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Respiration in Animals NEET Questions | Pdf

Respiration in Animals NEET Questions

Respiration in Animals is a very important chapter for NEET Aspirants. NEET exam is important in your life, because your future career depends upon your score in NEET exam. Respiration in Animals NEET MCQs test your knowledge, intelligence, memory and quick response. Your speed and accuracy is the essence of this Respiration NEET MCQ. For this you have to cultivate a different frame of mind. For this first solve the different Respiration in plants NEET MCQ given in this page and then try to complete each Chapter NEET MCQs given on ybstudy.com.



With Our Respiration in Animals, NEET Questions Find out where you stand, your strong points and weak points and try to take corrective steps immediately. In this process your subconscious mind will be thinking about the correct answers of Respiration in Animals MCQ for those questions and in the second round, you will be getting most of the answers. Remember before starting to solve Respiration NEET MCQs online test all the important Respiration notes and the meaning of all definitions should be understood.

Respiration in Plants MCQ for NEET

1. Fermentation was discovered by_____

(a) Gas Lussac

(b) Kostylchev

(c) Parnas

(d) Lipman

Answer : D


2. Activities of phosphofructokinase is promoted by ______

(a) Accumulation of ATP

(b) Accumulation of AMP

(c) Accumulation of citric acid

(d) Low pH

Answer : B


3. For HMS (PPP), which is not correct_____

(a) Hexoses are converted to pentoses

(b) Generate NADPH2,

(c) Electron acceptor is NAD+

(d) Occurs both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Answer : C


4. Number of dehydrogenation and decarboxylation are respectively when an acetyl CoA is metabolised on TCA cycle

(a) 4, 1

(b) 5,3

(c) 4,2

(d) 6, 3

Answer : D


Read : Motion MCQs


5. In glycolysis, which of the molecules undergoes splitting to produce 2 isomers of each other

(a) Fructose, 1, 6 diphosphate

(b) 1,3, diPGA

(c) Glucose

(d) PEP

Answer : C


6. In link reaction of cellular respiration, the enzymatic complex involved has

(a) Low molecular wt.

(b) 3 enzymes and 5 cofactors oidin

(c) 3 enzymes and 3 cofactors

(d) One enzyme and one cofactors

Answer : D


7. Substrate of TCA cycle is

(a) Pyruvic acid

(b) OAA

(c) Acetyl CoA

(d) Citric acid

Answer : A


Read : MCQs on kinetic theory 


8. Which of the following intermediates of TCA cycle is precursor of aspartic acid ?

(a) o-ketoglutaric acid

(b) OAA

(c) Citric acid

(d) Malic acid

Answer : B


9. A connecting link between TCA cycle and nitrogen metabolism is

(a) Pyruvic acid

(b) -ketoglutaric acid

(c) OAA

(d) Citric acid

Answer : C


Read : Mitochondria 


10. ATP-synthesis ocurs on the_______

(a) Outer membrane of mitochondrion

(b) Inner membrane of mitochondrion

(c) Matrix

(d) None of the above

Answer : B


11. Incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid with several intermediate steps is known as______

(a) Glycolysis

(b) Krebs cycle

(c) TCA-pathway

(d) HMS-pathway

Answer : A


12. The enzyme which converts glucose to glucose 6 phosphate is_____

(a) Phosphorylase

(b) Glucose-6-phosphatase

(c) Hexokinase

(d) Glucose synthetase

Answers: C


13. Respiration is_____

(a) Endothermic process 

(b) Exothermic process

(c) Anabolic process

(d) Endergonic process 

Answer: B


14. Conversion of pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol is facilitated by the enzyme_____

(a) Decarboxylase

(b) Dehydrogenase

(c) Decarboxylase and dehydrogenase

(d) Phosphatase

Answer : C


15. An indispensable role in energy metabolism is played by_______

(a) Sodium

(b) Calcium

(c) Phosphorus

(d) Lithium

Answer : C


16. Instantaneous source ot energy is______

(a) Glucose

(b) Proteins

(c) Fats

(d) Amino acid

Answer : A


17. Most of the energy in the cells is liberated by oxidation of carbohydrates when_______

(a) Pyruvic acid is converted into CO2, and H2O

(b) Pyruvic acid is converted into acetyl CoA

(c) Sugar is converted into pyruvic acid

(d) Glucose is converted into alcohol and CO2

Answer: A


18. The net gain of energy trom one gram mole of glucose during aerobic respiration is_______

(a) 2 ATP

(b) 38 ATP

(c) 4 ATP

(d) 40 ATP

Answer: B


19. The universal hydrogen acceptor is_____

(a) ATP

(b) FMN

(a) NAD

(c) COA

Answer: C


20. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates electrons to oxygen is ________

(a) Cyt. b

(b) Cyt. a

(c) Cyt.C

(d) Cyt. a3

Answer: D


21. Iron-porphyrin protein complex Occurs in_______

(a) Cytochrome

(b) Phytochrome

(c) Chlorophyl

(d) Both (a) & (b)

Answer: A


22. An anaerobically respiring yeast cell is consuming 30 glucose molecules per hour. If a little amount of oxygen is provided, what will be the consequence

(a) Respiration will abruptly stop

(b) The rate of glucose consumption and ATP production will increase

(c) The rate of glucose consumption will increase but rate of ATP production will decrease

(d) The rate of glucose consumption will decrease but ATP production will increase

Answer: D


23. Which statement is correct w.r.t. EMP pathway ?

(a) Two Oxidation steps and one dehydration step

(b) One reduction step and one hydration step

(c) One oxidation step and one dehydration step

(d) Two phosphorylation steps and one hydration step

Answer: A


24. The carbon skeletons produced during respiration are used as precursors for biosynthesis of other molecules

in the cell. In light of the above statement what could be said about respiration ?

(a) Respiration is a multistep procesSs

(b) Respiration is an amphibolic pathway

(c) During respiration complex sugars are synthesised from simple sugars

(d) Carbohdydrates, fats, sugars or amino acids can serve as respiratory substrate

Answer : B


25. All enzymes of TCA cycle are located mitochondrial matrix except inner mitochondrial membrane  cytosol in prokaryotes. This enzyme is_____

(a) Lactate dehydrogenase

(b) Isocitrate dehydrogenase

(c) Malate dehydrogenase

(d) Succinate dehydrogenase

Answer: D


26. The overall goal of glycolysiS, Krebs cycle an electron transport system is the formation of______

(a) ATP in small stepwise units

(b) ATP in one large oxidation reaction

(c) Sugars

(d) Nucleic acids

Answer: A


27. Which of the following is biological uncoupler of Oxidative phosphorylation?

(a) 2, 4 dichlorophenoxylacetic acid 99

(b) keratin

(c) thermogenin

(d) 2, 4 trinitrophenol

Answer : C


28. During one Krebs cycle the number of CO2, molecules released in ______

(a) 2

(b) 1

(c) 3

(d) 4

Answer: D


29. The respiratory quotient during cellular respiration would depend on_______

(a) The nature of enzyme involved

(b) The nature of the substrate

(c) The amount of carbon diodide released

(d) The amount of oxygen utilised

Answer: B


30. Oxidative phosphorylation refers to________

(a) Anaerobic production of ATP

(b) The citric acid cycle production of ATP

(c) Production of ATP by chemiosmosis

(d) Alcoholic fermentation

Answer: B


31. The energy-releasing metabolic process Substrate is oxidised without an exterd electron acceptor is called_____

(a) Aerobic respiration

(b) Glycolysis

(c) Photorespiraton

(d) Fermentation

Answer : D


32. The end products of glycolysis are_______

(a) 2 Pyruvic acid

(b) 2 Pyruvic acid +2 ATP

(c) 2 Pyruvic acid + 4ATP + 2NADPH, + 2H2O

(d) 2 Pyruvic acid + 4ATP + 2NADH2 +2H2O

Answer : D


33. ATP are synthesized in glycolysis of aerobic respiration then glycolysis an anaerobic respiration.

(a) 8

(b) 4

(c) 2

(d) 6

Answer: D


34. Is common for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration______

(a) Krebs cycle

(b) Fermentation

(c) Glycolysis

(d) Terminal oxidation

Answer: C


35. Mitochondria are the site of_______

(a) phosphorylation

(b) photophosphorylation

(c) Oxidative phosphorylation

(d) starch synthesis

Answer: C


36.______Statement is true for TCA.

(a) Pyruvic acid enters in TCA

(b) Pyruvic acid is Oxidized to enter in TCA

(c) End product of EMP after oxidative decarboxylation follows TCA

(d) Acetyl a 2c compound starts TCA

Answer: C


37. For ATP which is not true_____

(a) It shows free mobility within cellm

(b) It has a few resonance forms

(c) It maintains bioelectric potential of membrane

(d) High molecular weight of 2 million

Answer: D


38. ETS is an inner mitochondrial membrane_____

(a) Produces ATP and regenerate coenzymes

(b) Converts proton motive force into electron motive force

(c) Is inhibited by 2, 4-DNP no 092

(d) Is a uphill journey of e‐

Answer: A


39. In cellular respiration activity of Pyruvate dehydrogenase is similar to activity of______

(a) Succinic dehydrogenase

(b) Isocitric dehydrogenase

(c) -ketoglutaric dehydrogenase

(d) Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase

Answer: B


40. First four carbon compound/acid generated in Krebs cycle is

(a) PGA

(b) Citric acid

(c) Succinyl CoA

(d) OAA

Answer: C


41. In ETS in mitochondria, protons are pumped at sites when FADH, is oxidised.

(a) 5

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Answer: D


42. RQ is > 1 in

(a) Germinating fatty seeds

(b) Maturing fatty seeds

(c) Proteinaceous seeds

(d) Coloured petals

Answer : A


43. R.Q. for succinic acid as respiratory substrate under aerobic condition is______

(a) 1

(b) 1.1

(c) 0.7

(d) 0.9

Answer: A


44. All reactions of Kreb’s cycle occur in mark mitochondrion except_______

(a) Reduction of FAD

(b) Oxidation of succinic acid

(c) Decarboxylation of oxalosuccinic acid

(d) Breakdown of malic acid

Answer: D


45. Which is not true for cyanide resistant respiration_______

(a) Induce thermogensis

(b) Occurs in cold stress

(c) H2O is not produced

(d) Involve Cyt b7 by in fungi

Answer : A

Read : MCQ on Gravitation 


46. Which is not true for TCA cycle?

(a) Integrates catabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

(b) Absent in bacteria due to absence of mitochondria

(c) Enzymes are soluble in mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes

(d) Substrate entrant is acetyl CoA 

Answer: B


47. Activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase in mitochondria is similar to that of_____

(a) Succinic dehydrogenase

(b) Malic dehydrogenase

(c) alpha -ketoglutaric dehydrogenase

(d) Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase

Answer: C

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