Give different aspects to make Awareness about reproductive health.
Give different aspects to make Awareness about reproductive health.
Answer: Aspire to create awareness about reproductive health
- Incorporation of sex education in school.
- Need to provide correct information about reproductive organs, adolescence, and related Changes in the body.
- Import of safe and hygienic sexual practices.
- There is a need to provide STD information.
- There is a need to educate people about available birth control options or measures.
- Importance of caring for expectant mothers.
- Ratio of post-natal care of mother and child.
- Similar opportunities for male and female children.
- Bringing socially conscious healthy families of the desired size.
- Clear myths and misconceptions about reproductive activities from the brain of People.
What are RCH programs? mention the Goals of RCH.
Answer: Reproductive and Child Health Program (RCH):
- RCH stands for Reproductive and Child Health Care.
- To achieve total reproductive health as a social goal, the Government of India started a family planning program in 1961.
- RCH programs are extensions of similar programs that cover wider areas of reproduction.
The goals of Reproductive and Child Health Care are:
- To create awareness among people about various reproductive aspects.
- provide facilities and support for
- Building a reproductively healthy society.
What are the care or precautions? To be taken for the maintenance of reproductive health?
Answer: The following care should be taken to maintain reproductive health
- Regularly cleaning the private parts.
- Observing genital hygiene during periods by girls.
- Avoid situations in which there is a risk of becoming infected with any sexually transmitted infection.
- Relevant and scientific information about matters related to sexuality.
- Reproductive health care and service benefits without hesitation.
What is needed Successful implementation of various Action plans about reproductive health?
What are the requirements for the successful implementation of various onion schemes regarding reproductive health?
Answer: An action plan for reproductive health:
- Creating awareness among people. This can be done through government and non-government agencies, sex education Schools, parents, other relatives, teachers, etc.
- To provide strong infrastructural facilities, professional expertise, and material support for STD prevention, birth control, prenatal care of mothers, etc.
- In case of reproductive problems like pregnancy, childbirth, STD, abortion, contraception, menstruation, medical support, and care of such people is required Infertility, etc.
- Implementation of improved technologies and new advances from time to time.
- Statutory restrictions on amniocentesis for sex determination to legally investigate female feticide.