MCQs on p block elements for class 12th NEET | pdf

MCQs on p block elements for class 12th NEET | pdf

p-block elements MCQs is a very important chapter for NEET Aspirants. NEET exam is important in your life, because your future career depends upon your score in NEET exam p-block elements MCQ for NEET test your knowledge, intelligence, memory and quick response. Your speed and accuracy is the essence of this NEET MCQ. For this you have to cultivate a different frame of mind. For this first solve the different p-block elements  MCQs for NEET given in this page and then try to complete each Chapter of chemistry NEET MCQs given on

P-block element mcqs for NEET

MCQs on p block elements for class 12th NEET | pdf

1)  In group 15 elements density            

a) increases down the group

b) decreases down the group

c) increases till As then decreases

d) decreases till As, then increases

Answer : a) increases down the group

2) In solid state nitrogen exists in two allotropic forms which are            

a) alpha and Beta-nitrogen

b) white and black forms

c) red and yellow forms

d) Beta-and gamma forms

Answer : a) alpha and Beta-nitrogen

3) The allotropes of nitrogen have              

a) only cubic structures

b)  hexagonal and cubic structure

C) only hexagonal structure

d) only fcc structure

Answer : b)  hexagonal and cubic structure

4) The three allotrops of phosphorus i.e. white, red and black have

a) single tetrahedral

b) complex chain single tetrahedral and layered structure

c) single tetrahedral structure, chain structure and layered structure

d) all have single tetrahedral structure

Answer : c) single tetrahedral structure, chain structure and layered structure

5) Antomony exists as                        

a) white, red and black form

b) metallic form, yellow, explosive forms

c) only yellow form

d) red and black forms only

Answer : b) metallic form, yellow, explosive forms

6) Two stable allotropic forms of arsenic are                          

a) metallic and black

b) yellow and metallic forms

c) alpha and B forms

d) Beta – and gamma-forms

Answer : a) metallic and black

7) The angle of S-S-S bond and bond length in the crown shaped puckered ring of S8, molecule is                          

a) 117°, 200 pm

b) 107°,204 pm

b) 107°,212 pm

d) 109.5°, 204 pm

Answer : a) 117°, 200 pm

8) The m.p. and b.p. of Po, is lower than Te due to                     

a) inert pair effect

b) screening effect

c) greater nuclear charge 

d) Vander Waal’s forces

Answer : d) Vander Waal’s forces

9) The IP1, of group 16 is less than group 15                                

a) greater nuclear charge 

b) less nuclear charge

c) extra stable E.C.

d) shielding effect 

Answer : c) extra stable E.C.

10) The electron gain enthalpy of sulphur is greater than Oxygen because of              

a) small size of sulphur

b) large size of oxygen

c) electronic repulsion due to small size ot oxygen

d) poor shielding effect

Answer : a) small size of sulphur

11) Which of the following gas mixture is used by the divers inside the sea?

a) O2, + Xe

b) O2, +N2

c) O2,+He

d)O2,+ Ar

Answer : b) O2, +N2

12) Which of the following statement regarding sulphur is incorrect?

a) at 600’C, the gas mainly consists of S2, molecules.

b) the Oxidation state of sulphur is never less than +4 in its Compouds

c) S2, molecule is paramagnetic

d) the vapor at 200°C consists mostly of S8, rings

Answer : c) S2, molecule is paramagnetic

13) Nitrogen is essential constituent of all

a) proteins

b)  proteins and fats 

c) cabohydrates

d)  fats

Answer : a) proteins

14) Phosphine is evolved upon heating      

a) phosphoric acid

b) phosphorus acid

c) calcium phosphide in a current of hycdrogen

d) acetic acid

Answer : b) phosphorus acid

15) Phosphorescence is exhibited by        

a) yellow phosphours

b) red phosphorus 

c) both these

d) none

Answer : a) yellow phosphours

16) The correct statement, among the following, about PCl5 is /are                     

a) solid PCI5, has ionic lattices

b) the cation is octahedral

c) the an ions tetrahedral

d) all these

Answer : a) solid PCI5, has ionic lattices

17) Bones glow in dark, because                  

a) they contain a shining material

b) they contain red phosphorus

c) white P changes to red P

d) white P exhibits phosphorescence

Answer : d) white P exhibits phosphorescence

18) Strong Pπ – Pπ bonds in given by           

a) P

b) As

c) Bi

d) N

Answer : d)  N

19) Which oxide of nitrogen is obtained on heating ammonium nitrate at 250°C

a) Nitric oxide

b) Nitrous oxide

c) Nitrogen dioxide

d)  Dintrogen oxide 

Answer : b) Nitrous oxide

20) In NH, and PH,, the common is             

a) Basic nature

b) Combustibility

c) odour

d) None of these

Answer : a)  Basic nature

21) Which of the following oxide does not form acidic aqueous solution

a) N2,O3

b) NO2

c) NO,

d) N2O5

Answer : c)  NO

22) ozone is obtained from oxygen.             

a) by silent electric discharge 

b) by conversion at high temperatures 

C) by oxidation at high temperatures 

d) by oxidation using catalyst

Answer : b) by conversion at high temperatures

23) The element which exhibits  allotropy is                       

a) Hydrogen

b) Bismuth

c) Chlorine

d) Oxygen

Answer : d)  oxygen

24)  Amongst the following pairs, one which does not represent allotropes is.     

a) Oxygen, ozone

b) Hydrogen, deuterium

c) Red P, yellow P

d) Diamond, graphite

Answer : b) Hydrogen, deuterium

25) Which element 1S most abundant in earth crust                             


b) C

c) Si

d) O

Answer : d)  O

26) Oxygen is always divalent whereas sulphur can form 2, 4 and 6 bonds. This is because                               

a) Oxygen is more electronegaive than sulphar

b) Sulphur contains d-orbitals whereas Oxygen does not

c) Sulphur has larger atomic radius than oxyge

d) Sulphur is more electronegative than oxygen 

Answer : b) Sulphur contains d-orbitals whereas Oxygen does not

27) The first ionization enthalpies of group elements                     

a) Fall sharply from oxygen to sulphur

then fall regularly from sulphur to tellurium

b) Fall regularly from oxygen to telluium

c) Rise regularly irom oxygen to tellurium

d) Rise slightly from oxygen to tellurium then tall regularly trom sulphur to tellurium

Answer : a) Fall sharply from oxygen to sulphur then fall regularly from sulphur to tellurium

28) Which of the following elements of group radioactive?

a) Oxygen

b) Polonium

c) Selenium

d) Tellurium

Answer : polonium

29)Which one of the following bonds has the lowest bond energy?

a) O-O

b) s-s

c) Te-Te

c) Se-Se

Answer : c)  Te-Te

30) Which o the fóllowing is the

electronegaive element ?

a)  O

b) S

c) Se

d) Te

Answer : a)  O

34) The hybridization of sulphur in SO, is

a) sp3

b) sp

c) dsp2

d) sp2

Answer : d) sp2

35) Which of the following is oxidised by SO2?

a) Mg

c) KMnO4

b) K2Cr2O4

d All

Answer : a) Mg

36) Bleaching action of SO2 is due to          

a) Oxidation

b) Reduction

c) Hydrolysis

d Its acidic nature

Answer : Reduction

37) About H2SO4 which is incorrect

a) Reducing agent

b) Dehydrating agent

c) Sulphonating agent

d) Highly viscous

Answer : a) Reducing agent

38) The number of dative bonds in sulphuric acid molecules  is                   

a)  2

b) 1

c) 4

d) 0

Answer : a) 2

39) permonosulphuric acid is known as? 

a)  Caros acid

b)  sulphuric acid

c)  Marshall’s acid

d)  none

Answer : a)  Caros acid

40) The radioactive halogen is                   

a) iodine

b) Radon

C) Astatine

d) polonium 

Answer : a) iodine

41) which of the following halogen exists in the solid state?  

a) Cl2

b) I2

C) F2

d) Br2

Answer :b) I2

42) Which of the following has the highest value on dipole moment ?

a )HF

b) HBr

c) HCl

d) HI

Answer :b)  HCl

43) Which of the following has the longest bond length?

a) HF

b) HCI

c) HBr

d) HI

Answer :d) HI

44) mark the element which displaces three halogen from their compounds

a) F

b) I

c) Br

d)  Cl

Answer : a)  F

45) The T-shaped interhalogen compound is                                

a) CIF5

b) ICI

c) CIF3

d) IF3

Answer : c) CIF3

46) Mark the halogen that gives only one oxoacid.

a) F

b) Br

c) I

d) Cl

Answer : a)  F

47) which of the following  is used in the preparation of chlorine? 

a) only KMno4

b) only Mno2

c) both a and b

d) none

Answer : both a and b

48) The colour of the iodine solutions is discharged by shaking with                   

a) sodium sulphide

b) sodium sulphate

c) Aqueous sulphur dioxide

d) sodium sodium bromide 

Answer : c)  Aqueous sulphur dioxide 

49) The radioactive noble gas is                  

a) Rn

b) Ne

c) Xe

d) He

Answer : a) Rn

50) According to Effective atomic number concept the central metal atom in complexes acquires                  

a) Duplet

b) octet

c) quartet

d) inert gas configuration 

Answer : d)  inert gases configuration 

51) Noble gases are                       

a) highly electronegative

b) highly electropositive

C) least electronegative 

d)  neither electropositve nor electronegative

Answer : d) d)  neither electropositve nor electronegative

52) The noble gas which does not from any clathrates is                       

a) Ar

b) He

C) Kr

d) xe

Answer : b) He

53) XeF2 molecules is                            

a) pyramidal

b) square planner

C) linear

d) Trigonal planner

Answer : c)  linear

54) Helium is used in balloons instead of hydrogen because it is                             

a) radioactive 

b) incombusitile

C) more abundant than hydrogen

d) lighter than hydrogen

Answer : b) incombusitile

55) which of the following noble gas is not present in atmosphere ?

a) He

b) Ar

C) Rn

d) Ne

Answer : c)  Rn

56) The element which has not yet been reacted with F2 is                             

a) Kr

b) xe

C) Rn

d) Ar

Answer : a)  Ar

57) The percentage of p-character in the orbitals forming p-p bonds in P4 is             

a) 50

b) 25

C) 75

d) 33

Answer : d)  75

58) which of the following is not anamalous behavior of fluorine? 

a) it can form oxoacid

b) it can form an hydride

C) it’s is a liquid 

d) it can showes always -1

Answer : c)  it is liquid 

59) α and β forms of sulphur are at equilibrium at a temperature known as   

a) Boyles temperature 

b) critical temperature 

C) transition temperature 

d) inversion temperature

Answer : c)  transition temperature 

60) Reactivity of inert gases increases from He to Rn.  This is due to                   

a) Decrease in ionisation 

b) increase in ionisation energy 

C) change from deylet to octet configuration 

d) zero electron affinity 

Answer : a)  Decrease in ionisation energy

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