Locomotion and Movement NEET Questions
All living organisms including plants and animals show one kind of movement or the other. The multicellular animals show two kinds of movements
(i) Locomotion
(ii) Movement of body parts.
Locomotion is the process of change of position of an organism from one place to another. It includes the acts of walking, running, crawling, swimming, hopping, gliding or flying in the air. It enables animals to move away from enemy or away from undesirable places. It enables the animal to find its mate or partner for Sexual reproduction. It helps in searching and procuring food and water It enables them to migrate to more favourable locations of food, shelter and suitable places of egg laying.
Movement of body parts in relation to body axis is the other form of movement in animals. Such movements serve functions such as visceral organs show different kinds of movement. Due to the movement of visceral organs, propel food in the animals are able to respire, alimentary canal, pass urine and pump and circulate blood in the body. Food capture and its ingestion involve the movements of toung, jaws, limbs, etc
The Locomotion and Movement NEET Questions and answer are prepare for class 11 and NEET students. These fully solved MCQ on Locomotion and movement questions are applicable to all college students, freshers or experienced as well as various tests & contests in colleges. NEET Aspirants can enhance their knowledge by regular practice which will help them crack any exam exam. Free PDF Download of NEET Locomotion and Movement Important Questions of key topics. Practice NEET Important Questions solved by our expert.
Locomotion and Movement NEET Questions Pdf Free download:
1. Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission?
(a) Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
(b) Fe2+ ions
(c) Ca2+ ions
(d) Mg²+ ions
Answer: C
2. Neural canal is present in___________
(b) Tibio-fibula
(a) Humerus
(c) Vertebral column
(d) Cranial bones
Answer : C
3. A cricket player is fast chasing a ball in the field. Which one of the following groups of bones are directly contributing in this movement ?
(a) Femur, malleus, tibia, metatarsals
(b) Pelvis, ulna, patella, tarsals
(c) Sternum, femur, tibia, fibula
(d) Tarsals, femur, metatarsals, tibia
Answer: D
4. In the pectoral girdle of frog, there is a cup-like cavity on each side called_________
(a) Acetabulum
(b) Glenoid cavity
(c) Sigmoid arc
(d) Thoracic cavity
Answer: B
5. Term innominate’ is related with_________
(a) Nerve
(b) Artery
(c) Skeleton and artery
(d) None of these
Answer: C
6. The number of occipital condyles in man is/are_______
(a) One
(b) Three
(c) Five
(d) Two
Answer: D
7. Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle, mostly due to genetic disorder occurs in_______
(a) Myasthenia gravis
(b) Muscular dystropny
(c) Tetany
(d) Osteoporosis
Answer: B
8. The joint found in head of upper arm and pectoral girdle is________
(a) Hinge joint
(b) Gliding joint
(c) Ball and socket joint
(d) Saddle joint
Answer: B
9. The cytoplasmic segment of striated muscle fibre is termed________
(a) Metamere
(b) Neuromere
(c) Sarcomere
(d) Sarcoplasm
Answer: D
10. A rabbit runs very fast but after some time feels tired, because_______
(a) Formation of lactic acid in muscles
(b) Formation of succinic acid in muscles
(c) Loss of energy
(d) None of the above
Answer: A
11. Which of the folowing is made up of a single bone in mammals_______
(a) Hyoid
(b) Lower jaw
(c) Dentary
(d) Upper jaw
Answer: C
12. Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission_________
(a) Ca2+ ions
(b) Mg2+ ions
(c) Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
(d) Fe2+ ions
Answer : A
13. Sigmoid notch is present in_______
(a) Femur
(b) Radio-ulna
(c) Humerus
(d) Tibio-fibula
Answer: B
14. The long bones are hollow and connected by air passage. They are the characteristics of_________
(a) Aves
(b) Mammals
(c) Reptilia
(d) Land vertebrates
Answer: A
15. which of the following is a contractile protein__________
(a) Tubulin
(b) Tropomyosin
(c) Myosin
(d) All of these
Answer: C
16. The joint between atlas and axis is called_________
(a) Pivot joint
(b) Saddle joint
(c) Hinge joint
(d) Angular joint
Answer: A
17. Hinge joint is present between_______
(a) Femur and ulna
(b) Humerus and ulna
(c) Femur and pectoral girdle
(d) Femur and pelvic girdle
Answer: B
18. In the resting muscle fibre, tropomyosin partially covers___________
(a) Calcium binding sites on troponin
(b) Actin binding sites on myosin
(c) Myosin binding sites on actin
(a) Calcium binding sites on actin
Answer: C
19. In human beings, the cranium is formed by_______
(a) Eight bones of which two are paired
(b) Fourteen bones of which six are paired
(c) Twelve bones of which four are paired
rding muscle proteins.
(d) Ten bones of which two are paired
Answer : A
20. Synsacrum of fowl consists of about________
(a) 29 vertebrae
(b) 3 vertebrae
(c) 16 vertebrae
(d) Single vertebrae
Answer: C
21. Calcium is important in skeletal muscle contraction because it_______
(a) Detaches the myosin head from the actin filament
(b) Activates the myosin ATPase by binding to it
(c) Binds to troponin to remove the masking to active sites on actin for myosin
(d) Prevents the formation of bonds between the myosin cross bridges and the actin filament.
Answer: C
22. Smooth muscles are_________
(a) Involuntary, fusiform, non-striated
(b) Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical
(c) Involuntary, cylindrical, striated
(d) Voluntary, spindle-shaped, uninucleate
Answer : A
23. It is much easier for a small animal to run uphill than for a large animal because______
(a) The efficiency of muscles in large animals is less than in the small animals
(b) It is easier to carry a small body weight
(c) Smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate
(d) Small animals have a lower O2 requirement
Answer: C
24. The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to ___________
(a) The absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band
(b) The central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band
(c) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band
(d) Extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band
Answer : C
25. Name the ion possible for unmasking of active sites for myosin for cross bridge activity during muscle contraction_______
(a) Calcium
(b) Magnesium
(c) Sodium
(d) Potassium
Answer: A
26. Pick the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal systems_____________
(a) Gout – inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium
(b) Muscular dystrophy – age-related shortening of muscles
(c) Osteoporosis – decrease in the bone mass and higher chances of fractures with aging
(d) Myasthenia gravis – an autoimmune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments
Answer : C
27. Stimulation of a muscle fiber by a motor neuron occurs at___________
(a) the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(b) the myofibril
(c) the transverse tubules
(d) the neuromuscular junction
Answer : D
28. In humans, during muscle contraction, the____________
(a) actin filaments shorten
(b) A, I and H bands shorten
(c) A band remains the same
(d) sarcomere does not shorten
Answer : C
29. Pick the correct statement with regards to locomotion in humans____________
(a) Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes their inflammation
(b) a decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people
(c) joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint
(d) vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae
Answer: A
MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement :
Below we are Provided NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement with Answers Pdf free download. These Locomotion and movement MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers were prepared based on the latest Syllabus. These Locomotion and Movement Class 11 Biology MCQs Questions with Answers to help students score well in board exam and NEET preparation also. Here are the MCQs
1. Longest bone in the lower arm is_______
(a) Ulna
(c) Tibia
(b) Radius
(d) Femur
Answer: A
2. Total number of bones in the body of man is_______
(a) 28
(b) 206
(c) 218
(d) 108
Answer: B
3. The number of bones in the skull of man are__________
(a) 10
(b) 18
(c) 206
(d) 23
Answer: D
4. The number of bones present in the leg of man is_________
(a) 25
(b) 30
(c) 35
(d) 40
Answer: B
5. Six of the 206 bones of human skeleton occur in_______
(a) Skull
(b) Middle ear
(c) Pectoral girdle
(d) Pelvic girdle
Answer: B
6. The number of bones in human axial skeleton is________
(a) 100
(b) 80
(c) 126
(d) 106
Answer: B
7. The total number of vertebrae in man is________
(a) 31
(b) 30
(c) 33
(d) 32
Answer: C
8. Cheek bones are_________
(a) Zygonmatic
(b) Lacrimal
(c) Ethmoid
(d) Parietal
Answer : A
9. Locomotory organ in starfish is__________
(a) Tentacles
(b) Appendages
(c) Tube feet
(d) Cilia
Answer: A
10. Bone formed by the ossiification of tendons is called_______
(a) Sesanmoid bone
(b) Replacing bone
(c) Investing bone
(d) None of these
Answer: A
11. The inner, surtace of the membrane surrounding a muscle fibre is_______
(a) Negatively charged
(b) Positively charged
(c) A motor unitq
(d) A storage depot of Catt
Answer: A
12. In an isotonic muscle contraction_________
(a) The muscle tension remains constant
(b) The length of the muscle remains constant
(c) Both muscle length and tension are changed
(d) Movement of bones does not occur
Answer: A
13. The lower jaw of mammals is composed of_______
(a) Jugal only
(b) Dentary and jugal
(c) Jugal and angulosplenial
(d) Dentary only
Answer : B
14. Foramen magnum is found on__________
(a) Lateral side of skull
(b) Neural canal
(c) Anterior side of skull
(d) Posterior side of skull
Answer: D
15. Which of the following movements in man are directly concerned with locomotion?
(a) Rotation of head of femur in acetabulum
(b) Bending of arm at elbow
(c) Contractions of the hearts
(d) Peristaltic movements
Answer: A
16. Joint between bones of human skull is_________
(a) Synovial joint
(b) Hinge joint
(c) Cartilaginous joint
(d) Fibrous joint
Answer: D
17. Extremities of long bones have________
(a) Elastic cartilage
(b) Calcified cartilage
(c) Hyaline Cartilage
(d) Fibrous Cartilage
Answer : C
18. Match the columns.
A. Hinge Joint – 1. Carpals
B. Saddle Joint – 2. Knee
C. Pivot Joint – 3. Thumb
D. Gliding Joint – 4. Vertebra
(a) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
(b) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(d) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
Answer : C
19. What happens in osteoporosis?
(a) Decrease in progesterone
(b) Increase in progesterone
(c) Decrease in estrogen
(d) Both 2 and 3
Answer : C
20. Which one of the following is correct pairing of a body part and the kind of muscle tissue that moves it?
(a) Iris – Involuntary smooth muscle
(b) Heart wall – Involuntary unstriated muscle
(c) Biceps of upper arm – Smooth muscle fibres
(d) Abdominal wall – Smooth muscle
Answer : A
21. One of the following is true of muscle contraction.
(a) H-zone expands
(b) I-band expands
(c) A-Band remains constant
(d) The sarcomeres expands
Answer : A
You will find a list of Locomotion and Movement NEET Questions are prepared as per the latest prescribed NCERT syllabus. Ace up your NEET preparation with Locomotion and Movement MCQ available here to enhance your NEET preparation. Understand the each MCQ clearly by consistently practicing the Locomotion and Movement Multiple Choice Questions and score well in your exams.
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