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MCQ on Strain Improvement

Strain Improvement MCQ Questions and Answers: 

1. Which of the following is Ideal Characteristics of Strain_________ 

(1) Rapid growth

(2) Genetic stability 

(3) Non-toxicity to humans 

(4) All of these

Answer: 4 

2. What is the main purpose of Strain Improvement__________ 

(1) Increase the productivities 

(2) Regulating the activity of the enzymes 

(3) Increasing the permeability

(4) Introducing new genetic properties into the organism.

(5) All of these 

Answer: 5

3. Which of the following procedure has a great application in strain improvement?

(1) rDNA Technology

(2) Conjugation

(3) Transformation

(4) Transduction

Answer: 1

4. Which of the following methods is not used for the improvement of bacterial strain?

(1) The parasexual cycle

(2) Conjugation

(3) Transformation

(4) Transduction

Answer: 1

5. Which of the following cannot induce mutations?

(1) X-rays

(2) Gamma rays

(3) Bromine

(4) Chlorine

Answer: 4

6. Which of the following methods were used for the genetic improvement of industrial microbes?

(1) mutation and selection techniques 

(2) transduction

(3) conjugation

(4) transformation

(5) All of these

Answer: 5

7. The Induced mutations results in _________ formation.

(1) A-A dimer

(2) C-C dimer

(3) T-T dimer

(4) G-G dimer

Answer: 3

8. Who discovered the Gradient plate technique?

(1) Sano

(2) Shiro

(3) Szybalski

(4) Kubota

Answer: 3

9. What are the various properties of a good microbial strain that may be used as an industrial strain for fermentation in industries?

(1) Ability to grow in culture. 

(2) Genetic stability. 

(3) Ability to efficiently produce a target product in a short period.

(4) All of the above 

Answer: 4

10. The Replica plate technique was used for_________

(1) Isolation of auxotrophs

(2) Isolation of revertants

(3) Isolation of analog-resistant mutants

(4) Isolation of prototrophs

Answer: 2

11. Which of the following is not a type of mutation?

(1) Point mutations

(2) Frameshift mutations

(3) Sense mutation

(4) Missense mutations

Answer: 3

12. Shiio and Sano (1969) investigated the use of prototrophic revertants of __________ for lysine production.

(1) C. glutamicum

(2) B. flavum

(3) S. cerevisiae

(4) S. Typhi

Answer: 2

13. Which of the following organism(s) strains can be improved by the parasexual cycle?

(1) A. niger

(2) P. chrysogenum

(3) A. nidulans

(4) B. flavum

Answer: 4

14. In which of the following technique the genome is transferred from one organism to another?

(1) Protoplast fusion

(2) rDNA technology

(3) Induced mutations

(4) Conjugation

Answer: 1

15. Which of the following strain is useful for diabetes treatment?

(1) Interferon

(2) Insulin

(3) Interleukin

(4) Glucagon

Answer: 2

16. Different methods of strain improvement are___________

(1) Protoplast fusion

(2) Recombinant DNA technique

(3) Genetic recombination  

(4) All of these

Answer: 4

17. The strain of fungi used for the large scale production of penicillin is_________

(1) Penicillium chrysogenum 

(2) P-notated

(3) Streptomyces Aureus 

(4) Saccharomyces sps

Answer: 1

18. Approaches of Strain Preservation is_______

(1) Low-Temperature Storage

(2) Storage as Frozen Culture

(3) Storage as Lyophilized cells 

(4) Storage of Vegetative cells/spores in Liquid Nitrogen

(5) All of these 

Answer: 5

19. Which of the following is an application of Strain Improvement 

(1) Large scale Production of vaccines, Enzymes, Interferons, growth factors, 

(2) Improve the microbe’s productivities or characteristics.

(3) Treatment of Genetic diseases like SCID by rDNA technology.

(4) Production of medically useful biological like insulin

(5) All of these 

Answer: 5

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