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Test banks for medical surgical nursing

Test banks for medical surgical nursing:

1. What is the meaning of surgical nursing?

A. A surgical nurse is a nursing professional that is trained to be able to assist during both routine and difficult surgical procedures.

B. Surgical nurses care for patients before, during, and after surgery.

C. Both of these

D. None of these

Answer: C

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2. What is the role of a medical-surgical nurse?

A. A surgical nurse cares for patients before, during, and after surgery.

B. Some nurses prep the patient, while others are in the operating room assisting the surgeon

C. They may also monitor health vitals and assist patients during sudden changes.

D. All of these

Answer: D


3. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the function-based nursing method?

A. One nurse takes care of different patients every day.

B. Multiple nurses share and carry out nursing work classified by content.

C. One nurse will continue to handle one patient from admission to discharge.

D. Patients are divided into several groups, and each group is handled by a dedicated nurse team.

Answer: 2

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4. Which professional assistance relationship is appropriate between the patient and the nurse?

A. It is established spontaneously.

B. The method of assistance is left to the nurse.

C. The focus is on the needs of the patient.

D. Revolve around everyday conversation.

Answer: 3


5. Which one kills the bacterial spores?

A. Ultraviolet rays

B. Povidone-iodine

C. 70% alcohol

D. Ethylene oxide gas

Answer: D


6. Which of the following is the correct way to take medicine?

A. Take once a week.

B. Take before meals.

C. Take at the designated time.

D. Take when symptoms appear.

Answer: D


7. Which of the following is wrong about the nurse-patient relationship_______

A. The nurse-patient relationship is helpful

B. The nurse-patient relationship is professional

C. The nurse-patient relationship is a therapeutic relationship

D. The nurse-patient relationship is a multi-directional interpersonal relationship

E. The nurse-patient relationship is a long-term relationship

Answer: E

8. A doctor uses the patient’s cornea to treat other patients without the consent of the patient’s family after the patient’s death, which violates the patient’s right_______

A. The right to enjoy equal medical treatment

B. The right to privacy

C. The right to be exempted from certain social responsibilities and obligations

D. The right to supervise services

E. The right to informed consent

Answer: E


9. Which of the following are patients rights________

A. The right to informed consent

B. The right to supervise services

C. The right to enjoy equal medical treatment

D. All of these

Answer: D


10. The ratio of plasma to body weight is_______


B. 20%


D. 15%

Answer: D


11. Which of the following diseases is not mainly treated by surgery________

A. Pancreatitis

B. Liver rupture

c. gastric ulcer

D. Varicose veins of the lower extremities

Answer: C


12. The most common fluid disorder in surgical patients is________

A. Isotonic dehydration

B. Hypotonic dehydration

C. Hypertonic dehydration

D. Acute water intoxication

Answer: A


13. Which of the following statements about surgical nursing is incorrect_______

A. Not all surgical diseases require surgery

B. Modern surgery was founded in the 1840s

C. The categories of surgery and internal medicine are relative

D. Assessing and meeting the basic needs of the patient is the entire job of the surgical nurse

Answer: D


14. The fastest way for the body to adjust the acid-base balance is_______

A. Neuroendocrine regulation

B. Regulation of the lungs

C. Kidney Regulation

D. Blood Buffer System

Answer: D


15. Fluid balance refers to_________

A. The body’s water intake and excretion balance

B. Balance of intracellular and extracellular osmotic pressure

C. Plasma and interstitial fluid balance

D. The body fluids are relatively balanced in terms of content, distribution, and composition

Answer: D


16. Which of the following shocks is caused by rupture of the spleen________

A. Anaphylactic shock

B. Hypovolemic shock

C. Septic shock

D. traumatic shock

Answer: B


17. The main purpose of fasting water before anesthesia is_________

A. Prevention of intraoperative vomit aspiration

B. Prevent intraoperative defecation

C. Prevent postoperative abdominal distension

D. It is beneficial to the recovery of gastrointestinal function after surgery

Answer: A


18. The pathological changes of thermal burn mainly depend on________

A. Type of heat source and heating time

B. Heat source temperature and the injured part

C. Heating time and injured area

D. Heat source temperature and heating time

Answer: D

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