Bleeding Quiz | MCQ on Bleeding

Multiple Choice Questions on Bleeding

1. What is a blood group? 

a) a set of leukocyte antigens; 

b) whey proteins; 

c) a set of erythrocyte antigens; 

d) a set of acquired antibodies;

Answer: C

2. Give the most complete correct answer: bleeding is an outpouring of blood:

a) to the external environment; 

b) in the body cavity; 

c) in body tissues; 

d) in tissues, body cavities, or in the external environment;

Answer: D

3. What is the name of the antigen-antibody reaction in determining the Rh factor of blood?

a) pseudoagglutination; 

b) panagglutination; 

c) isoagglutination; 

d) heteroagglutination;

Answer: C

4. What bleeding is distinguished by anatomical classification? 

a) primary, secondary; 

b) hidden internal, hidden external; 

c) arterial, venous, capillary, parenchymal; 

d) early, late;

Answer: C

5. What kind of bleeding is distinguished depending on the cause that caused them? 

a) mechanical, neurotrophic; 

b) septic, physiological; 

c) mechanical, arterial, and venous.

d) None of these 

Answer: A

6. Which answer most fully lists the ways to finally stop bleeding?

a) mechanical, biological, etiological; 

b) physical, chemical, biological, mixed; 

c) mechanical, physical, chemical, biological; 

d) mechanical, physical, pathogenetic;

Answer: C

7. What bleeding is distinguished by clinical manifestations?

a) septic, arrosive; 

b) arterial, venous, capillary; 

c) early, late; 

d) external, internal, hidden;

Answer: D

8. What is a hematoma? 

a) accumulation of blood limited to tissues; 

b) hemorrhage in parenchymal organs; 

c) accumulation of blood in the joint cavity; 

d) blood impregnation of soft tissues;

Answer: A

9. Give the most complete correct answer: the cause of bleeding is: 

a) damage to the vascular wall as a result of trauma; 

b) violation of the permeability of the vascular wall; 

c) sepsis; 

d) vascular injury, neurotrophic processes

Answer: D

10. What is the importance of antigens and antibodies of the ABO system in blood transfusion practice? 

a) characterize the state of the organism; 

b) determine the compatibility of transfused blood; 

c) is of no fundamental importance; 

d) allow to determine the required amount of blood transfusion; 

e) All of the above are true.

Answer: B

11. Give the most complete correct answer: the risk of bleeding lies in the development of:

a) shock, collapse, anemia, compression of vital organs; 

b) shock, collapse, true aneurysm; 

c) shock, anemia, leukopenia; 

d) collapse, dysfunction of the organ, asphyxia;

Answer: A

12. What classification most fully reflects the various manifestations of bleeding? 

a) anatomical, because of occurrence, by clinical manifestations, taking into account the time of occurrence; 

b) anatomical, physiological, taking into account the time of appearance, due to the appearance; 

c) due to the appearance, anatomical, physiological, according clinical manifestations, taking into account the time of appearance; 

d) anatomical, physiological, and clinical, taking into account the time of appearance;

Answer: A

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