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MCQ on Environment with Answers Pdf

MCQ Questions on Environment Pdf

We all are very known that for Environmental Science is one of the most important subject which not only decides the careers of many a young students but also improve their ability of analytical and there nature of thinking. Most of the students believe that Environmental Study is a scoring subject. On behalf of ybstudy.com we are going to present simple, systematic and illustrative manner and easier to students to understand and appreciate this MCQ on Environment in all the way. While writing this Cell Biology MCQ for class 11 and 12, NEET, CET, NET, SET our goal has been to present a clear idea, interesting, systematic and thoroughly understandable. Study from these Environment MCQ for Competitive Exam not only serves in an introduction to the study of Environment but also carry the students on to such a level that he can read and write.

Important Points to Remember about Environment

  1. Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living (Biotic) and non-living (Abiotic) elements and their effects which influence human life is called as Environment.
  2. The environment is everything around us. All our surroundings including the air, soil, water, plants, and animals make up the environment. Plants and animals need a healthy environment to survive. An ecosystem is an area where living organisms interact in a specific way with the local environment to survive. It consists of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Its chief components are soil, water, air, organisms and solar energy.
  3. There are two different types of environment: Geographical Environment, Man-made Environment.
  4. In order to obtain the essential resources for their survival, humans depend on the environment. Food, drinking water, fiber for clothing, timber, coal and natural gas are some of the major resources. Humans also utilize different aspects of the environment to develop their civilization.
  5. The environment provides us with resources for production which include renewable and non-renewable resources. Our environment provides a wide range of benefits, such as the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, as well as the many materials needed in our homes, at work.

Environment MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf Download  : 

1. The study of living organisms with the environment is known as ____________

a) Ecosystem

b) Environment

c) Ecology

d) Cell Biology

Answer: C


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2. What is pedology?

a) Study of the effect of light on plant growth

b) Study of leaves

c) Study of climate

d) Study of soil

Answer: D

3. A mutually beneficial association necessary for the survival of both partners is_________

(a) mutualism / symbiosis

(b) commensalism

(c) amensalism

(d) both A and B.

Answer: A

4. Which of the following describe the study of group of the population?

a) Synecology

b) Autecology

c) Biomes

d) Natality

Answer: A

5. Red data book provides data on?

(a) Red lions

(b) Red birds

(c) List of plant and animals

(d) Endangered plants and animals

Answer: D

6. Micro environment is ________ 

(a) Environment very close to an organism

(b) General environment

(c) Environment of a certain area

(d) None of these

Answer: A

7. Macro environment is _______ 

(a) Environment very close to an organism

(b) General environment

(c) Overall environment of a certain area.

(d) All of these

Answer: B

8. What is so important about the troposphere?

(a). Layer of water at or near earth’s Surface

(b). Contains ozone

(c). It contains weather and therefore the oxygen that we breathe

(d). All of the above

Answer: A

9. Ozone is________

(a) harmful in the upper atmosphere

(b) beneficial in the upper atmosphere

(c) beneficial in the lower atmosphere

(d) harmful in the upper atmosphere and beneficial in the lower atmosphere

Answer: B

10. The main source of water pollution is_______

(a) Sewage water

(b) Industrial pollutants

(c) Acid rain

(d) None of the above

Answer: A

11. Ozone layer of upper atmosphere is being destroyed by:

(a) Cholorifluorocarbon

(b) SO2

(c) Photochemical oxidants

(d) smog

Answer: A

12. Environment is sum of ________ factors effecting an organism.

(a) Some

(b) Two

(c) All

(d) None

Answer: C

13. Select the correct statement about ozone hole out of the following_______

(a) It is thinning of ozone layer of stratosphere at some place

(b) It is a hole formed in the troposphere from which ozone oozed out

(c) It is a hole formed in the stratosphere from which ozone oozed out

(d) It means vanishing of ozone layer aroun the earth completely

Answer: A

14. A pollutant is any substance, chemical or other factor that changes___________

(a) natural geochemical cycle

(b) the natural balance of our environment

(c) the natural flora of our environment

(d) the natural wildlife of our region

Answer: B

15. What is correct for the given statement?

Statement P: Environmental study is linked with ecology

StatementQ: Ecology is included in environmental study.

(a) Both statements are true

(b) Both statements are wrong

(c) P is right and Q is wrong

(d) P is wrong and Q is right

Answer: A

16. Formation of ozone in the upper atmosphere from oxygen takes place by the action of___________

(a) Nitrogen oxide

(b) Ultraviolet rays

(c) Cosmic rays

(d) Free radicals

Answer: B

17. Which of the following units is used to measure the intensity of noise?

(a) Decibel

(b) Phon

(c) Hz

(d) Watts / m

Answer: A

18. Human ear is most sensitive to noise in which of the following frequency range?

(a) 1-2 kHz

(c) 10-12 kHz

(b) 100-500 Hz

(d) 13-16 kHz

Answer: D

19. Contamination of radioactive materials is dangerous because it causes

(a) biological magnification

(b) gene mutation

(c) photochemical smog

(d) ozone destruction

Answer: B

20. Biotic component of the environment does not include__________

(a) Micro-organism system

(b) Plant system

(c) Animal system

(d) Soil system

Answer: D

21. Lichens are the best indicator of_________

(a) Noise pollution

(b) Soil pollution

(c) Water pollution

(d) Air pollution

Answer: D

22. BOD stands for_________

(a) Biotic Oxygen Demand

(b) Biological Organic Decay

(c) Biological Organism Death

(d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Answer: D

23. The word ‘Ecology’ was coined in 1866 by_________

(A) Ernst Haeckel

(B) Charles Darwin

(C) Robert Whittaker

(D) Arthur Tansley

Answer: A

24. The term ‘ecosystem’ was enunciated by________

(a) A.G. Tansley

(b) E.P. Odum

(c) G. Mendal

(d) C.C. Park

Answer: A

25. Which one of the following is related to ozone formation?

(a) Photosynthesis process

(b) Photochemical process

(c) Chemosynthesis process

(d) Hydrolysis process

Answer: B

26. An artificial ecosystem is represented by_________

(a) Aquarium

(b) Agriculture land

(c) Pisciculture tank

(d) Zoo

Answer: A

27. The Ozone layer restricts__________

(a) Ultraviolet radiation

(b) X-rays and Gamma rays

(c) Infrared radiation

(d) Visible light

Answer: A

28. The dissolution of ozone layer causes ozone hole in the blanket surrounding the atmosphere. What are the till efffects of ozone hole?

(a) Green house effect

(b) Global warming

(c) Acid rain.

(d) UV rays reaching the earth

Answer: D

29. Which of the following can be considered as the best example of primary air pollutants?

(a) Carbon dioxide released from burning of coal.

(b) Sulfur trioxide.

(c) Ozone produced in photochemical smog.

(d) Carbon dioxide released through photosynthesis.

Answer: A

30. Why does the oxygen concentration in the water decrease when sewage is discharged into a river?

(a) Decrease in the number of plants

(b) Increase in the number of fish

(c) Less oxygen absorbed from the air

(d) Rapid growth of bacteria

Answer: D

31. Which of the following best illustrates a secondary air pollutant?

(a) CO2, released from the burning of coal

(b) NO2, released from the burning of oil.

(c) Ozone produced in photochemical smog.

(d) None of the above

Answer: C

32. Greenhouse gases are_________

(a) absorb large wave radiations from the earth

(b) are transparent to both large and short

(c) absorb solar radiations for warming the atmosphere of earth

(d) are transparent to emissions from the earth for passage into outer space

Answer: A

33. The chronological order of human evolution from early to the recent is_________

(a) Australopithecus> Ramapithecus> Homo habilis> Homo erectus

(b) Ramapithecus> Australopithecus> Homo habilis> Homo erectus

(c) Ramapithecus Homohabilis> Australopithecus> Homo erectus

(d) Australopithecus> Homo habilis> Ramapithecus> Homo erectus

Answer: B

34. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the origin of life?

(I) Formation of protobionts

(II) Synthesis of organic monomers

(III) Synthesis of organic polymers

(IV) Formation of DNA-based genetic systems

(a) I, II, III, IV

(b) II, III, I, IV

(c) I, III, II, IV

(d) II, III, IV, I.

Answer: B

35. Which air pollutant could cause rains to be acidic?

(a) Dust particles from cement factories

(b) Insecticides from crop sprays

(c) Smoke from wood fires

(d) Sulfur dioxide from coal-fired powerstations

Answer: D

36. The most harmful types of environment pollutants are________

(a) human organic wastes

(b) wastes from faecal

(c) non-biodegradable chemicals

(d) Natural nutrients present in excess

Answer: C

37. Green house effect is caused due to________

(a) infra-red rays reaching the earth

(b) Moisture layer in the atmosphere

(c) increase in temperature due to increase in carbon dioxide concentration of atmosphere

(d) the ozone layer of atmosphere

Answer: C

38. Acid rains are produced by__________

(a) excess NO2 and SO2 from burning fossil fuels

(b) Excess production of NH3 by industry and coal gas

(c) excess release of carbon monoxide by incomplete combustion

(d) Excess formation of CO2 by combustion and animal respiration

Answer: A

39. Competition for light, nutrients and space is most severe between

(a) closely related organism growing in different niches

(b) closely related organisms growing in the same area / niche

(c) distantly related organisms growing in the same habitat

(d) distantly related organisms growing in different niches.

Answer: B

40. What is true of the ecosystem?

(a) primary consumers are least dependent upon producers

(b) primary consumers out-number producers

(c) producers are more than primary consumers

(d) secondary consumers are the largest and most powerful.

Answer: C

41. What is ‘Greenhouse Gas Protocol’?

(A) It is an international accounting solution for government and business leaders to understand, quantify and manage greenhouse gas emissions. 3

(B) It is a United Nations initiative to provide financial incentives to developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt eco-friendly technologies.

(C) It is an intergovernmental agreement ratified by all member states of the United Nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a specified level by the year 2022.

(D) This is one of the multilateral REDD + initiatives funded by the World Bank.

Answer: A

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