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MCQ for CBT Ultrasound Exam

MCQ for CBT Ultrasound Exam Pdf

As we know most of the competitive exams are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based examination system and the main factor is to answer each question in a prescribed time on computer as Computer based test (CBT). So, if you want to crack any CBT Test practice as much as possible before the original test you are going to face.

Here below we are provided Total 30 MCQ for CBT Ultrasound Exam and time allotted for each question is 30 seconds. After the allotted time, the question will be marked as un-attempt. If you solved these MCQ on Ultrasound that we provide here will help you to pass the CBT test in the first attempt.

MCQ on Ultrasound for CBT Exam Pdf

1. Ultrasound is a reflection of________

(A) soft tissues only

(B) hard tissues only

(C) both soft and hard tissues

(D) hard muscles only

Answer: C

2. The wave used in the sonography is____________

(A) Infrared waves

(B) Microwaves

(C) Sound waves

(D) Ultrasonic waves

Answer: D

3. By definition, ultrasound is sound having a frequency greater than _____ cycles per second, that is, sound above the audible range.

(A) 10,000

(B) 20,000

(C) 30,000

(D) 40,000

Answer: B

4. What is the wavelength of ultrasound in water?

(A) 1.5mm

(B) 3mm

(C) 4.5mm

(D) 6.0mm

Answer: A

5. The process by which electrons are emitted from an X-ray cathode filament___________

(A) Ionization

(B) Photoconduction

(C) Thermo luminescence

(D) Thermionic emission

Answer: B

6. Ultrasound is of frequency___________

(A) below 20Hz

(B) above 20Hz

(C) below 20kHz

(D) above 20kHz

Answer: D

7. Superficial X-ray therapy includes X-rays of potentials ranging from___________

(A) 5 to 50 kilovolt

(B) 50 to 150 kilovolt

(C) 100 to 150 kilovolt

(D) 150 to 300 kilovolt

Answer: B

8. Ultrasound waves produced for sonography is due to_____________

(A) X-Rays

(B) Electrical effect

(C) Sound effect

(D) Piezo-electric effect

Answer: C

9. Which of the following is not a property of acoustic waves?

(A) Pressure and particle velocity are in-phase.

(B) Particles in the medium oscillate with equal excursion in the positive and negative directions.

(C) The wave front is attenuated by converting the energy in the pressure wave to heat.

(D) There is movement of the material.

Answer: D

10. If the frequency of sound is between 20 Hz and 20 kHz, what is it called?

(A) x-rays

(B) audible sound

(C) ultrasound

(D) infrasound

Answer: B

11. X-rays are only reflected by___________

(A) soft surfaces

(B) thick surfaces

(C) thin surfaces

(D) hard surfaces

Answer: D

12. The region of the ultrasound beam from the focus to beam diversion is called which of the following?

(A) Fraunhofer zone

(B) Fresnel zone

(C) focal zone

(D) divergence zone

Answer: A

13. A component of our body that reflects x-rays is known as__________

(A) heart

(B) bones

(C) stomach

(D) brain

Answer: B

14. The term denotes hertz__________

(A) strength of the ultrasound waves

(B) the distance that ultrasound waves travel through a medium

(C) the fraction of time that the transducer is transmitting a pulse

(D) cycles per second

Answer: D

15. Tiny lumps of solid matter grew in kidney are known as________

(A) kidney larva

(B) kidney stone

(C) kidney salts

(A) urea stone.

Answer: B

16. Ultrasound have typical properties except___________

(A) Transducers have fixed frequencies

(B) Continuous wave ultrasound have the transmitter and receiver the same

(C) it is a longitudinal wave

(D) Unit of frequency is Hertz

Answer: B

17. What property of sound waves acts like the principle of ultrasound?

(A) Reflection and Refraction

(B) Reflection only

(C) Refraction only

(D) Propagation

Answer: A

18. What is the average speed of ultrasound in human soft tissue at 37 C?

(A) 1,540 meters per second

(B) 1,540 miles per second

(C) 1,540 feet per second

(D) 154,000 meters per minute

Answer: A

19. Ultrasound is also useful for__________

i. detecting fault in metal sheets

ii. imaging marine depths

iii. looking for metals beneath the earth’s surface

iv. detecting distances

v. detecting earthquakes

(A) ii, iii, v

(B) i, iv, v

(C) i, ii, iv

(D) ii, iii

Answer: C

20. The period of an ultrasound wave is_____________

(A) the time at which it is no longer detectable

(B) the number of times the wave is repeated per second

(C) the time to complete one cycle

(D) the speed of the wave

Answer: C

21. When an abdominal ultrasound is done, why is it advised to have a full bladder?

(A) To have a good acoustic window

(B) To increase the water content

(C) To lower impedance

(D) To allow for better propagation of waves

Answer: A

22. What direction is the motion of particles in a longitudinal wave

(A) motion of particles is parallel to the axis of wave propagation

(B) The motion of particles is perpendicular to the axis of wave propagation

(C) motion of particles travels counter-clockwise ellipse to the axis of wave propagation

(D) motion of particles travels to the surface vibrating particles

Answer: A

23. Fetal heart rate is calculated in USG using__________

(A) A – mode

(B) B-mode

(C) C-mode

(D) M-mode

Answer: D

24. sonographic findings of hydatid liver cyst except______________

(A) Anechoic mass containing some debris (hydatid sand)

(B) “Water lily” sign — wall of the endocyst seen floating within the pericyst

(C) Comet tail reverberation artifact is seen posterior to the cyst

(D) “Mother” cyst containing one or more smaller “daughter” cyst

Answer: C

25. False about piezoelectric effect

(A) convert electric energy to mechanical energy and vice versa

(B) transducers are not affected by temperature

(C) lead zirconate titanate is the active element

(D) The piezoelectric material is the material that produces diagnostic ultrasound

Answer: B

26. Volume redistribution of liver is a sonographic feature seen in___________

(A) Amebic abscess

(B) Cyst

(C) Cirrhosis

(D) Metastasis

Answer: C

27. The Doppler effect creates___________

(A) change in frequency or Doppler shift when the reflector moves relative to the transducer

(B) increase in frequency as the reflector moves away from the transducer

(C) maximum frequency shift at 90

(D) requires angle correction for frequency measurements

Answer: A

28. Sonographic findings of acute appendicitis except_____________

(A) Noncompressible, blind-ended tube that measures more than 6 mm in diameter from outer wall to outer wall

(B) Echogenic structure within the lumen of the appendix (appendicolith)

(C) Gut signature

(D) Hyperemic flow within the wall of the inflamed appendix

Answer: C

29. The following are properties of ultrasound waves as applied in medical imaging, except?

(A) They are longitudinal

(B) They are acoustic

(C) They are electromagnetic

(D) They depend upon the medium through which it propagates

Answer: C

30. Which of the following is / are not applications of Ultrasonic Waves?

(a) For measuring the depth of Sea.

(b) In sterilizing of a liquid.

(c) In Ultrasonography

(d) In sterilizing a needle.

Options are:

(A) Both (a) and (b) Only (b)

(B) Only (d)

(C) Both (c) and (d)

(D) Only (b)

Answer: B

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