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Life Processes Class 10 MCQ

Life Processes class 10 MCQ Online Test Pdf :

Hello Students, how are you all, hope you all will be good, in this Page we have shared with you more than 100 Important MCQ on life processes class 10 with answers which is helpful for various entrance exams preparation. This life processes MCQ Pdf will help you enhance your performance in entrance exams.

Life processes MCQ Questions and Answers are provided here with detailed explanation of each question. These life processes MCQs are important from the NEET as well as various type of exam like NTSE, By practicing our MCQ on life processes class 10 pdf students will get acquainted with the key concepts which must be prepared to score high marks in the objective type questions in the any exam.

Life processes mcq

MCQ on life Processes class 10 Pdf Download:

1. Which of the following statements about autotrophs is incorrect?

A) They synthesized carbohydrates by using carbon dioxide, water in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll

B) They store carbohydrates in form of starch

C) They convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates in the absence of sunlight

D) They form the first trophic level in the food chain

Answer: A

2. Write correct sequence of anaerobic respiration____________ 

A) Glucose → pyruvate → lactic acid

B) Glucose → Pyruvate → Ethanol + Carbon-Dioxide

C) Glucose → pyruvate → ADP→ lactic acid

D) Glucose -→ pyruvate → carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy

Answer: B

3. The pancreas pour their secretion into______________

A) Small intestine

B) Large intestine

C) Stomach

D) Duodenum

Answer: D

4. The kidneys in human beings are part of______________

A) Nutrition

B) Respiration

C) Excretion

D) Circulation

Answer: C

5. Which of the following components of food is digested by amylase? 

A) proteins

B) fats

C) Minerals

D) carbohydrates

Answer: D

6. The autotrophs require___________

A) CO2 and water

B) chlorophyll

C) sunlight

D) All

Answer: D

7. The correct path of urine is______

A) Kidney→ ureter → urthra→ urinary bladder

B) Kidney → urinary bladder → urethra → ureter

C) kidney→ ureter → urinary bladder→ urethra

D) urinary bladder → kidney → ureter →urethra

Answer: C

 8. ATP stand for_______________

A) adenosine diphosphate

B) adenosine phosphate

C) adenosine triphosphate

D) none

Answer: C

9. The enzymes pepsin and trypsin are secreted  by_____________

A) Stomach and pancreas

B) Salivary gland and stomach

C) Liver and pancreas

D) Liver and salivary gland

Answer: A

10. The enzymes contained in pancreatic juices help in the digestion of__________

A) Fats and carbohydrates

B) Proteins and fats

C) Proteins and carbohydrates

D) Proteins, fats and carbohydrates 

Answer: D

11. The vein which brings clean blood from the lungs into the heart is known as____________

A) Pulmonary vein

B) Hepatic vein

C) Superior vena cava

D) Pulmonary artery

Answer: A

12. Which among the following procedures is used for cleaning the blood of a person by separating the waste substance from it?

A) Kidney transplant

B) Blood transfusion

C) Dialysis

D) Hydrolysis

Answer: C

13. Which among the following is necessary to carry out the blood coagulation in a cut or wound?

A) White Blood Cells

B) Blood plasma

C) Platelets

D) Red blood cells

Answer: C

14. In amoeba, food is digested in the________

A) food vacuole

B) mitochondria

C) pseudopodia

D) chloroplast

Answer: A

15. The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of the food pipe is called________

A) translocation

B) transpiration

C) peristaltic movement

D) digestion

 Answer: C

16. The respiratory pigment in human beings is____________

A) carotene

B) chlorophyll

C) haemoglobin

D) mitochondria

Answer: C

17. How do these fungi obtain nutrition?

A) by eating the bread on which it is growing

B) by using nutrients from the bread to prepare their own food

C) by breaking down the nutrients of bread and then absorbing them

D) by allowing other organisms to grow on the bread and then consuming them

Answer: C

18. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon__________

A) Oxygen

B) temperature

C) water in the guard cells

D) concentration of CO2

 Answer: C

19. A plant gets rid of excess water through transpiration. Which is a method used by plants to get rid of solid waste products?

A) shortening of stem

B) dropping down of fruits

C) shedding of yellow leaves

D) expansion of roots into the soil

Answer: C

20. Digestion of food starts from which organ of the human digestive system?

A) mouth due to the presence of saliva

B) oesophagus that moves the food in gut

C) that releases juices for fat breakdown

D) which helps in mixing food with digestive juices 

Answer: A

21. What is the percentage of the oxygen in the expired air when a person is resting?

A) 12%

B) 16%

C) 20%

D) 24%

Answer: B

22. How is food transported from phloem to the tissues according to plants’ needs?

A) food is transported along with the water in the plant’s body.

B) food is transported in only direction like water in the plant body through xylem.

C) food is transported from a region with low concentration to higher concentration.

D) food is transported from a region where it is produced to other parts of the plants.

Answer: D

23. Main site of photosynthesis____________

 A) Leaf

 B) Stem

 C) Chloroplast

 D) Guard cells

Answer: C

24. Which element is used in the synthesis of proteins?

A) Hydrogen

B) Oxygen

C) Nitrogen

D) Carbon dioxide

Answer: C

 25. Lipase acts on_____________

 A) Amino acids

 B) Fats

 C) Carbohydrates

 D) All of these

Answer: B

26. One cell-thick vessels are called____________

A) Arteries

B) Veins

C) Capillaries 

D) Pulmonary artery

Answer: C

27. Bile juice is secreted by____________

A) Stomach

B) Pancreas

C) Small intestine

D) Liver

Answer: D

28. Which region of the alimentary canal absorbs the digested food?

A) Stomach

B) Small intestine

C) Large intestine

D) Liver

Answer: B

29. When a few drops of iodine solution are added to rice water, the solution turns blue- black in colour. This indicates that rice water contains________

A) fats

B) complex proteins

C) starch

D) simple proteins

Answer: C

30. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon di-oxide, water and energy takes place in_______________

A) cytoplasm

B) mitochondria

C) chloroplast

D) nucleus

Answer: B

31. Name the pores in a leaf through which respi-ratory exchange of gases takes place___________

A) Lenticels

B) Vacuoles

C) Xylem

D) Stomata

Answer: d

32. The respiratory pigment in human beings is__________

A) carotene

B) chlorophyll

C) haemoglobin

D) mitochondria

Answer: C

33. Name a circulatory fluid in the human body other than blood___________

A) Platelets


C) Lymph

D) Plasma

Answer: C

34. Name the tube which connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder_______________

A) Urethra

B) Nephron

C) Tubule

D) Ureter 

Answer: D

35. Which is the correct sequence of body parts in the human alimentary canal?

A) Mouth → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → oesophagus

B) Mouth → oesophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine

C) Mouth → stomach → oesophagus → smallintestine → large intestine

D) Mouth → oesophagus → stomach → large intestine → small intestine

Answer: B

36. ATP can be used in the cells for the______________

A) Contraction of muscles 

B) Protein synthesis

C) Conduction of nervous impulses

D) All of the above

Answer: D

37. Plasma transports___________ in dissolved form.

A) Food 

B) carbon dioxide 

C) Nitrogenous wastes 

D) All of the above

Answer: D

38. The normal systolic pressure is about____mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is____ mm of Hg.

A) 100,60 

B) 120,80

C) 140,100

D) 160,120

Answer: B

39. Following is true for tissue fluid or lymph________

A) It is similar to the plasma of blood

B) It is colorless

C) It contains less protein

D) All of the above

Answer: D

40. The enzymes present in secrete intestinal juice finally convert the______________

A) Proteins to amino acids

B) Complex carbohydrates into glucose

C) Fats into fatty acids and glycerol

D) All of the above

Answer: D

41. Gastric glands release ____a protein digesting enzyme called pepsin and mucus.

A) Sulphuric acid 

B) Hydrochloric acid 

C) Nitric acid

D) None of the above

Answer: D

42. Chlorophyll is contained in_________

A) leaf 

B) stem

C) roots

D) both (A) and (B)

Answer: D

43. The process of acquiring Oxygen from outside the body and to use it in the process of breakdown of food sources for cellular needs is called_____________

A) Respiration 

B) Digestion 

C) Transportation 

D) Excretion

Answer: A

44. The waste products removed from the body and discarded by a process is called_____________ 

A) Respiration 

B) Digestion 

C) Transportation

D) Excretion

Answer: D

45. Example of some organism break-down the food material outside the body and then absorb it________________

A) Fungi 

B) Yeast 

C) Mushrooms 

D) All of the above

Answer: D

46. The end product of fat digestion is________ 

A) Fatty acid 

B) Glycerol

C) Aminoacids 

D) Both A and B

Answer: D

47.Alternate contraction and relaxation of the alimentary canal is called_______

A) Peristalsis 

B) Ingestion

C) Deglutition

D) None of these

Answer: A

48. Roots of the plants absorb water from the soil through the process of__________

A) diffusion

B) transpiration

C) osmosis

D) None of these

Answer: C

49.Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected if salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva?

A) Starch breaking down into sugars.

B) Proteins breaking down into amino acids.

C) Absorption of vitamins.

D) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.

Answer: A

50. Conversion of large fat droplets into smaller droplets are______________

A) Anabolism 

B) Neutralisation 

C) Assimilation 

D) Emulsification

Answer: D

51. Job of maintenance function of living being is performed by_________

A) Movements

B) Growth

C) Life processes

D) Reproduction.

Answer: C

52. In simple organisms, exchange of gases and excretion occur through.

A) Osmosis

B) Diffusion

C) Imbibition

D) All the above.

Answer: B

53. The carbohydrate reserve of plants is__________

A) Starch

B) Glycogen

C) Fat

D) Cellulose.

Answer: A

54. ATP synthesis occurs in response to_________

A) Electron gradient

B) Turgor pressure gradient

C) Proton gradient

D) Negative pressure.

Answer: C

55.Number of molars that can be present in an adult human is_____________

A) 3

B) 6 

C) 8

D) 12 

Answer: D

56. Nutrition of Amoeba is___________

A) Holozoic

B) Holophytic

C) Saprophytic 

D) Parasitic.

Answer: A

57. Proteolytic enzyme of pancreatic juice is_____________

A) Pepsin

B) Trypsin

C) Amylase

D) Lipase

Answer: B

58. Krebs cycle operates in_________

A) Endoplasmic reticulum

B) Chloroplasts

C) Golgi bodies

D) Mitochondria.

Answer: D

59. Muscular partition present between thorax and abdomen is__________

A) Pericardium 

B) Pleura

C) Epiglottis 

D) Diaphragm

Answer: D

60. Chemical released by blood platelets is________

A) Prothrombin

B) Heparin

C) Fibrinogen

D) Thromboplastin.

Answer: D

61. Life span of an RBC is___________

A) 40 days 

B) 80 days

C) 120 days

D) 160 days.

Answer: C

62. Clotting of blood does not occur inside blood vessels due to presence of_________

A) Oxalic acid 

B) Heparin 

C) Prothrombin 

D) Hirudin.

Answer: B

63. Contractile vacuole of Amoeba takes part in______________ 

A) Locomotion 

B) Digestion of the food 

C) Ingestion of food 

D) Osmoregulation.

Answer: D

64. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose in our muscles produces____________

A) Pyruvate

B) Lactic acid

C) Ethyl alcohol 

D) Oxalic acid.

Answer: B


65. ATP and NADP 2H are produced in_____________

A) Mitochondria

B) Chloroplast

C) Peroxisomes

D) Lysosomes

Answer: A

66. Number of salivary glands found in man are__________

A) one pair

B) two pairs

C) three pairs

D) five pairs

Answer: C

67. Rate of photosynthesis is high in___________

A) orange light

B) green light

C) red light

D) yellow light

Answer: C

68. Light reaction takes place in_______

A) grana

B) stroma

C) mitochondria

D) leucoplast.

Answer: A

69. Excess glucose is stored in our body in the form of___________

A) glycogen

B) fat

C) protein

D) cholesterol

Answer: A

70. Which is the correct sequence of the air passage in man_________

A) Nasal cavity → Pharynx → Larynx → Trachea → Bronchi → Alveoli

B) Nasal cavity → Larynx → Pharynx → Trachea → Bronchi → Alveoli

C) Nasal cavity → Pharynx → Trachea → Larynx → Bronchi → Alveoli

D) Nasal cavity → Trachea → Larynx → Bronchi → Alveoli

Answer: A

71. Number of alveoli in lungs is_________

A) 30 thousand

B) 30 lac

C) 3 crore

D) 30 crore

Answer: D

72. Which blood corpuscles destroy bacteria?

A) W.B.C

B) R.B.C

C) blood platelets

D) all these

Answer: A

73. Glycolysis takes place in___________

A) cytoplasm

B) chloroplast

C) mitochondria

D) ribosome.

Answer: A

74. During aerobic respiration one molecule of glucose produces___________

A) 32 ATP

B) 19 ATP

C) 38 ATP

D) 30 ATP

Answer: C

75. Amoeba ingests food with the help of__________

A) cilia

B) mouth

C) flagella

D) pseudopodia

Answer: D

76. Food is translocated by phloem in the form of_____________

A) sucrose

B) protein

C) hormone

D) fats

Answer: A

77. Malpighian body consists of___________

A) uriniferous tubule

B) Bowman’s caspsule and glomerulus

C) Bowman’s capsule and neck

D) two limbs of loop of Henle.

Answer: B

78. Muscle contraction of alimentary canal is called____________

A) digestion

B) peristalsis

C) circulation

D) absorption

Answer: B

79. The xylem in plants are responsible for______

A) transport of water

B) transport of food

C) transport of amino acids

D) transport of oxygen.

Answer: A

80. The energy currency is____________




D) Chlorophyll

Answer: C

81. It is necessary to separate oxygenated blood from the deoxygenated blood in mammals____________

A) To maintain the body temperature

B) To provide more oxygen to cells

C) Both (a) and (b)

D) None of the above

Answer:  C

82. Who proposed the term “Homeostasis” 

A) Claude Bernard

B) Walter Cannon

C) Marcello Malpighi

D) Henle

Answer:  B

83. The chlorophyll in photosynthesis is used for_____________

A) Absorbing light

B) Breaking down water molecule

C) No function

D) Reduction of CO2

Answer: A

84. Which of the following sequences is truly a systemic circulation pathway?

A) Left auricle → Left ventricle → Pulmonary aorta → Tissues → Right auricle

B) Left auricle → Left ventricle → Aorta →Arteries →Tissues → Veins → Right atrium

C) Right ventricle → Pulmonary aorta →Tissues → Pulmonary veins → Left auricle

D) Right auricle → Left ventricle → Aorta →Tissues → Veins → Right auricle

Answer: B

85. Which one is uricotelic?

A) Frog and toads

B) Lizards and birds

C) Cattle, monkey and man

D) Molluscs

Answer: C

86. Autotrophs and heterotrophs differ in___________

A) How they obtain their carbon.

B) Whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

C) How they reproduce, sexually or asexually.

D) Whether they use chemicals or light as a source of energy.

Answer: A

87. Correct order of excretory organs in cockroach, earthworm and rabbit respectively__________

A) Skin, malpighi tubules, kidney

B) Malpighi tubules, nephridia, kidney

C) Nephridia, malpighi tubules, kidney

D) Nephridia, kidney, green gland

Answer: B

88. Which part of the plant helps to absorb water and minerals from the soil?

A) Root hairs

B) Roots

C) Root cap

D) Tap root

Answer: A

89. Which of the following help in protecting the inner lining of the stomach from the harmful effect of hydrochloric acid?

A) Mucus

B) Pepsin

C) Trypsin

D) Bile

Answer: A

90. The enzymes pepsin and trypsin are secreted  by____________

A) Stomach and pancreas

B) Salivary gland and stomach

C) Liver and pancreas

D) Liver and salivary gland

Answer: A

91. During contraction, what prevents the backflow of blood inside the heart?

A) Valves in heart

B) Thick muscular walls of ventricles

C) Thin walls of atries

D) All of the above

Answer: A

92. Entities exhibiting the properties of both non-living and living are called _____

A) Lichens

B) Bacteria

C) Diatoms

C) Viruses

Answer: D

93. The chlorophyll is used in photosynthesis for_____________

A) No function.

B) Breaking down the water molecule.

C) Reduction of carbon dioxide.

D) Absorbing light.

Answer: D

94. The enzymes that are found in the secreted intestinal juice finally convert______________

A) Proteins to amino acids.

B) Fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

C) Complex carbohydrates into glucose.

D) All the above

Answer: D

95. Reduction of blood pH will____________

A) Reduces blood supply to the brain.

B) Reduces the heartbeat rate.

C) Decrease the haemoglobin affinity with oxygen.

D) Releases bicarbonate ions by the liver.

Answer: C

96. Pick the correct one from the following.

A) Plasma = Blood – Lymphocytes

B) Lymph = Plasma + RBC + WBC

C) Serum = Blood + Fibrinogen

D) Blood = Plasma + RBC + WBC

Answer: D

97. Choose The Function Of The Pancreatic Juice From The Following_____________

A) trypsin digests proteins and lipase carbohydrates.

B) trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase proteins.

C) trypsin and lipase digest fats.

D) trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats.

Answer:  D

98.Which Of The Following Is An Incorrect Statement?

A) Organisms grow with time

B) Organisms must repair and maintain their structure

C) Movement of molecules does not take place among cells

D) Energy is essential for life processes

Answer:  C

99. The Filtration Units Of Kidneys Are Called_____________

A) Urethra

B) Ureter

C) Neurons

D) Nephrons

Answer:  D

100. Oxygen Liberated During Photosynthesis Comes From_________

A) Water

B) Chlorophyll

C) Carbon dioxide

D) Glucose

Answer: A

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