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MCQ on Cell Organelles with Answers Pdf

MCQ on Cell Organelles with Answers Pdf:

MCQ on Cell Organelles is becoming the most common part of today’s competitive examinations. Without a basic knowledge of Cell, Organelles Aspirants lag in these examinations. It tests general knowledge of common terms and concepts of Cell Organelles. Keeping given this, we have added some most frequently asked MCQ questions on Cell Organelles in MCQ format for your proper practice.

Here you will find a list of the most important MCQ questions on Cell Organelles in MCQ quiz style with answers for competitive exams like NEET. These frequently asked sample questions on Cell Organelles are given with the correct choice of answer that you can check instantly.

Presently we have added more than 30 MCQ questions on Cell Organelles for your practice. We will keep adding more questions and provide this question bank in PDF format so that you can download them instantly in E-book style.


MCQ on Cell Organelles with Answers:

1. The study of the cell, its types, structure, functions, and its organelles are known as___________

(a) Biology

(b) Cell Biology

(c) Microbiology

(d) Biotechnology

Answer: B

Read: MCQ on Mitochondria 

2. The study of the structure and composition of cells is called_________

(a) Cytology

(b) Anthology

(c) Ecology

(d) Phenology

Answer: A


3. The largest cell organelles in the cell are?

(a) Plastids

(b) Golgi bodies

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Chromosomes

Answer: A

Read: MCQ on Cytoplasm 

4. This is not a function of mitochondria_____________

(a) Fatty acid breakdown

(b) non-shivering thermogenesis

(c) electron transport chain and associated ATP production

(d) glycolysis and associated ATP production

Answer: D


5. This statement is incorrect about mitochondrial membrane___________

(a) The outer membrane is permeable to all molecule types

(b) The outer membrane resembles a sieve

(c) Outer membrane embeds enzymes of the electron transfer chain

(d) none of these

Answer: C

Read: MCQ on Cell Wall

6. Which of the following cell organelles is called digestive bags?

(a) Nucleus

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Chloroplast

(d) Mitochondria

Answer: B


7. Which of the following cell organelles contains RNA?

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Plastids

(c) Lysosomes

(d) Ribosomes

Answer: D

Read: MCQ on Cell 

8. Which of the following statements is true about the Golgi bodies?

(a) It is a sac-like organelle.

(b) It is located near the nucleus.

(c) It helps in carrying the particles throughout the cell.

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


9. Which of the following statements is true about the Nucleus cell organelles?

(a) Nucleus is not present in prokaryotes.

(b) The chief components of the nucleus are Chromatin and Nucleolus.

(c) It contains DNA and other genetic materials.

(d) All of the above

Answer: D

Read: MCQ on Biotechnology 

10. Which of the following cell organelles is absent in animal cells and present in a plant cell?

(a) Cell wall

(b) Cytoplasm

(c) Vacuoles

(d) Mitochondria

Answer: A


11. Which of the following structures is called a ‘little nucleus’?

(a) Nucleolus

(b) Nucleoid

(c) Ribosome

(d) Lysosome

Answer: A


12. Which Organelle synthesizes energy?

(a) Ribosome

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Chloroplast

(d) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: B


13. Which of the following cell organelles is called the powerhouse of the cell?

(a) Nucleus

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Chloroplast

(d) Mitochondria

Answer: D


14. What is the correct sequence of organelles for the export of material out of a cell?

(a) Rough ER – Smooth ER – Golgi apparatus

(b) Smooth ER – Rough ER – Golgi apparatus

(c) Rough ER – Golgi apparatus – Smooth ER

(d) Golgi apparatus – Rough ER – Smooth ER

Answer: A


15. The cell organelles associated with cellular secretion are_________

(a) Plastids

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Lysosome

(d) Nucleolus

Answer: C


16. Carbohydrates are synthesized from fat within which of the following organelles?

A. Spherosome

B. Glyoxysome

C. Lomasome

D. Lysosome

Answer: B


17. Which of the following cell organelles is called a suicidal bag?

(a) Lysosomes

(b) Golgi bodies

(c) Cell membrane

(d) Mitochondria

Answer: A


18. Which cell organelle is present in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Nucleus

(d) Ribosome

Answer: D


19. Mitochondrial and Chloroplasts are similar because______________

(a) Both have Nuclei

(b) Both have 80S Ribosomes

(c) Both have DNA

(d) Both have single membrane envelope

Answer: C


20. Which of the following cell organelles does not contain DNA?

(a) Nucleus

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Chloroplast

(d) Mitochondria

Answer: B


21. Which of the following statements is true about the cell wall?

(a) The cell wall is mainly composed of lipid

(b) The cell wall is mainly composed of starch

(c) The cell wall is mainly composed of protein

(d) The cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose

Answer: D


22.  _____________ is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids.

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Cytoplasm

(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum

(d) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Answer: D


23. Which of the following is a single membrane-bound organelle?

(a) Vacuoles

(b) Golgi Apparatus

(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


24. Identify the correct statement from the following.

(a) Golgi apparatus is involved with the formation of lysosomes.

(b) Nucleus, mitochondria, and plastids have DNA; hence they can make their own

Structural proteins.

(c) Mitochondria is said to be the powerhouse of the cell as ATP is generated in them.

(d) All of the above.

Answer: D


25. Which of the following is not a double membrane-bound organelle?

(a) Chloroplast

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum

(d) All of the above

Answer: C


26. The correct pair of organelle and their function is___________

(a) Mitochondria: Transport of materials from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.

(b) Golgi Apparatus: Modification and glycosylation of proteins.

(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum: Selective barrier for the cell.

(d) Ribosome: Digestive enzymes most active at acidic pH.

(e) Lysosomes: Membrane-bound organelles that convert fat into sugars.

Answer: B


27. Find out the correct sentence.

(a) Enzymes packed in lysosomes are made through RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum).

(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and protein respectively.

(c) Endoplasmic reticulum is related to the destruction of plasma membranes.

(d) Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm of the eukaryotic nucleus.

Answer: A


28. What is the sequence of cell organelles, that a secreted protein would have passed through on its journey out of the cell?

A. Mitochondria → Golgi apparatus → Cell membrane

B. Cell membrane → Mitochondria → Golgi apparatus

C. Golgi apparatus ough Rough endoplasmic reticulum → cell membrane

D. Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus → cell membrane

Answer: D


29. Which of the following groups of organelles are present in eukaryotic cells, specifically plant and animal cells?

(a) The mesosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, mitochondria, and lysosomes

(b) The endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, cytoplasm, nucleoid, nucleus, and nucleolus

(c) The mitochondria, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, Golgi bodies, and endoplasmic reticulum

(d) The nucleoid, mesosome, and pili

Answer: C

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