structures are in a mosaic distribution due to changes in topography, differences in soil moisture and salinity, differences in light intensity, and differences in the growth characteristics of organisms themselves.

Multiple Choice Questions on Community Structure and Ecosystem

1. What is a community in terms of ecology?

A. population of two or more different species. 

B. population of two or more same species.

C. Both of these 

D. None of these 

Answer: A

2. In the case of a lake, a community refers to the_______

A. All carp

B. All living things

c. All animals and plants

D. All biological and inorganic environments

Answer: B

3. The species that are responsible for making characteristics of the community are called

A. recessive community

B. dominant community

C. special specie

D. extraordinary specie

Answer: B

4. Which of the following examples, the ones that cannot form a community are_________

A. All organisms in a pond

B. All organisms in the prairie of Inner Mongolia

C. Organisms in the tropical rain forest of India

D. All rice in a paddy field

Answer: D

5. The organism that depends on the plants for food and energy is called_______

A. consumer

B. decomposer

C. carnivorous

D. insectivorous

Answer: A

6. Which of the following statements about populations and communities is incorrect:

A. In a certain area, all individuals of the same species form a population, and all populations form a community

B. A community is composed of populations formed by two types of organisms, plants, and animals

C. Both population characteristics and community structure are closely related to abiotic factors

D. All fish in a pond are neither a population nor a community

Answer: B

7. A group of people who coexist within space and time and interact with each other is known as ____________

A. Keystone species

B. Community

C. Guild

D. Population

Answer: B

8. Among the following four types of community, the community structure is the most complex_______

A. tropical rainforest

B. grassland

C. desert

D. tundra

Answer: A

9. The main factors that cause the vertical stratification of plants and animals in forest communities are in order:

A. light, food

B. temperature and light

C. humidity and temperature

D. temperature, food

Answer: A

10. Most biomes have vertical stratification in space, known as the vertical structure of the community. The main factors that cause vertical stratification of plants in forest communities are_____

A. temperature

B. light

C. humidity

D. soil pH

Answer: B

11. Which of the following statements about the vertical structure of forest communities is false________

A. It is the result of long-term natural selection

B. Plant stratification is determined by light

C. Animal stratification is mainly determined by the moisture

D. Conducive to the full use of resources

Answer: C

12. The structure of the community is_______

A. The species composition of the community

b. How many organisms are in the community

C. The feeding habits of organisms in the community

D. The spatial configuration of organisms in the community

Answer: D

13. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the community structure of pond ecosystems_________

A. In the vertical direction, fish have an obvious layering phenomenon

B. The fauna in the pond has no horizontal structure

C. The vertical distribution of fish in the community mainly depends on plants

D. There are differences in the distribution of biological species in the horizontal direction

Answer: B

14. When environmental conditions worsen, the impact on plant community structure is_________

A. The level remains unchanged, and the hierarchical structure is simplified

B. Decrease the level, keep the level structure unchanged

C. Reduce the level, simplify the hierarchical structure

D. The level remains unchanged, the hierarchy remains unchanged

Answer: C

15. Which of the following statements about communities is incorrect_______

A. The vertical stratification of plant communities is related to light

B. The stratification of animal communities is related to plants

C. The horizontal distribution of plant communities is related to topography

D. The horizontal distribution of animal communities is generally uniform

Answer: D

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