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MCQ on Flower Pdf

Flower Multiple Choice Questions

1. Flower is a_________

A. Modified cone

B. Modified spike

C. Modified branch system

D. Modified reproductive shoot

Answer: D

2.The structure of the ovary includes_______

A. Ovary wall and ovule

B. Style and Stamens

C. style and stigma

D. Anthers and Filaments

Answer: A

3. Flower in which only set of one essential organ develops are called________

A. Unisexual

B. Monoecious

C. Dioecious

D. Polygamous

Answer: A

4. Various colours in flower fruit and seeds are due to presence of which pigment?

A. Anthocyanin

B. Chlorophyll

C. Chloroplast

D. a,b,c-all

Answer: A

5. The petals in a flower are collectively called_______

A. Calyx

B. Anther

C. Corolla

D. Perianth

Answer: C

6. The main part of flower is_______

A. Flower stalks and receptacles

B. Calyx and corolla

C. Stamens and pistils

D. Ovary and ovule

Answer: C

7. The stamens are the male organs of flower which are also called________

A. Pistil

B. Gynoecium

C. Androecium

D. Carpel

Answer: C

8. In a flower, what will develop into fruit in the future is_______

A. Ovary wall          

B. Fertilized egg      

C. ovule          

D. ovary

Answer: D

9. False fruit is a fruit which develops from_________

A. Ovary

B. Any part of the flower except the ovary

C. Aporcarpous carpellary

D. Syncorpous carpellary

Answer: B

10. A flower which has all the usual parts sepals, petals, stamens and carpel is called_______

A. hermaphrodite

B. Complete

C. Pistilate

D. Incomplete

Answer: A

11. The terminal part of the pedicel bearing the sepals, petals, stamens and carpals is called________

A. Pedicel


C. Thalamus

D. Non of these

Answer: C

12. The main function of the flower is_____

A. Attract insects

B. Can produce leaves

C. Can produce seeds and fruits for reproduction

D. Both A and C

Answer: D

13. The pistil consists of_______

A. Anthers and filaments

B. Stigma, style and ovary

C. Style and ovary

D. Anthers and Styles

Answer: B

14. Which of the following statements about flowers, fruits and seeds is correct______

A. The outer skin of the bean seed is developed from the ovary wall

B. Corn is a monoecious, self-pollinating plant

C. A kernel of corn is a fruit, which develops from the ovary

D. The shell of watermelon seeds is developed from the ovary wall

Answer: C

15. Without any artificial treatment, a flower can bear fruit and seeds. Among the following statements, the most reasonable explanation for this is_______

A. This flower must have pistils

B. This flower must have stamens

C. This flower must have both pistils and stamens

D. This flower is not necessarily fertilized

Answer: C

16. According to the different types of flowers pollination can be divided into________

A. Self-pollinated and cross-pollinated flowers

B. Self-pollinating and entomophilous flowers

C. Cross-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers

D. Entomophilous and wind-pollinated flowers

Answer: A

17. Not every flower can bear fruit. A flower that can bear fruit must________

① have pistils and stamens ② have pistils 

③ have undergone self-pollination 

④ have undergone pollination 

⑤ have undergone fertilization

A. ①④⑤

B. ①③⑤

C. ②④⑤

D. ②③⑤

Answer: C

18. The most important part of a flower is the stamen, because it_______

A. Bright colors, easy to attract insects 

B. Has a fragrance that attracts insects

C. Directly related to the formation of fruits and seeds

D. located in the central part of a flower

Answer: C

19. Which of the following statements is correct_________

A. A flower capable of self-pollination must be a bisexual flower

B. Hermaphroditic plants are generally self-pollinating

C. Peach and apricot flowers rely on insect pollination, while wheat and corn rely on wind pollination

D. Both A and C

Answer: D

20. The wrong statement about the structure of flowers is________

A. Flowers generally have a receptacle, calyx, corolla, and stamens (the calyx consists of sepals and the corolla consists of petals)

B. Pistil has stigma, style and ovary

C. The ovule and pollen in the ovary combine to form a fertilized egg

D. Ovary development and fruit after fertilization

Answer: C

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