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MCQs on Disaster management Pdf | NEET

Disaster Management MCQ with Answers:

Variously dangerous events occur many times in the environment. Those are called disasters. Some of the main natural disasters are floods, wet and dry famines, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. These are ‘all of a sudden’ troubles to mankind. Such events cause sudden changes in the environment and thereby cause damage to it. The environment is also damaged due to the use of natural resources for our development. This leads to sudden disasters, unexpected to humans. These can be called man-made disasters.
United Nations has defined a disaster as ‘the sudden event that leads to the huge loss of life and property. Words like ‘huge’ and ‘sudden’ are important in the definition. As the disaster occurs suddenly, it cannot be predicted. Hence, precautions are not possible. Huge losses to the property occur in the area of disaster. There are long-term effects on society due to incidences of life and property loss. Various areas of life like economic, social, cultural, political, law and administration, etc. are affected by it. Life in the area of disaster disturbs totally. There is a loss of life and property of the people in distress.
Here below we listed MCQs on Disaster Management to Gear up for your NEET Exam Preparation with top and good MCQs on Disaster Management that are recommended by toppers, making it easier for you to score more in the Exam.

MCQs on Disaster Management Pdf Download:

MCQs on Disaster Management
1. A disease that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to as______________
a. Epidemic
b. Pandemic
c. Spanish flu
d. Hyperendemic
Answer: b

2. Zika virus is related to which of the following diseases?
a. Dengue
b. Yellow fever
c. Japanese encephalitis
d. All of the above
Answer : d

3. Which of the following volcanoes is known for its most destructive volcanic eruption in recorded history?
a. Mount Kilimanjaro
b. Mauna Loa
c. Krakatoa
d. Mount St Helens
Answer: c

4. Bhopal Gas Disaster is a kind of_________
a. Natural disaster
b. Manmade disaster
c. None of the above
d. other
Answer: b

5. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by__________
a. Prime Minister of India
b. President of India
c. Governor of States
d. Chief Minister of States
Answer: a

6. International Tsunami Information Center is located in____________
a. Honolulu
b. Goa
c. Jakarta
d. Puducherry
Answer: a
7. Which of the following is not a man-made hazard?
a. Leakage of Toxic waste
b. Wars and Civil Strife
c. Drought
d. Environmental pollution
Answer: c

8. Cyclones occurring in North Atlantic ocean are called____________
a. Typhoon
b. Hurricanes
c. Tornado
d. None of the above
Answer: b
9. High intensity and long duration of rainfall in Tripura causes____________
d. Cyclone
Answer: b

10. Most of the Principal rivers in Tripura meet with which river of Bangladesh?

a. Meghna
b. Titas
c. Padma
d. None of the above
Answer: a

11. The vector of zika virus is_____________

a. Aedes Egypt
b. Aedes albopictus
c. Both a & b
d. Different species of mosquitoes
Answer: c
12. Disaster Management includes__________
a. Mitigation
b. Reconstruction
c. Rehabilitation
d. All of the above
Answer: d
13. Tsunamis can occur only during________
a. Evening
b. Afternoon
c. Any time of the day or night
d. Morning
Answer: c
14. United Nations disaster management team are responsible for solving problems resulting from disaster in ______________
a. Asia
b. Africa
c. Australia
d. All continents
Answer: d
15. In India National Institute of Disaster Management is located at_____________
a. Manipur
b. Punjab
c. Hyderabad
d. New Delhi
Answer: d
16. The Disaster Management Act was made in_______________
a. 2006
b. 2003
c. 2005
d. 2009
Answer: c
17. Effective hazard management largely relies on ______________
a. Govt. agencies
b. Emergency responses
c. Pre-disaster planning
d. Volcanoes
Answer: c
18. Which of the following is a seasonally related hazard?
a. Earthquake
b. Volcanic eruption
c. Terrorist attack
d. None of the above
Answer: d
19. The Bhopal Gas disaster occurred in__________
a. 1986
b. 2003
c. 1984
d. 2009
Answer: c
20. Which of the following groups of people is more vulnerable in the event of a disaster? 
a. Men, boys, old people
b. Men, women, boys
c.Women, children, old people
d. None of the above
Answer: c
21. The instrument which records earthquake wave is called_______________
a. Climograph
b. Seismograph
c. Hythergraph
d. None of the above
Answer: b
22. What is known as a seismic wave? 
c. El Nino
Answer: a
23. DDMA is headed by___________
a. District magistrate
b. Chief secretary
c. BDO
d. None of the above
Answer: a
24. What is drought?
a. No rainfall for a long continuous period
b. Heavy rainfall for a long continuous period
c. Moderate rainfall for a long continuous period
d. None of the above
Answer: a
25. Which one of the following is a geological disaster?
a. Tsunami
b. Storm surge
c. Flood
d. Wildfire
Answer: a
26. The State Disaster Management Authority is headed by_______________
a. Governor
b. Chief Minister
c. Chief Secretary of the State
d. None of the above
Answer: b
27. Floods can be prevented by____________
a. Afforestation
b. Cutting the forest
c. Tilling the land
d. Removing the topsoil
Answer: a
28. Hurricanes are common in __________
a. India
b. Bangladesh
c. USA
d. Australia
Answer: c
29. The most calm part of the tropical cyclone is____________
a. Limb
b. Eye
c. Periphery
d. None of the above
Answer: b
30. In India Tsunami Warning centre is located at_____________
a. Kolkata
b. Hyderabad
c. Ahmadabad
d. None of the above
Answer: b
Disaster management MCQ:
31. Which of the following is not a natural disaster?
(a) Tsunami
(b) flood
(c) terrorism
(d) earthquake
Answer: (c)
32. Which of the following is a natural disaster?
(a) fire
(b) Bomb blast
(c) earthquake
(d) Chemical accidents
 Answer: (c)
33. What should be the shape of buildings in earthquake-prone areas?
a) oval
(b) triangular
(c) square
(d) rectangular
Answer: (d)
34. What is the construction of houses on a slope in a landslide-prone area________
(a) proper
(b) unfair
(c) beneficial
(d) useful
Answer: (b)
35. About how many people of Bangladesh had to suffer in the summer floods of 1947?
(a) 3.60 lakh
(b) 3.60 crore
(c) 4.60 lakh
(d) 4.60 crore
Answer: (b)
36. At least how many meters away from the beach or river bank should the house be built for possible flood protection?
(a) 50 meters
(b) 100 meters
(c) 200 meters
(d) -250 m
Answer: (d)
37. What is the human factor responsible for landslides?
(a) steep slopes
(b) poor drainage
(c) seismic activity
(d) Inefficient digging
 Answer: (d)
38. What is the meaning of a landslide?
(a) the land being infertile
(b) part of the earth
(c) sliding off the ground
(d) none
Answer: (c)
39. Which houses are vulnerable to landslides?
(a) those in a flat area
(b) located away from sudden changes in slope
(c) which are situated on steep natural slopes
(d) none of these
Answer: (c)
30. When did the earthquake occur in Gujarat?
(a) 26 January 2000
(b) – January 26, 2001
(c) January 26, 2002
(d) January 26, 2003
Answer: (b)
41. In which Central American country on December 23, 1972, there were several earthquakes one after the other?
(a) Antigua
(b) Nicaragua
(c) Mexico
(d) none of these
 Answer: (b)
42. Which buildings tend to vibrate more during an earthquake?
(a) high
(b) low
(c) wide
(d) far away
Answer: (a)
43. What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Bhuj on December 26, 2001?
(a) 6.9
(b) 5.9
(c) 4.9
Answer: (a)
44. What is the rate of sliding of the Indian plate?
(a) 1 to 3 cm per annum
(b) 2 to 4 cm per annum
(c) 3 to 5 cm per annum
(d) 4 to 6 cm per annum
Answer: (c)
45. Which of the following is a man-made disaster?
(a) terrorism
(b) war
(c) communal riots
(d) all of them
Answer: (d)
46. Watershed areas up to how many hectares have been identified for water harvesting in Rajasthan?
(a) 50 hectares
(b) 60 hectares
(c) 70 hectares
(d) 75 hectares
Answer: (a)
47. Which irrigation method is adopted for the proper use of groundwater?
(a) sprinkler irrigation system
(b) Drip irrigation system
(c) Both a and b
(d) none of these
Answer: (c)
48. Disaster management comes under which of the following list?
(a) Central List
(b) State List
(c) Concurrent List
(d) none of these
Answer: (c)
49. How many observatories have seismometers installed to get information related to earthquakes in India?
(a) 112 instruments
(b) 212 instruments
(c) 312 instruments
(d) 412 Yantra
Answer: (b)
50. When did the Government of India frame the Building Code?
(a) in 1981 AD
(b) in 1982 AD
(c)-1983 AD
(d) in 1984 AD
Answer: (c)
51. When did the Government of India set quick, short-term, and long-term dimensions for flood control?
(a) 1954 AD
(b) in 1955 AD
(c) in 1956 AD
(d) 1957 AD
Answer: (a)
52. Agriculture is dry_______
(a) in the absence of water
(b) in the absence of soil moisture
(c) due to soil erosion
(d) due to the salinity of the soil
Answer: (b)
53. Where should a building be constructed in a tsunami-prone area?
(a) near the beach
(b) away from the beach
(c) at a height away from the coast
(d) none
Answer: (c)
54. The maximum damage caused by a flood is_____
(a) to the crop
(b) animals
(c) buildings
(d) all of the above
Answer: (a)
We hope the given MCQs on Disaster Management with Answers PDF Free Download will help you. If you have any queries regarding environmental education and disaster management MCQ with answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.
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