MCQ on Pollen Grains with Answers Pdf
Pollen Grain MCQ
What are Pollen grains?
- The pollen grain is a microscopic, non-motile, haploid, unicellular body with a single nucleus.
- It is also known as microspores.
- The study of pollen is known as palynology.
- The pollen grain is produced in the anther of the flower, which is the terminal portion of the stamens.
- In anther, each microspore mother cell divides meiotically to form a tetrad of haploid microspores (pollen grains) this process is known as microsporogenesis.
- The pollen grain is essential for the reproduction of gymnosperms and angiosperms.
- Pollen is the set of tiny grains produced by the flowers of angiosperms, which are the male reproductive elements or microgametophytes, where the gametes that will fertilize the eggs are found, which will later turn into seeds.
Pollen Grain MCQ Questions and Answers:
1. Pollen grains are produced in——
(1) Nucellus
(2) Stigma
(3) Anther
(4) Chalaza
Answer: 3
2. Pollen grains represent——-
(1) The future sporophyte
(2) The sporophyte
(3) The gametophyte
(4) The male gametophyte
Answer: 4
3. The mature pollen grain contains——
(1) 3 cell
(2) 7 cells
(3) 2 cells
(4) 1 cell
Answer: 3
4. The larger cell of a pollen grain with an irregularly shaped nucleus is——
(1) Apical cell
(2) Generative cell
(3) Vegetative cell
(4) Basal cell
Answer: 3
5. Transfer of a pollen grain to the stigma of the same plant is called——–
(1) Antogamy
(2) Geitonogamy
(3) Allogamy
(4) Homogamy
Answer: 2
6. Which structure is produced by the germination of pollen grain?
(1) Pollen tube
(2) Style
(3) Tube
(4) Vessels
Answer: 1
7. The pollen grains of flowers pollinated by insects are :
(1) smooth and dry
(2) rough and sticky
(3) rough and dry
(4) large and, showy
Answer: 2
8. The minimum number of meiotic divisions required to obtain 100 pollen grains of wheat is…..
(1) 40
(2) 25
(3) 150
(4) 200
Answer: 2
9. In dicots the pollen grains possess :
(1) two germ pores
(2) three germ pores
(3) four germ pores
(4) one germ pore
Answer: 2
11. Pollen tube develops from
(1) Generative cell
(2) Male gametes
(3) Vegetative cell
(4) Vegetative nucleus
Answer: 3
12. Longest pollen tube is found in :
(1) Wheat
(2) Maize
(3) Barley
(4) Rice
Answer: 2
13. In over 60% of angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at:-
(1) One celled stage
(2) Three nuclei stage
(3) Two-celled stage
(4) Three-celled stage
Answer: 3
14. Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies & bronchial afflictions in some people often leading to chronic respiratory disorders such as:-
(1) Asthma
(2) Bronchitis
(3) Both 1 & 2
(4) Emphysema
Answer: 3
15. In a pollen grain the small cell is spindle-shaped, with dense cytoplasm:–
(1) Vegetative cell
(2) Generative cell
(3) Tube cell
(4) All
Answer: 2
16. Pollen grain along with the growing tube has how many haploid nuclei?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four
Answer: 3
17. Sporopollenin in the exine of pollen grain can be degraded by :
(1) high temperature
(2) low pH (strong acids)
(3) some enzymes
(4) can’t be degraded
Answer: 4
18. Which one of the following statements is wrong?
(1) Pollen grains in some plants remain viable for months.
(2) Intine is made up of cellulose and pectin.
(3) When pollen is shed at two-a celled state, double fertilization does not take place.
(4) Vegetative cell is larger than a generative cell.
Answer: 3
19. What is the function of the germ pore?
(1) Initiation of pollen tube
(2) Release of male gametes
(3) Emergence of the radicle
(4) Absorption of water for seed germination
Answer: 1
20. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(1) Pollen grains of many species can germinate on the stigma of a flower, but only one pollen tube of the same species grows into the style.
(2) Insects that consume pollen or nectar without bringing about pollination are called pollen/nectar robbers.
(3) Pollen germination and pollen tube growth are regulated by chemical components of pollen interacting with those of the pistil.
(4) Some reptiles have also been reported as pollinators in some plant species.
Answer: 1
21. Which of the following statements is not true?
(1) Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of anther
(2) Exine of pollen grains is made up of sporopollenin
(3) Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies
(4) Stored pollen in liquid nitrogen can be used in the crop breeding programs
Answer: 1
22. Which one of the following statements is not true?
(1) Pollen grains of some plants cause severe allergies and bronchial afflictions in some people
(2) The flowers pollinated by flies and bats secrete foul odor to attract them
(3) Honey is made by bees by digesting – pollen collected from flowers
(4) Pollen grains are rich in nutrients, and they are used in the form of tablets and syrups
Answer: 3