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Phylum Annelida MCQ Question with Answers Pdf

Phylum Annelida MCQ with Answers Pdf:

We bring Here MCQ Questions and Answers on Phylum Annelida. which is very important from NEET’s point of view.  With every question test your knowledge. Multiple Choice Questions on Annelida for NEET Aspirants are available for free, you can test your knowledge anytime and share the links with your friends to help them check their knowledge.

It will be very helpful for those students who are willing to get good marks in their board exam preparation. Get the MCQ on Phylum Annelida Pdf. All these questions are provided with answers and a detailed explanation of each Question. Check out the MCQs provided below to get an idea of the type of questions to be asked on Phylum Annelida in the NEET exam.


Important points to Remember about Phylum Annelida

  1. The organisms are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate, organ system level of body organization, and metamerically segmented.
  2. Body wall with an epidermis of columnar epithelium, coated externally by moist albuminous cuticle and with circular and longitudinal muscle fibers.
  3. Chitinous setae, aiding in locomotion, may or may not be on fleshy parapodia; absent in leech.
  4. A true coelom is present. Annelids are the first animals to have a true schizogenic coelom. Coelom is divided by septa into compartments.
  5. The coelomic fluid acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.
  6. The digestive system is complete and digestion is extracellular. Respiration by moist skin (cutaneous respiration) or through gills (branchial respiration).
  7. The blood vascular system is usually closed. Respiratory pigments either hemoglobin dissolved in blood plasma.
  8. Free amoeboid blood corpuscles are present, but there are no RBCs. In leech, there is no true blood vascular system.
  9. Nephridia are the excretory organs. Ammonia is the chief excretory waste.
  10. The nervous system consists of a nerve ring and a solid, double, mid-ventral nerve cord with ganglia and lateral nerves in each segment.
  11. Sensory organs include tactile organs, taste buds, statocysts, photoreceptor cells, and eyes with lenses. The sexes may be separate (e.g., Nereis) or united (e.g. earthworm, leech).
  12. Development is mostly direct (e.g., earthworm). There is indirect development in Nereis. Larva, when present is trochophore.


MCQ on Phylum Annelida for NEET:

1. In Nereis, the gonads are developed in the posterior part of the body. These gonad-bearing segments become morphologically different from godless anterior segments and are called________
(a) Epitoke
(b) Atoke
(c) Heterogamy
(d) Metaboly
Answer: A

Read: MCQ on Phylum Coelenterata 

2. Which of the following is not an annelids character?
(a) Triploblastic body
(b) Enterocoel
(c) Metamerism
(d) Tube within tube body plan
Answer: B


3. A temporary clitellum can be observed in_________
(a) Nereis
(b) Heteronereis
(c) Hirudinaria
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer: C


4. Botryoidal tissue found between the gut and muscles of the body wall, is characteristic of all__________
(a) Arthropods
(b) Nematodes
(c) Annelids
(d) Leeches
Answer: D

Read: MCQ on Phylum Platyhelminthes 

5. The clitellum in earthworms is formed by________
(a) 12,13 and 14 segments
(b) 14,15 and 16 segments
(c) 13,14 and 15 segments
(d) 16,17 and 18 segments
Answer: B


6. The number of segments in leech is_________
(a) 33
(b) 26
(c) 44
(d) 120
Answer: A


7. Major part of nitrogenous excretory wastes eliminated through nephridia in earthworms, is in the form of:
(a) Uric acid
(b) Urea
(c) Ammonia
(d) Amino acids
Answer: B


8. What is correct w.r.t. earthworm?
(a) It has a brain but no head esh lenses
(b) It has no locomotory organs
(C) It secretes cocoon around the unfertilized egg
(d) It can crawl on smooth surfaces easily
Answer: A


9. The septal and pharyngeal nephridia open into the alimentary canal and are enteronephric type. It is an adaptation for :
(a) Conservation of heat
(b) Conservation of water
(c) Regulation of temperature
(d) Regulation of amino acids
Answer: B


10. Nereis is______
(a) Gregarious
(b) Nocturnal
(c) Carnivorous
(d) All of these
Answer: D


11. Locomotion occurs in earthworm through_________
(a) Setae
(b) Parapodia
(c) Setae and circular muscles
(d) Setae, circular and longitudinal muscles
Answer: B


12. In evolution,…. evolved first time in annelids______
(a) True coelom
(b) Cephalization
(c) Bilateral symmetry
(d) Triploblastic nature
Answer: A


13. The highly degraded organic matter rich in nitrogen and potassium, in particular, resulting from the activity of earthworms, is called:
(a) Humus
(b) Vermicompost
(c) Worm castings
(d) Compost bedding
Answer: B


14. Porphyrin of earthworm is found in:
(a) Cuticle
(b) Epidermis
(c) Circular muscles
(d) Longitudinal muscles
Answer: B


15. Aphrodite is commonly known as:
(a) Sea fan
(b) Sea mouse
(c) Lugworm
(d) Ragworm
Answer: B


16. In which of the following annelid both setae and parapodia are absent?
(a) Hirudinaria
(b) Chaetopterus
(c) Lumbricus
(d) Nereis
Answer: A


17. A temporary clitellum occurs during breeding season_______
(a) Pheretima
(b) Hirudinaria
(c) Aphrodite
(d) Hetronereis
Answer: B


18. Respiration in Neries takes place with the help of_______
(a) Ctenidia
(b) Gills
(c) Parapodia
(d) Lungs
Answer: C


19. Which of the following is not an Annelidan character?
(a) Triploblastic body
(b) Planula larva
(c) Metamerism
(d) Tube within tube body plan
Answer: A


20. What is common between leech, centipede, and earthworm?
(a) Hermaphroditism
(b) Absence of legs
(c) Ventral nerve cord
(d) Malpighian tubules
Answer: C


21. Occurrence of earthworms in the soil is indicated by________
(a) Heaps of small rounded pellets
(b) Heaps of dry powder soil
(C) Holes
(d) Cast skin
Answer: A


22. The female genital aperture in earthworms is sent ventrally on the segment________
(b) 12th
(a) 10th
(c) 14th
(d) 18th
Answer: C


23. Most important use of earthworm is_________
(a) Their burrows make the soil loose
(b) They make the soil porous, leave their castings and take organic debris in the soil
(c) They are used as fish meal
(d) They kill the birds due to biomagnification or chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Answer: B


24. Clitellum of Pheretima is a thick girdle that is__________
(a) Nonglandular around 14-16 segments
(b) Glandular around 14-16 segments
(c) Glandular around 16-18 segments
(d) Nonglandular around 16-18 segments
Answer: B


25. Spermathecae in earthworm is_________
(a) For producing sperm
(b) For storage of sperm obtained from male earthworms during copulation and used in future
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Answer: B


26. The septal and pharyngeal nephridia open into the alimentary canal and are of enteronephric type. It is an adaptation for________
(a) Conservation of water
(b) Conservation of heat
(c) Regulation of temperature
(d) Regulation of amino acids
Answer: A


27. Blood of Pheretima is_________
(a) Blue with hemocyanin in corpuscles
(b) Blue with hemocyanin in plasma
(c) Red with hemoglobin in corpuscles
(d) Red with hemoglobin in plasma.
Answer: D

We hope the above given MCQ on Phylum Annelida with Answers Pdf Download will help you score high in your board exam and various competitive entrance examinations. If you have any queries regarding Phylum Annelida MCQ with Answers, comment below.

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