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Top 100 best biotechnology project ideas for Bsc & Msc | Biotech Project Topics

Biotechnology Project Topics:

Biotechnology is a multidimensional field of invention. Across the world, there is day by day new inventions are created, released, and invent. As biotechnology professionals, we can also invent some inventions and realized to society you are in the biotechnology world. 
Biotechnology invention is directly not discovered it takes hours and hours of hard work, years of your life, and this invention is started from your graduation degree/post graduation degree in biotechnology, microbiology, life science, biological science, and another relevant field of science.

Biotechnology is a practical science. Practical activities are not just motivational and fun: they also enable students to apply and extend their knowledge and understanding of biology in novel investigative situations, which can aid learning and memory, and stimulate interest.

Every biotech and life science graduate and Post graduate student always has to prepare and perform a project in the last year of your BSc biotech degree or MSc biotechnology degree. During this period everyone is confused about the project title, what kind of project we submit, and where I can find the best project to submit.

Here we are collecting the top 60 best project/dissertation ideas for biotechnology, microbiology,  life science, and biological science student of BSc and MSc.

Biotechnology Project Topics

Top 100 best project ideas for students of biotechnology and life science:

1. Screening of Biosurfactant/Bio emulsifier producing yeast and bacteria from petroleum-contaminated soil.

2. Microbial dynamic and maturity of pulp Industrial bio sludge compost.

3. Microbial flora of pulses processing industrial environment and its effects on workers.

4. In vitro sensitivity of pathogenic yeast to miconazole.

5. Antibacterial Activity of  Achyranthes Aspera Linn roots.

6. Isolation of antibiotic susceptibility of Xanthomonas Comp estrus PV CITRI.

7. Preparation and efficacy testing of biofertilizer.

8. Antimicrobial activity of antibiotics against drug resistance staphylococcus aureus.

9. Isolation and characterization of actinomycetes from marine sediments.

10. Effects of citric acid on pathogenic microorganisms.

11. Effects of temperature on phosphate solubilization by microorganisms isolated from saline soil.

12. Study of Biosurfactant production using bacterial isolates from soil sample of petrol pump and oil mill area.

13. Antimicrobial activity of some Novel Heterocyclic compounds.

15.  Isolation and characterization of fungal strain.

16. Microbial evaluation of wounds and their susceptibility to antibiotics and essential oils.

17. Two-stage aerobic-anaerobic treatment of textile industry wastewater.

18. Biomass production and characterization of pathogenic Fusarium species.

19. Studies on production of. Extracellular cellulolytic enzymes by streptomyces Aburavienisis.

20. Prevalence of bacterial pathogens among infected diabetic patients.

21. Heavy metal tolerance in Aspergillus sp. Obtained from Cole mines.

22. Effects of biofertilizer on biomass and crop yield.

23. Antibiotic sensitivity of ofloxacin against clinical isolates of pseudomonas Aeruginosa.

24. Antimicrobial activity of the most commonly consumed vegetables.

25. Effects of nitrogen sources on crop yield.

26. Isolation and identification of agrobacterium species.

27. Isolation and characterization of novel short-chain fatty acids producing microorganisms from the human anaerobic ecosystem.

28. Development and formulation of effective microorganisms technology for the effective treatment of dairy industry effluent.

29. Standardization of protocol for the isolation of chitin from marine shells and its application in dye removal from the textiles industry.

30. Effects of sulfide and metals on the microbial composition of anaerobic sludge.

31. Bioremediation of sites contaminated with halogen compounds for the development of rehabilitation technologies.

32. Microbial synthesis gas fermentation for the production of bio-based products.

33. Sulfur metabolism in human gut mitochondria.

34. Genetic tool for the construction of bacterial consortia in bio/mineral catalyst with activity on environmental pollutants.

35. Design and performance of bio-trickling filters tracking volatile pollutants in waste gases.

36. Database of ribotype profile of bacterial strain types.

37. Utilization of modeling in cultivated sludge wastewater treatment.

38. Efficacy of bioethanol production from different sources of biomass.

39. Study on solid waste microflora and its application in bioremediation.

40. Isolation and characterization of microorganisms involved and use as biopesticides.

41. Cell adhesion chromatography system for biophysical to biochemical analysis of human colon cancer metastasis through the vasculature.

42. Production of ethanol using molasses and its effluent treatment.

Project Ideas For Bsc Biotechnology students 

1. Estimation of protein by Folin Lowry method

2. Determination of Km and V max of amylase.

3. TLC separation of Amino acids /sugars

4. Determination of the Iodine number of a fat

5. Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method

6. Estimation of DNA by diphenylamine method

7. Verification of Beer’s Law Spectrophotometrically

8. Testing of Blood Sugar

9. Testing of Liver Function Test (Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Albumin, Globulin, Total Protein)

10. Testing of Renal Function Test (Urea, Uric acid, Creatine, Creatinine)

11. Sampling and quantification of microorganisms in the air, soil, and water.

12. Isolation of bacteria [Streak plate, spread plate, pour plate,
 serial dilution]

13. Identification of microorganisms from the habitats [simple staining,
differential staining, acid-fast staining, capsule staining, spore
staining, and motility]

14. Observation of morphology – shape, and arrangement of cells.

15. Methods of inoculation of different microbes in selective media.

16. Microscopic measurements, micrometer (ocular and stage),

17. Microscopic study of phytoplanktons & zooplanktons.

18. Antigen-Antibody reactions – Agglutination (Blood grouping testing).

19. Antibody titration (Ouchterlony Double Diffusion).

20.  Antigen-Antibody reactions – Immuno-electrophoresis,
 Rocket immuno-electrophoresis.

20.  Antigen-Antibody reactions – Coomb’s test.

21.  Antigen-Antibody reactions – ELISA.

22. DNA isolation – from Plant cell (leaf of cabbage/mustard), Animal cell (goat liver),
 Human Blood (Fresh / Stored / Frozen) & Microbes

23. Plasmid DNA isolation

24. Gel electrophoresis

25. Polymerase Chain Reaction

26. Gel documentation & photography

27. Preparation of Baker’s Yeast from molasses

28. Production of Biodiesel

29. Production of Enzymes & Antibiotics

30. Bioleaching of Chalcopyrites (CuFeS2)

31. Study one example each of the following: algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms

32. Study different parts of plants: Anatomy of root, stem, and leaf of a monocotyledon and a dicotyledon.

33. Study of plant cell types using squash techniques and Maceration.

34. Determination of Diffusion Pressure Deficit using potato tubers.

35. Determination of rate of respiration

36. Study the process of Osmosis and Turgor pressure

37. Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory

38. Aseptic Transfer Techniques

39. Observation of microorganisms
a) Wet mount
b) Monochrome staining 

c) Gram staining
d) Spore staining 
e) Fungal staining

40. Preparations of media for bacterial/fungal culture

41. Isolation of bacteria by Streak Plate Technique

Advance project Ideas for Bsc and Msc Biotechnology students

Here are the top 15 advanced projects ideas you can think of. Many scientists and researchers are doing research on this topic and are a little bit successful also. If you want to do something special for others try this topic. if you invent something for this project/dissertation topic you are great in yourself.

15 Advance Project Ideas

  1. Can you produce your own genetically engineered plant, food, microorganisms, etc?
  2. Can you build your own tool for separating DNA, RNA, PROTEIN, AMINO ACIDS, etc?
  3. Investigating what makes DNA fingerprints unique.
  4. Can you design a device for separating the mixture?
  5. Can you build your own tool for identifying DNA, RNA PROTEIN, AND AMINO ACIDS?
  6. Can you build your own biosensors for confirmation of any diseases and other types of biosensors?
  7. Can you convert plant products into biodiesel with enzymes?
  8. Can you produce biodiesel from waste products?
  9. Can you build your protocol for rapid propagation and micropropagation?
  10. Can you invent your own purification strategy for DNA, RNA, and PROTEIN?
  11. Can you turn bacteria to make color pigments?
  12. Can you find your own bioluminescence microorganisms?
  13. Can you invent a new method for the isolation of microorganisms, antibiotics, bacteria, viruses, and many more?
  14. Can you invent a new antibiotic?
  15. Can you invent a new method to isolate industrial important microorganisms or enzymes?

Here are some topics you can think about to do  your projects/dissertation on this topics

  1. Biogas production, 
  2. biofertilizer manufacturing, 
  3. acetic acid production, 
  4. bleached, 
  5. microorganisms isolation, industrial enzymes, 
  6. municipal garbage treatment, 
  7. waste, water treatment,
  8. mushroom cultivation, 
  9. vaccine manufacturing, 
  10. enzymes manufacturing, 
  11. fermented foods, 
  12. blotting technique, 
  13. global warming, 
  14. gene therapy, 
  15. tissue culture, 
  16. Nanotechnology,
  17. organs transplantation,
  18. antioxidants, 
  19. cloning, human cloning biomedical instrumentation, 
  20. DNA fingerprints,  and many more topics on which you can do your projects and submit your dissertation.

Definitely, you are a biotechnology professional you can do everything… after all “Darr ke aage jeet hai …”

Biotechnology is an amazing part of science. High-quality, appropriate biology experiments, and investigations are the keys to enhanced learning and clarification and consolidation of theory. Crucially, practical work gives students an understanding of how biological knowledge is generated by experiments and observation. 

Practical science activities have a huge significance in the learning process. They engage students, helping them to develop important skills, understand the process of scientific investigation and develop a broad understanding of scientific concepts

Biotechnology project ideas for BSc student, biotechnology project ideas for MSc students, microbiology project ideas for BSc and MSc student, and life science project ideas, Above project ideas, is not only for biotechnology professional/students but it is for all the students of life science and biological science student. Everyone should use this project idea for their own use.

If you have any questions related to the above-mentioned final year project topics for MSC biotechnology ideas you can contact us by commenting on the article. Or don’t forget to subscribe to ybstudy.com

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