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MCQ on Acid Rain Pdf

Acid Rain MCQ with Answers Pdf

  • Acid rain refers to rain, snow or other forms of precipitation with a pH of less than 5.6. 
  • This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust that is acidic.
  • During the formation and fall of rain and snow, they absorb and dissolve substances such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air , forming acidic precipitation with a pH lower than 5.6.
  • Sulfur and nitrogen dioxide are the two gases that cause acid rain.
  • The term “acid rain” was coined in 1872 by Robert Angus Smith.
  • Acid rain is caused due to the nitric acid type and sulfuric acid mainly caused by man-made discharge of a large amount of acidic substances into the atmosphere. 
  • Most of the acid rain in India is caused by the burning of coal with high sulfur content, and the exhaust gas emitted by various motor vehicles is also an important reason for the formation of acid rain.
  • Acid rain cause harm to the human body, and corrode buildings, metals, rubber, etc. Therefore, acid rain is called the “modern air death”.
  • Acid rain has adverse impact on freshwater life, other aquatic life forms, insects etc.

Multiple Choice Questions on Acid Rain

1. What contributes the most to acid rain_________

A. sulphur oxides and carbon oxides

B. nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides

C. carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide

D. nitrogen oxides and carbon oxides

Answer: B

2. Below which of the following pH is rain regarded as ‘acid rain’?

A. 7

B. 7.3

C. 5.6

D. 6

Answer: C

3. Usually acid rain refers to: 

A. Precipitation with pH below 5.6

B. Precipitation with a pH higher than 5.6

C. Precipitation with a pH of 5.6

D. Precipitation with pH < 7

Answer: A

4. After the sulfur dioxide discharged from coal combustion enters the atmosphere, the environmental problems it will cause are________

A. Greenhouse effect

B. White pollution

C. acid rain

D. Ozone layer destruction

Answer: C

5. Who coined the term acid rain?

A. Christ Ralph

B. Elmer Joseph Clark

C. Ernest Flower

D. Robert Angus Smith

Answer: D

6. Measures to reduce acid rain include: 

① Reduce the use of coal as fuel; 

② Raise the chimneys of factories; 

③ Add lime to the acidified soil; 

④ Burn coal for desulfurization; 

⑤ Develop new energy. Among the effective measures are_______

A. ①④⑤

B. ②③④

C. ①②③

D. ①③④

Answer: A

7. Acid rain contains________

A. sulphuric acid

B. nitric acid

C. both a and b

D. sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid

Answer: C

8. The historical monument that is affected by acid rain is________

A. taj mahal

B. pyramid of egypt

C. pisa tower

D. golden temple

Answer: A

9. Acid rain causes damage to______

A. big sculptures and marble constructions

B. flora and fauna

C. growth of trees

D. all of the above

Answer: D

10. The most corrosive effect of acid rain on the following substances is________

A. plastic products

B. Steel doors and windows

C. cement pavement

D. Glass product

Answer: B

11. The culprit of acid rain is_________

A. Air conditioners use fluorine-containing refrigerants

B. Discharge of industrial and domestic sewage at will

C. A large amount of coal is used as fuel

D. The use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural production

Answer: C

12. Which of the following energy sources may cause acid rain is________

A. coal

B. wind energy

C. Hydrogen energy

D. solar energy

Answer: A

13. Main source of acid rain is

A. Sulphur dioxide

B. Nitrogen

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Carbon monoxide

Answer: A

14. The following practices are not conducive to reducing environmental pollution_______

A. Fuel desulfurization to reduce acid rain

B. Dispose of used batteries at will

C. Rational application of pesticides and fertilizers

D. Development and utilization of clean energy

Answer: B

15. Regarding environmental issues, which of the following statements is true_________

A. Rainwater with pH > 7 is called acid rain

B. Marble carvings are not afraid of acid rain

C. Coal combustion should add appropriate substances to reduce sulfur dioxide in exhaust gas

D. Waste batteries contain Hg and Pb elements that do not pollute the environment and can not be recycled

Answer: C

16. Identify the aftermaths of acid rain from the following________

A. Dissolving and washing away of nutrients from the soil

B. Increasing the acidity of soils, thereby hindering the growth of plants

C. Damaging the building materials/ heritage sites

D. All of the above

Answer: D

17. Which of the following statements about “acid rain” is correct_______

A. Acid rain has a strong corrosive effect on buildings

B. Rainwater with pH < 5.6 can be regarded as “acid rain”

C. Because “acid rain” has the effect of increasing soil fertility, “acid rain” is harmful to agriculture and also beneficial

D. Both A and B

Answer: D

18. The difference between normal rain and acid rain is_______

A. Normal rain is neutral, acid rain is acidic

B. The pH of normal rain is about 5.6, and the pH of acid rain is less than 5.6

C. Normal rainwater does not contain impurities, acid rain contains impurities

D. Normal rain falls in the countryside, acid rain falls in the city

Answer: B

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