MCQ on Breathing and Exchange of Gases for NEET

Breathing and Exchange of Gases MCQ Questions and Answers

Respiration is a vital function of all living cells. It is a function of the protoplasm and is not confined to any particular organ or tissue. In this process, food is broken down into simpler compounds such as carbon dioxide and water by an oxidative process and the energy stored in food is released in active form. This energy is used up by plant growth and other physiological processes which require an expenditure of energy.

Breathing and exchange of gases MCQ exams test your understanding of a broad range of material, usually broader than essay-style questions. You are expected to not only know basic definitions, but also intricate details of your biology subject.

There are many strategies for maximizing your success on Breathing and exchange of gases multiple choice questions. The best way to improve your chances of course is to study Our given NEET MCQ carefully before the exam. There is no good substitute for knowing the right answer. Even a well-prepared student can make silly mistakes on a multiple choice exam, however, or can fall prey to distracters that look very similar to the correct answer.

Breathing and Exchange of Gases MCQ


Breathing and Exchange of Gases MCQ for NEET

1. Respiration is_________

(a) An anabolic process

(b) A chemical process 

(c) A catabolic process

(d) All of these

Answer: C


2. Respiration can be defined as_________

(a) A catabolic process by which animal cells utilize carbon dioxide, produce oxygen and convert the released energy to ATP

(b) A catabolic process by which animal cells utilize oxygen, produce carbon dioxide and convert the released energy to ATP

(c) An anabolic process by which animal cells utilize oxygen and carbon dioxide to form ATP

(d) An anabolic process by which animal cells utilize Oxygen, produce carbon dioxide and convert the released energy to ATP

Answer: A


3. The carbon dioxide is transported via the blood to the lungs mainly_________

(a) In the form of carbonic acid only

(b) As carbaminohaemoglobin and as carbonic acid

(c) In combination with hemoglobin only

(d) Dissolved in blood plasma

Answer: B


4. The ventilation movements of the lungs in mammals are governed by________

(a) Diaphragm

(b) Coastal muscles

(c) Muscular walls of lungs

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: D


5. Lungs are enclosed in_________ 

(a) Pericardium

(b) Peritoneum

c) Pleural membrane 

(d) None of these

Answer: d


6. Mammalian lungs have an enormous number of minute alveoli (air sacs). This is to allow__________

(a) More space for increasing the volume of inspired air

(b) More surface area for diffusion of gases

(c) More spongy texture for keeping lungs in proper shape

(d) More nerve supply to keep the lungs working 

Answer: b


7. Anatomical dead space is_________ 

(a) Upper respiration tract

(b) Space between alveoli and capillaries

(c) Lower respiratory tract

(d) In nasal sacs

Answer: a


8. After deep inspiration, the capacity of maximum expiration of the lung is called____________ 

(a) Total lung capacity

(b) Functional residual capacity

(c) Vital capacity

(d) Inspiratory capacity

Answer: c


9. which of the following options correctly represents the lung condition in asthma and emphysema, respectively?

(a) Increased number of bronchioles; Increased

(b) Inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased, respiratory surface

(c) Increased respira surface, Inflammation of bronchioles

respiratory surface. 

(d) Decreased respiratory surtace; Inflammation of bronichioles.

Answer: B


10. Which of the following is an occupational respiratory disorder?

(a) Botulism

(b) Anthracis

(c) Silicosis

(d) Emphysema

Answer: C


11. Reduction the pH of blood wili_________

(a) Reduce the blood supply to the brain

(b) Decrease the affinity of hemoglobin with Oxygen

(c) Release of bicarbonate ions by the liver

(d) Reduce the rate of heartbeat

Answer: B


12. Name the chronic respiratory disorder caused mainly by cigarette smoking__________

(a) Asthma

(b) Respiratory acidosis

(c) Respiratory alkalosis 

(d) Emphysema

Answer: D


13.  Name the pulmonary disease in which the alveolar surface area involved in gas exchange is drastically reduced due to damage in the alveolar walls_________

(a) Emphysema

(b) Asthnma

(c) Pleurisy

(d) pneumonia

Answer: A


14. On high mountains, difficulty in breathing is due to___________ 

(a) Decrease in partial pressure of O, 

(b) Decrease in the amount of O,

(c) Increase in CO, concentration

(d) All of the above

Answer: a


15. Identify the transport of respiratory gases by blood. 

(a) Haemoglobin is necessary for the transport of carbon dioxide and carbonic anhydrase for the transport of oxygen

(b) Haemoglobin is necessary for the transport of oxygen and carbonic anhydrase for the transport of carbon dioxide

(c) Only oxygen is transported by the blood

Answer: b


16. Carbon dioxide is transported as________

(a) Dissolved in blood plasma

(b) Carbaminohaemoglobin

(c) Carbaminohaemoglobin

(d) Carbaminohaemoglobin and carbonic acid

Answer: B


17. In blood CO2 is transported majorly as________

(a) Sodium carbonate 

(b) Carboxyhaemoglobin

(c) Bicarbonate

(d) CO2 as such

Answer: A


18. Diffusion of gases along the respiratory surface occurs because________

(a) Pco², is more in alveoli than blood

(b) Pco² is more in alveoli than blood

(c) Pco² is more in blood than in tissues

(d) Pco², is more in blood than in tissues

Answer : D


19. About 100 ml of air is always known to remain inside the human lungs. It is described as__________

(a) Inspiratory reserve volume

(b) Expiratory reserve volume

(c) Residual volume

(d) Tidal volume

Answer: C


20. Which of the following characters is exclusive to mammals?

(a) Presence of a four-chambered heart

(b) Homoeothermic condition

(c) Respiration by lungs

(d) Presence of a diaphragm

Answer: B


21. After a forceful expiration, some air is left in the lungs which is___________

(a) Residual volume 

(b) Vital capacity

(c) Total capacity 

(d) Tidal volume

Answer: A


22. Product of anaerobic respiration in muscles is_________

(a) Pyruvic acid

(b) Lactic acid

(c) Ethanol

(d) All of these

Answer: B


23. Why is CO poisonous for man?

(a) CO affects the nerves of the lungs

(b) CO affects the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

(c) Co reacts with Oxygen reducing the percentage O² in air.

(d) None of the above

Answer : D


24. The volume of air, inspired or expired during normal respiration, is called________

(a) Tidal volume

(b) Inspiratory reserve volume

(c) Expiratory reserve volume

(d) Residual volume

Answer: A


25. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(a) The residual air in the lungs slightly decreases the

the efficiency of respiration in mammals

(b) The presence of non-respiratory air sacs, increases

the efficiency of respiration in birds

(c) In insects, the circulating body

distribute oxygen to tissue

(d) The principle of countercurrent flow facilitates efficient respiration in the gills of fishes

Answer: B


26. The muscles that contract during inspiration is__________

(a) Clarified muscle

(b) External intercostal muscle

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Scalene muscle

Answer: B


27. Between breaths, the intrapleural pressure is approximately… .. mm Hg less than atmospheric pressure.

(a) 1

(b) 8

(c) 4

(d) 10

Answer: C


28. Which of the following is respiratory 


(a) Polio

(b) Asthma

(c) Arthritis

(d) Cancer

Answer: B


29. Ventilation rate may be expressed as________

(a) Inspiratory reserve volume x frequency of respiration

(b) Expiratory reserve volume X frequency of respiration

(c) Total volume frequency of respiration

(d) Vital capacity x frequency of respiration

Answer: C


30. Respiratory coefficient is the_________

(a) Amount of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen absorbed

(b) Amount of ATP used to burn the complex substance

(c) Carbon dioxide released

(d) Amount of oxygen absorbed

Answer: A


31. In anaerobic respiration, a net gain of ATP is_________

(a) 8

(b) 4

(c) 3

(d) 12

Answer: C


32. Respiration in Annelida occurs through_________

(a) Lungs

(b) Buccal cavity

(c) General body surface

(d) All of these

Answer: C


33. Which one of the following has the smallest diameter?

(a) Right primary bronchus

(b) Left primary bronchus

(c) Trachea

(d) Respiratory bronchiole

Answer : D


34. CO² is carried in the blood, in the form of carbominohaemoglobin and the proportion of CO², in different forms respectively is________

(a) 5%, 10%, 85%

(b) 5%, 85%, 10%

(c) 85%, 5%, 10% 

(d) 10%o, 85%, 5%

Answer: A


35. Combination of hemoglobin with oxygen in the lungs can be promoted by________

(a) Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the blood

(b) Increasing oxygen concentration in the blood

(c) Decreasing oxygen concentration in blood

(d) Introducing carbon monoxide in the blood

Answer: C

Above you will find a list of Breathing and exchange of gases MCQ Questions and answers are prepared as per the latest prescribed NCERT syllabus. Ace up your NEET preparation with Breathing and exchange of gases MCQ is available here to enhance your NEET preparation. Understand each MCQ clearly by consistently practicing the Breathing and exchange of gases Multiple Choice Questions and score well in your exams.

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