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Somatic Hybridization MCQ with Answers Pdf

MCQ on Somatic Hybridization

1. Plant somatic hybridization is the process of fusion of two cells of different species into a hybrid cell, which refers to______

A. Fusion of sperm and egg cells from different plants

B. Fusion of protoplasts from different plants

C. Complete fusion of two somatic cells

D. Pairwise fusion of plant pollen cells

Answer: B

2. Somatic hybridization is achieved through_______

A. Grafting

B. Protoplast fusion

C. Conjugation

D. Recombinant DNA technology

Answer: B

3. What is absent in the protoplast?

A. Cell wall

B. Mitochondria 

C. Golgi Bodies 

D. Nucleus 

Answer: A

4. Which is not involved in somatic hybridization?

A. Somatic hybridization does not involve a plant and animal species fusion.

B. Somatic hybridization does not involve protoplast fusion.

C.  Somatic hybridization does not involve a hybrid plant formation 

D. All of these 

Answer: 1

5. First step in somatic hybridization is________

A. Identification of hybrid plant

B. Protoplast fusion

C. Protoplast isolation

D. Identification of hybrid cell

Answer: C

6. Which is the first plant whose somatic hybrid was prepared?

A. Nicotiana glauca

B. Azadirachta indica

C. Mangifera indica

D. None of these 

Answer: A

7. Which of the following is the advantage of somatic hybridization over sexual hybridization______

A. It can be done in the same plant

B. It can be done in the same plant species

C. It can be done in different plant species

D. All

Answer: C

8. The steps required to obtain a hybrid plant by cell crossing are_________

A. Isolation of protoplasts → induction of protoplast fusion → tissue culture → hybrid plants

B. Isolation of protoplasts → fusion of protoplasts → tissue culture → hybrid plants

C. Obtain cells → protoplast fusion → tissue culture → hybrid plants

D. Obtaining cells → direct fusion of protoplasts → tissue culture → hybrid plants

Answer: A

9. The ultimate goal of plant somatic hybridization is_______

A. Protoplast fusion

B. Formation of callus

C. produce hybrid cells

D. produce hybrid plants

Answer: D

10. Which chemical is used in somatic hybridization?

A. Polyethylene glycol


C. H2SO4 

D. All of these 

Answer: A

11. The result of plant somatic hybridization is:

A. produce hybrid cells

B. produce hybrid plants

C. Protoplast fusion

D. callus formation

Answer: B

12. Which enzyme is used in protoplast isolation?

A. Pectinase 

B. Macerozyme and cellulose

C. Both of these 

D. None of these 

Answer: B

13. The principles used in plant somatic hybridization are: 

① the cell membrane has a certain fluidity; 

② the totipotency of plant cells; 

③ the relative independence of the gene structure

A. ①

B. ②

C. ①②

D. ①③

Answer: C

14. Breeding tomato and potato into hybrid plants through somatic hybridization technology, this process does not involve________

A. Totipotency of plant cells

B. Trypsin treatment

C. Enzymatic hydrolysis removes the cell wall

D. chromosomal aberration

Answer: B

15. The purpose of plant somatic hybridization technology is to obtain________

A. Fused protoplasts

B. Hybrid plants

C. Hybrid cells

D. callus

Answer: B

16. In-plant somatic cell hybridization to prepare protoplast, animal cell culture, and to prepare cell suspension, the enzymes required are_______

A. Amylase and phospholipase

B. Cellulase and trypsin

C. Lipase and dipeptidase

D. catalase and galactosidase

Answer: B

17. In plant cell engineering, when the protoplast fuses into a cell, it needs to induce the production of a cell wall. The organelles involved in this process are_________

A. Chloroplast, Golgi

B. Mitochondria, Golgi

C. Chloroplasts, mitochondria

D. mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: B

18. When preparing protoplasts, it is necessary to use cellulase to remove the cell wall, which belongs to the________

A. One of the tool enzymes needed for genetic engineering

B. One of the tool enzymes needed for animal cell engineering

C. One of the tool enzymes needed for plant cell engineering

D. One of the tool enzymes needed for bacterial cell engineering

Answer: C

19. In the comparison of animal cell fusion and plant somatic cell hybridization, which is correct_______

A. The method of inducing fusion is exactly the same

B. The technical means used are identical

C. The principle used is exactly the same

D. hybrid cells

Answer: D

20. Which of the following statements about plant somatic hybridization is incorrect?

A. The process of obtaining protoplasts requires the use of cellulose and pectinase

B. A polyploid plant can be obtained by hybridization of plant somatic cells

C. The process of plant somatic hybridization is the process of protoplast fusion

D. Hybrid cells can be identified based on differences in the number and morphology of chromosomes in the cells

Answer: C

21. Which of the following statements about plant somatic hybridization is false________

A. The process of fusion of different plant protoplasts belongs to the process of plant somatic hybridization

B. Protoplasts still can regenerate cell walls, divide continuously, and grow into complete plants

C. Protoplast fusion can be induced by PEG, electric shock, inactivated virus, etc.

D. A polyploid plant can be obtained by hybridization of plant somatic cells

Answer: C

22. Which of the following statements about somatic hybridization of diploid plants is incorrect_______

A. Overcome the obstacle of distant hybridization incompatibility

B. The formation of natural species generally requires a long period of isolation, and this method can directly obtain new species

C. It is possible to concentrate the excellent traits of two plants on the same plant

D. Hybrid plants obtained from somatic hybridization are generally treated with colchicine at the seedling stage to restore fertility.

Answer: D

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