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MCQ on Transcription

Multiple Choice Questions on Transcription in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

What is transcription?

  • Transcription is the process by which a cell makes an mRNA from DNA.
  • Transcription is a process that occurs in all living cells. 
  • This mRNA carries the genetic information needed to make proteins in a cell. 
  • It carries information from the DNA in the cell’s nucleus to the cytoplasm, where proteins are made.
  • The DNA within the cell provides the transcript, or blueprint, which determines the sequence of nucleotides that are joined together to form RNA.
  • In eukaryotes, transcription takes place in the nucleus. In prokaryotes, the transcription process takes place in the cytoplasm.
  • Transcription is carried out by an enzyme called RNA polymerase and several accessory proteins called transcription factors.
  • To start the transcription process, RNA polymerase binds to the DNA molecule in a specific region called the promoter.
  • Transcription factors can bind to specific DNA sequences called enhancer and promoter sequences to recruit RNA polymerase to an appropriate transcription site. 
  • Together, transcription factors and RNA polymerase form a complex called the transcription initiation complex.
  • A transcription unit is the chain of nucleotides on a strand of DNA that starts at the initial code and continues through the final code.

Transcription MCQ with Answers Pdf

1. Transcription is the transfer of genetic information from…………..

(1) DNA to RNA

(2) tRNA to mRNA

(3) DNA to mRNA

(4) d. mRNA to tRNA

Answer: 1

2. The enzyme required for transcription is________

(1) RNAase

(2) DNA polymerase

(3) RNA polymerase

(4) Restriction enzymes

Answer: 3

3. The site of insulin gene transcription in islet B cells is________

(1) ribosome

(2) centrosome

(3) Golgi body

(4) nucleus

Answer: 4

4. Transcription in eukaryotes is initiated when_______

(1) RNA strand is present

(2) RNA polymerase is present

(3) Core promoter sequence is present

(4) None of these

Answer: 3

5. Mark the one, which is NOT the transcription inhibitor in eukaryotes.

(1) Rifampicin

(2) Acridine dye

(3) Actinomycin D

(4) Rho factor

Answer: 4

6. In a chain of a DNA molecule, the proportion of base C in the chain is 36%, and the proportion of base G in the mRNA transcribed from it as a template is:

(1) 18%

(2) 36%

(3) 50%

(4) 64%

Answer: 2

7. Transcription is the transfer of genetic information from________

(1) DNA to RNA

(2) DNA to mRNA

(3) mRNA to tRNA

(4) tRNA to mRNA

Answer: 2

8. A DNA sequence is read by an RNA polymerase that produces a complementary antiparallel RNA strand known as________

(1) Hexa transcript

(2) secondary transcript

(3) primary transcript

(4) tertiary transcript

Answer: 3

9. Which of the following is not required for the transcription of genetic information

(1) Helicase

(2) ATP

(3) template chain

(4) amino acid

Answer: 4

10. The process of formation of RNA is known as___________

(1) Replication

(2) DNA repair

(3) Translation

(4) Transcription

Answer: 4

11. Which of these RNA polymerase subunits is required to initiate transcription?

(1) alpha (α)

(2) sigma (σ)

(3) omega (ω)

(4) beta (β)

Answer: 2

12. Name the one intrinsic terminator of transcription.

(1) Intercalating agents

(2) Rho-independent

(3) Rho-dependent

(4) Acridine orange

Answer: 2

13. Transcribe mRNA with the complementary strand of “-CAATTC-“, then the sequence of this mRNA is______

(1)  -GAAUUG-

(2) -CTTAAC-

(3) -CUUAAC-

(4) -GAATTG-

Answer: A

14. What is the work of the sigma factor in transcription?

(1) Helicase action

(2) Transcription initiation

(3) Transcription elongation

(4) Transcription termination

Answer: 2

15. Which of the following transcription termination technique has RNA-dependent ATPase activity?

(1) Intercalating agents

(2) Rho-dependent

(3) Rho-independent

(4) Rifampicin

Answer: 2

16. To simulate the transcription process in the organism, the necessary conditions are______

① RNA polymerase 

② DNA polymerase 

③ free ribonucleotides 

④ free deoxynucleotides 

⑤ DNA molecules 

⑥ ATP 

⑦ suitable temperature 

⑧ suitable pH

(1) ①②④⑤⑦⑧

(2) ①④⑤⑥⑦⑧

(3) ①②③⑤⑦⑧

(4) ①③⑤⑥⑦⑧

Answer: 4

17. From the perspective of the transmission process of genetic information, the main function of messenger RNA (mRNA) can be expressed as

(1) Transfer genetic information from DNA to proteins

(2) The genetic information of translated DNA

(3) The genetic information of transcribed DNA

(4) as a template for RNA synthesis

Answer: 1

18. Which statement about transfer RNA is true

(1) An amino acid can be carried by one or more transfer RNAs

(2) Transfer RNA is synthesized in the cytoplasm

(3) A transfer RNA has only three bases

(4) Each amino acid has its own specific type of transfer RNA

Answer: 1

19. DNA replication and transcription have in common______

(1) Requires multiple enzymes to participate

(2) Occurs in the nucleus.

(3) Follow the principle of complementary base pairing

(4) All of these 

Answer: 4

20. False statement about the two processes of DNA replication and transcription in eukaryotic cells_______

(1) Both processes can occur in the nucleus

(2) Enzymes are involved in both processes

(3) Both processes use deoxyribonucleotides as raw materials

(4) Both processes use DNA as a template

Answer: 3

21. Which of the following statements about the role of the “RNA polymerase binding site” in the gene structure is false______

(1) The “RNA polymerase binding site” is the start codon

(2) An “RNA polymerase binding site” is a binding site to which RNA polymerase binds when RNA is transcribed

(3) The “RNA polymerase binding site” enables the enzyme to accurately recognize the initiation site of transcription and initiate transcription

(4) “RNA polymerase binding site” regulates mRNA transcription

Answer: 1

RNA Synthesis MCQ Questions and Answers

1. The base sequence of the template DNA is 3′-TGCAGT-5′, and the base sequence of the transcribed RNA is:

A. 5′-AGGUCA-3′

B. 5′-ACGUCA-3′

C. 5′-UCGUCU-3′

D. 5′-ACGTCA-3′

Answer: B

RNA can be synthesized by using vector. A vector with _______ is used and further through ________ RNA is isolated.

A. origin of replication, translation

B. promoter, transcription

C. promoter, translation

D. origin of replication, transcription

Answer: B

2. The RNA synthesized by eukaryotic RNA polymerase II is:





Answer: B

3. The factors that recognize the termination of RNA transcription are:

A. alpha factor

b. beta factor

C. Sigma factor

 D. Rho factor

Answer: D

4. Which of the following statements about DNA-directed RNA synthesis is false?

A.RNA polymerase can catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bonds only in the presence of DNA

B . RNA polymerase needs primers during transcription

C. The direction of RNA strand synthesis is 5′ → 3′

D. In most cases only one strand of DNA acts as a template for RNA

Answer: B

5. DNA-guided RNA polymerase consists of several subunits, and its core enzyme composition is:

A. ααββ’

B. ααββ′σ

C. ααβ’

D. ααβ

Answer: A

6. Identify the start point of transcription is:

A. Rho factor

B. Core enzyme

C. The sigma factor of RNA polymerase

D. The alpha subunit of RNA polymerase

Answer: C

7. Which of the following statements about the sigma factor is correct?

A.A subunit of RNA polymerase responsible for recognizing a specific starting point for transcription of RNA on a DNA template

B. A subunit of DNA polymerase that can bidirectionally synthesize RNA in the 5’→3′ and 3’→5′ directions

C. Recognizes termination signals on DNA templates

D. Is a small molecule organic compound

Answer: A

8. The processes of DNA replication and transcription have many similarities and differences. Which of the following statements about DNA replication and transcription is false?

A.In vivo, one DNA strand is used as a template to transcribe and two DNA strands are used as a template to replicate

B. In both processes, the synthesis direction is 5’→3′

C. The product of replication is usually larger than the product of transcription

D. Both processes require RNA primers

Answer: D

9. Which statement about RNA polymerase is incorrect:

A. Consists of core enzymes and α-factors

B. The core enzyme is composed of α2ββ′

C. The difference between a holoenzyme and a core enzyme is the presence of the β subunit

D. The holoenzyme includes the sigma factor

Answer: C

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