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Essay on child labour for Students

Even after so many years of independence in our country, child labor remains a stigma.  It is a matter of great irony for us that we are not able to provide good education to our children even in today’s India. Child labor means involving children in hard labor that affects their physical and mental development and exploits their ability to grow up with dignity.

UNICEF shows that about 10.1 million children in India are engaged in work, making up 13% of the workforce in India.  The age range of these children is between 5 and 14 years. What is child labor?  Because of this, what can we do to stop the ill effects?  And what is being done by the government to stop it?  Based on all these questions, through this article, we are giving you information on the topic of child labor or child labor.  Hope this information proves to be important for you.

Importance of child labor 

When a child is deprived of their childhood and forced to work hard, it is called child labor.  The children are kept as slaves by keeping them away from their families. In other words, any kind of work that is done in exchange for money or any other greed during any child’s childhood is called child labor.  This type of labor is mostly done in exchange for money or needs.

Simply put, children under the age of 14, by taking away their right to education, sports, education, torturing them physically, mentally and socially, by making them work for less By exploiting, transforming their childhood into work is called child labor.

Child labor is completely illegal.  This type of pay is also condemned by every section of society.  According to the 24th article of the Constitution of India in 1950, children under the age of 14 are allowed to work as workers, factories, hotels, dhabas, domestic services, etc. during child labor.  If a person is found to do so, there is a provision for appropriate punishment.  According to the latest report, more than 35 million children in India work as child laborers.  Child labor is highest in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan.

Reasons : 

  1. The main reason for child labor is poverty in our country.  People from poor families cannot live, so they send their children to child labor.
  2.  Due to lack of education, parents believe that the sooner the child learns to serve, the sooner it will be good for them.  (iii) Some parents’ parents are greedy, who do not want to work on their own and send their children to work hard for a few rupees. 
  3. Child labor is also promoted because children receive less money as a by-product of work, because people prefer to employ children more
  4. Millions of children are orphaned in our country, this is one of the reasons why child labor is increasing.  Some mafia people send these children to beg and beg. 
  5.  Sometimes children have family compulsions because some accidents occur because there is no one to earn their living in their family, so they were forced to work in hotels, dhaba, tea shops, factories tomorrow, as children.   
  6. Population growth in India is increasing very fast, which is why the value of important commodities is increasing day by day.  Because of which poor people can not support their family, all family members have to work, including the children, so the children have to work hard even if they do not want to
  7. One reason for child labor is corruption, that’s why their owners in big hotels, dhabas and factories put children on pay without fear, they know that if they are caught they will pay bribes Will be left out, that’s why corruption plays  an important role in child labor. 

The Government of India has enacted laws to restrict child labor, but there are many shortcomings in these laws, people use this to perform child labor and many times the law is not even legally followed. 

prevention of child labor

Child labor is a curse for our society that does not allow our society to become unjust free.  We should always keep in mind that instead of getting the child to work, we do him no favors by giving him money or food, rather we are playing with his future.

  1.  To abolish child labor, we must first change our thinking.  To finish child labor, no child should be employed first in their homes or offices.
  2. Strong and strict laws should be enacted to prevent child labor.  So that no one is afraid of getting child labor.
  3.   If you encounter problems with child labor, you should first report to the nearest police station.
  4.  We should raise our voice against the rocky hearts that protect child labor.
  5.  The common man should also become aware of child labor and prevent it from happening in his community.
  6.  Bad parents should pay close attention to education for their children as the government today provides facilities such as free education, food and medicine in some schools.
  7.  People in factories and shops should promise that they will not get a child to get paid or labor and stop those who get a job.
  8.  When we buy goods, first ask the store owner about its technology.  We can create an atmosphere of vigilance in society by asking this question.  We should not use any of child labor.
  9.  If we get to know any child labor, we should first talk to the child’s family.  They should understand their circumstances and tell about their children’s future.  Families with children should be made aware of the loss of child labor and legal crime.
  10. There is no improvement in our country’s education system even today.  Due to which children in rural and segregated areas still can not read and write.  Therefore, he falls victim to child labor in his childhood.
  11.  Due to corruption, the criminals who carry out child labor are easily missing or not arrested at all.  Because of which small children have to work as workers, so we should limit corruption.
  12. There are many good people in our society, but we need more good people who can afford the education costs of at least one poor child because nothing can happen until we take responsibility for our society.  Since the government alone cannot do everything, we should go ahead and help the poor children write.

Essay on child labour (Sample 2) (400 words)

Essay on child labour

Childhood is the age to play, to play.  At this age, the best things in life can be seen and experienced.  Something new can be learned with curiosity.

 The age of dreaming of the next life with education… But the grim picture of 18-year-old poverty at home, rising inflation, the unknown and the greed of many young people for work can still be seen everywhere.

Poverty gives rise to many social problems.  One of them is child labor.  Although the administration has been showing the release of child laborers every year, recent incidents have shown that it is limited to anti-child labor days.

Eighteen world poverty at home, they have no choice but to work.  That is why they get stuck in the same vicious cycle again.  In cities like Mumbai and Thane, these children are ‘pushing’ the day by doing whatever they can find.  Child laborers are seen in the tannery business in Mumbai.  Even children are found working.  In Thane, the wages of children who collect scrap, plastic and paper continue in the station premises, small scale industries.  Those who do these things do not pay them enough.  As a result, they often go hungry.  It is not impossible for the police and the government to reach the leaders of these gangs.  But it is not possible to eradicate child labor due to lack of necessary mentality.

From 10 pm to 7 am, paper, scrap and plastic are collected in different departments.  At seven in the morning, the family reunites.  Scrap, paper and plastic are sold separately.  It ignites the family’s daylight.  The abdominal cavity is filled;  But the grief of childhood escaping from this hand while filling this hole is great.

The law prohibits child labor in hotels, tea stalls and other establishments.  Yet in many of these places we see child labor at work.

Essay on child labour (sample 3) (500 words)

Essay on child labour

Child labor has become one of the biggest social issues in India that needs to be resolved regularly.  It is not just the government’s responsibility, it should be resolved and taken care of by all parents, owners and other social organizations.

 It is a matter of everything that must be resolved individually as it can with any person’s child.  Child labor is very common in many developing countries due to the high level of poverty and school opportunities for children.

The highest prevalence of child labor is still more than 50 percent with children between the ages of 5 and 14 working in the developing country.  The proportion of child labor in the agricultural sector is high, usually in rural and informal urban economies, where most children are mainly sent by their own parents rather than sent to school and set free to play. Instead of friends, he is engaged in agricultural labor.

The issue of child labor is now an international problem because it is very much involved in hampering the growth and development of the country.

Healthy children are each country’s bright future and power and thus harm, destroy and destroy the children’s future and ultimately the country.

Every child outside of school is more likely to be a working child.  Children who are lagging behind in school, children who cannot read or write do not play in school, and the same goes for child labor later on.  So today’s underdeveloped child is tomorrow outside of school and that is the working child of the future.  With this principle in mind, quality education is the only permanent way to reduce leakage and stop leakage.

Some laws made by the government –

(i) The Child Labor Act (Prohibition and Regulation) 1986 – The Child Labor Act was adopted in 1986 by our government to eliminate child labor from which children under 14 work.  Getting it done will be considered a criminal offense. 
 (ii) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2000 – According to this law, if a person provides wages to children or compels them to do so, strict measures should be taken against them. 
(iii) The Act on Children for Free and Compulsory Education, 2009 – This Act was adopted in 2009, according to which children between the ages of 6 and 14 receive free education, as well as poor and private schools.  25% places will be reserved for children with disabilities.
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